The last fiscally responsible President. JC

Precious_b's Avatar
But if inflation was running at 9% and the bank was paying 5$ interest, the value of your bank account was actually going down.

Facts matter. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
My financial institution must have had a better rate and money advisors than yours.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
We need Andrew Jackson back for a third term, he was only one who completely responsible he Ballance the budject and paid off the debt. Originally Posted by Ripmany

Jackson and Coolidge kept the budget in balance and minimized debt; they were able to do it because they had congressional support.

something Jimmy Carter did not have during his tenure.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, I wasn't earning big bucks back then. I was in the navy and remember how badly we needed parts, training, and ships under Carter. He micromanaged that little attempt at a rescue in Iran, people died. Funny thing, my ship was supposed to be in Haifa Israel, then Athens, and finally Italy but we got orders to go to Kenya and then Pakistan. We were in Pakistan when the embassy was taken by radical Muslims. How much did Carter know and when did he know it?
Precious_b's Avatar
Well, I wasn't earning big bucks back then. I was in the navy and remember how badly we needed parts, training, and ships under Carter. He micromanaged that little attempt at a rescue in Iran, people died. Funny thing, my ship was supposed to be in Haifa Israel, then Athens, and finally Italy but we got orders to go to Kenya and then Pakistan. We were in Pakistan when the embassy was taken by radical Muslims. How much did Carter know and when did he know it? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Damn. Jimmy being a nuclear type in the Navy and that Rickover was in good with him and was strong proponent of nuclear navy and hearing you say the piss quality of training and not having parts.....

Let's not obfiscate (sp), like others, embassy hostages, etc. with budget.
The GOP lied about JC just like the Roman's lied about the original JC.

Both feared honor and honesty over selfishness and deceit! They nailed Jimmy to the cross using peanut shells. Their souls will burn in eternal damnation Originally Posted by WTF
Hahahaha.............. I guess the GOP are blasphemers, lol.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Jimmy Carter claimed to be a reformer but he didn't have the kind of support from congress that Calvin Coolidge had when it came to budgeting.

the problem JC had was that the left wing was becoming more powerful within the democratic party.
oilfieldace's Avatar
How will our two impotent economic guru's (Waco, lusty) spin this?

Whatever else one may think about the man, it is no exaggeration to say that Jimmy Carter was among the last of the fiscally responsible presidents.

Although there is no single measure for evaluating a president’s economic performance, if we combine such standard measures as unemployment, productivity, interest rates, inflation, capital investment, and growth in output and employment, Carter’s numbers were higher than those of his near-contemporaries Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and George H.W. Bush. “What may be surprising,” notes the economist Ann Mari May, “is not only that the performance index for the Carter years is close behind the Eisenhower index of the booming 1950s, but that the Carter years outperformed the Nixon and Reagan years.” Average real GDP growth under Carter was 3.4%, a figure surpassed by only three postwar presidents: John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Bill Clinton. Even though unemployment generally increased after the 1960s, the average number of jobs created per year was higher under Carter than under any postwar president. Originally Posted by WTF
We’re his 18% interest rates fractured in to this equation? And you people bitch about 5%!

By all accounts Jimmy Carter is a decent fellow, but he was not President material.