Farting in front of your mate

Tsan's Avatar
  • Tsan
  • 01-24-2011, 11:14 PM
Im with Reese...do women even fart? I didnt think they had colons. Originally Posted by GDLMAN

Everyone knows that girls don't fart. Only stoney skeevers fart. Right, Justice?
LovingKayla's Avatar
I've used the dog plenty of times at Home. The problem is I have to be close to the dog. She's getting old and doesn't follow me around like she used too and the new dog just doesn't freaking fart. Ever.
Jennifer Aniston doesn't fart does she? Say it ain't so! Then again, if she did....it's cool, it's cool. I don't mind.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
that reminds me of my old college days, when a friend ask how are you getting to know your wife used to farts and my friend answered, I am going to spit straight in the air and so cover yourself
lilsmurf's Avatar
If she does it first, then its cool.
Lol EWW!! Ladies shouldn't pass gas infront of the SO or clients. Just my opinion though. I never pass gas infront of any one, it's too non lady like for me. One of my gf's that I've known for years, she will do it any time, infront of her boyfriend, infront of anyone really. I always tell to her to quit, that gross!!! Very funny thread though!!
LOL -- L-M farted in my presence first (she called them "poots") and when it happened that first time her eyes got this big, and she said, "I guess it's love, since I'm not completely mortified..."

Seriously, it is a human function -- I'd no more care about that than I do that you breathe. Now, if you're doing it really really often, I'm going to ask about your diet, but the occasional poot is no more a problem than an occasional sneeze. It's actually kind of flattering if you're that comfortable with me.
just use some common courtesy- go to the bathroom if you have to fart; if you are in bed and not fucking just a little forewarn in the beginning; after that it really doesn't matter (unless you are in the act- then by NO means do it). The same thing with having to take a crap; go to the bathroom do it- spray something or light a match etc. I mean everyone does it.. no sense to be shameful about it. In term of with a partner- I could care less unless we are having sex- I mean I have basically seen smelled and tasted every inch of you already. if you have to fart while watching TV then so be it... if you have horrible gas then take something...
Redsan's Avatar
In High School the first girl I had sex with would fart on
every stroke, we finally discovered that the sound was
coming from air being pushed out of her virgina and
was not her starfish. At a high school reunion while I
was dancing with her she ask me if I remembered,
we both laughed about it.
bkat6049's Avatar
They sound like a really classy and fun couple to be quite honest!!!! LOL...
Guest071315's Avatar
What a thread! With SOs or in session, I will NOT fart. However, if they accidently fart, I'm totally cool with it. Everyone does it. And I might crack up laughing and rate it to make sure the guy is not embarrassed or feels bad. (It would be pretty funny though.)
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Ryansfum...Please produce a showcase. Great pics. Sorry to get off the fart topic.
Wtf is this shit?
Eccie is a super close married community to be discussing this.
Y'all are clearly bored.
And for the record Ladies pass gas...in the shape of hearts lol Originally Posted by berkleigh
This thread reminds of a thread from ASPD about not taking a dump in a certain providers incall...lmao ...wish I could remember her name, but the thread was priceless
tia travels's Avatar
It was Monica Fox that you were trying to recall.

I remember back when I was dating...talk about a bad first date. Not only did the guy belch consistently through dinner, but after the restaurant as we were walking, he walked in FRONT of me and then floated an air biscuit and never once apologized for his belches or for squeezin' the cheese.

Needless to say, there wasn't a 2nd date.
Yup, Monica Fox. I still laugh thinking of that thread. Thanks for reminding me Tia.