Girls using fake pictures

KCQuestor's Avatar
Hello Gentleman It's Brittney and I'm the Best of the Best. I do in and outcalls to to Men of Class and are well Finance stable, If your looking for a Princess you can treat with care who will not only treat your every need and fantasy will thrills and skills then You need to call me now! Hlf hour full hr 2 hr and all nights! - can't wait to see you!!
Plz don't waist either of our time
Irony, thy name is Brittney
10 year old pics piss me off. Although they are real they no longer fit.
Fantazier's Avatar
I would like to thank KCQuestor for having such a great eye for fake pictures. He pointed it out on one of my reviews that the pics were fake. I had to double check and he was right on the mark. I can't believe I didn't catch this.
KCQuestor's Avatar
It's my pleasure. It's really nothing that anyone else can't do. I just get a kick out of it.
Onatop's Avatar
I started a thread late last year about this subject - me myself did encounter the deception
of fake pictures - I remember back in the ASAP days the subject of meet and greet was discussed several times but only the legit would attend -
bad apples always ruin the whole barrel - yes it is a let down when someone totally different
arrives - times it is not worth looking on BP - 411 seems more legit but pictures posted their are not always true - so I guess it will always be a issue for clients.
MisterSir's Avatar
Girls are stealing my picture ALL the time! My wonderful guys always text me and tell me, though. Now I just watermark my pictures with my website address on them so they can't steal 'em. I also post an ad in the city they stole them with a link to the girl stealin my pics and out her as the fraud she is. lol
my .02
Irony, thy name is Brittney Originally Posted by KCQuestor
Youre funny babe!
KCQuestor's Avatar
And you are adorable!
KCQuestor is the BEST 'private I' for filtering out the fake stuff and bullshit.
KCQuestor's Avatar
Thanks Gemma. I appreciate that more and more people here are making an attempt to notice these stolen pictures.