Requiem for The American Dream--Wakeup Call!

"retired" from what?

As far as "bodies" go, I was referring to HoustonDebbie. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Never mind
LexusLover's Avatar
Never mind Originally Posted by SassySue
Probably a good idea. Out of sight, out of mind.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The destruction of the American dream is directly responsible by the government we have allowed to grow out of control and the inability of its' citizens to understand that more government means less freedom and liberty.

The idea that we are all born equal is misinterpreted as we must remain equal regardless of our abilities and actions. this idea is so flawed it is a wonder why anyone in their right mind could believe it. Even worse is the thought that we should turn to our government to force people into a common existence. Get off your ass and do something to make your lot in life better and get off my wallet.
  • DSK
  • 05-23-2016, 12:19 AM
I don't think I've used that term, Junior.

Please remind of me where and when... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You referred to Lovingkayla by that offensive term, you fucking lying jackass misogynistic faggot.
LexusLover's Avatar
The idea that we are all born equal is misinterpreted as we must remain equal regardless of our abilities and actions. this idea is so flawed .....

Get off your ass and do something to make your lot in life better and get off my wallet. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I buy groceries regularly at a store nearby that is primarily frequented by minorities, predominantly Black, and I've noticed a couple of things, but one sticks out because of my shopping habits. There seems to be a trend among minority women (who do most of the shopping it seems) that they are SUFFERING from obesity and diabetes. Yet this store is almost void of low fat and/or low/no sugar options in the way of food choices. When I inquired I was informed the low fat and low sugar (fat free and sugar free) products "don't sell"!

I notice the candy, ice cream, pie, and "sweet pastry" snack sections are well stocked.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-23-2016, 05:22 AM
It's already been explained to you that Chomsky is a liar and a fraud; yet, you persist.

HoustonMilfDebbie was a notoriously misguided fan of Chomsky. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Chomsky is probably more delusional than liar. Having talked with him a couple times, I think he actually believes what he says for the most part. Of course I also wonder what external substances may have caused those delusions (and his emense ego).

But for his world view to work 8000 years oh human self inerest and desire for power would have to change. Not likely any time soon I suspect.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Chomsky is probably more delusional than liar. Having talked with him a couple times, I think he actually believes what he says for the most part. Of course I also wonder what external substances may have caused those delusions (and his emense ego).

But for his world view to work 8000 years oh human self inerest and desire for power would have to change. Not likely any time soon I suspect.
Originally Posted by Old-T
The fact that Chomsky misrepresents WWII as an American imperialistic venture wherein he shrilly denounces the concluding blows delivered at Hiroshima and Nagasaki while wholly ignoring Nanking, Pearl Harbor, Bataan, etc., makes him the worst kind of liar.
  • DSK
  • 05-23-2016, 08:44 AM
Chomsky is probably more delusional than liar. Having talked with him a couple times, I think he actually believes what he says for the most part. Of course I also wonder what external substances may have caused those delusions (and his emense ego).

But for his world view to work 8000 years oh human self inerest and desire for power would have to change. Not likely any time soon I suspect. Originally Posted by Old-T
I think delusional and a pompous egotist describes him very well.
The fact that Chomsky misrepresents WWII as an American imperialistic venture wherein he shrilly denounces the concluding blows delivered at Hiroshima and Nagasaki while wholly ignoring Nanking, Pearl Harbor, Bataan, etc., makes him the worst kind of liar. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Another friggen liberal history revisionist ! Fug him and ALL of the PC crowd, starting with shrillary and Lieawatha Fauxcahontis Warren.
I don't doubt that Chomsky actually believes all the bullshit he has spouted over the years.

I think delusional and a pompous egotist describes him very well. Originally Posted by DSK
And I think that short, simple, to-the-point sentence captures the essence of the man's character!
I don't doubt that Chomsky actually believes all the bullshit he has spouted over the years.

And I think that short, simple, to-the-point sentence captures the essence of the man's character!
. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Isn't that an affliction that all liberals have ? Believing the BS.
Looks like everyone is awake, SussyQuir...

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-23-2016, 06:48 PM
The fact that Chomsky misrepresents WWII as an American imperialistic venture wherein he shrilly denounces the concluding blows delivered at Hiroshima and Nagasaki while wholly ignoring Nanking, Pearl Harbor, Bataan, etc., makes him the worst kind of liar. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Typical of any zealot who closes one eye to the data and realities that don't fit what they want to believe. Creationists. Nazis. Some of the more "interesting" UFO believers. Wackos of any ilk. Chomsky is a wacko.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't doubt that Chomsky actually believes all the bullshit he has spouted over the years.

actually .. he probably does. which makes him dumber than a sack of wet mice.

And I think that short, simple, to-the-point sentence captures the essence of the man's character!
. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
The fact that Chomsky misrepresents WWII as an American imperialistic venture wherein he shrilly denounces the concluding blows delivered at Hiroshima and Nagasaki while wholly ignoring Nanking, Pearl Harbor, Bataan, etc., makes him the worst kind of liar. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Chomsky, like Oliver Stone, thinks the USSR won WW2. only because they lost the most troops. all of which had American supplies. without which, they would have lost.

Despite Hitler being the biggest imbecile in command of the greatest standing Army at the beginning of ww2.

how lucky we are.

Typical of any zealot who closes one eye to the data and realities that don't fit what they want to believe. Creationists. Nazis. Some of the more "interesting" UFO believers. Wackos of any ilk. Chomsky is a wacko. Originally Posted by Old-T
of course he is. so why do people still listen to him?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Another friggen liberal history revisionist ! Fug him and ALL of the PC crowd, starting with shrillary and Lieawatha Fauxcahontis Warren. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

Chomsky, like Oliver Stone, thinks the USSR won WW2. only because they lost the most troops. all of which had American supplies. without which, they would have lost. +1

Despite Hitler being the biggest imbecile in command of the greatest standing Army at the beginning of ww2.

how lucky we are.

of course he is. so why do people still listen to him?
Because they're too ignorant to know better for themselves. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid