Feel The Bern

lustylad's Avatar
What about the extra income (or free s***) wealthy people at the top and multi-national corporations receive via various tax loopholes? Is that any different. Their share is much larger. GE made enormous profits, as did many other multi-national corporations, yet through corporate inversions, paid little to no taxes on their profits. Capital gains and stock dividends held by the wealthiest Americans are never paid at normal tax rates, but lower tax rates (yet they are not wages). Therefore, they receive extra income as a result of the lower tax rates. Get my drift? Therefore, they receive "free s***". Same difference. Be sure not to call the kettle black. Originally Posted by SassySue
Wow... you truly ARE delusional!

Let's try this - imagine if you could wave a magic wand and make all of those evil corporations disappear. That means all of the goods and services they generate would disappear as well. There would be no production, no jobs, no income to be taxed, no wealth to be redistributed.

Think about that...

The only reason government has something to tax is because there is a private sector that actually churns out goods and services that people want! If you take that away, you kill the goose that lays the golden eggs!

Get my drift?

The money belongs to the people who labor and take risks and create goods and services to earn it. Without them there would be nothing to tax. So if the government allows a so-called "loophole" to lower your taxes, they're not giving you "extra income". They're just giving you back part of your own hard-earned money!

Get my drift?

It's pretty elementary, really!
  • DSK
  • 07-20-2016, 09:11 PM
She will keep trying as long as we keep oosting on here spam.

She is eat up with it and you cannot fix it.

Like so many on the left, it isnt yours, it belongs to the government, you just get to use some of it while you are alive and give it all back when you die. You get no say so in what hap;pens to what you have eaned and paid taxes upon, the government gets to decide because they know best.

The left has been fgixing our government for years and keep telling us it is still broken. I think it is time for some new mechanics and restoring the government to it's Constitutional roots.

I can motivate my children by telling them I have something that is free for them just like Bernie except with Bernie, it really isn't free, they are paying for it. I suppose not much different than a deduction from what is left when I am gone. I guess they do not realize that if they keep; supporting their "everything should be free" candidates that when I am gone my estate will not go to them but to the government. So I have to make a decision; spend it all so the government does not steal it or, teach them that there is no free lunch. I think I will do both. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
There are a lot of ways you can help them tax fee now, such as 10,000 per year tax free gifts, etc. I think the best way is to set them up in a small business in their name, then nurse it to a bigger and more profitable business, with your free help, so they can create equity that will eventually be taxed as a capital gain.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Bernie is irrelevant. He's been lying the whole time. He had a chance to stand on principle, but chose to side with the most sold out, Establishment candidate in history. Bernie should return to Vermont in shame and live out his life sucking sap from maple trees.
Wow... you truly ARE delusional!

Let's try this - imagine if you could wave a magic wand and make all of those evil corporations disappear. That means all of the goods and services they generate would disappear as well. There would be no production, no jobs, no income to be taxed, no wealth to be redistributed.

Think about that...

The only reason government has something to tax is because there is a private sector that actually churns out goods and services that people want! If you take that away, you kill the goose that lays the golden eggs!

Get my drift?

The money belongs to the people who labor and take risks and create goods and services to earn it. Without them there would be nothing to tax. So if the government allows a so-called "loophole" to lower your taxes, they're not giving you "extra income". They're just giving you back part of your own hard-earned money!

Get my drift?

It's pretty elementary, really! Originally Posted by lustylad
Did you forget about all the jobs that multi-nationals send overseas because of the lower wages? It still doesn't excuse their not paying taxes by using corporate inversions. The US treasury needs the tax revenues. It's also unjust, in my opinion. Why shouldn't those corporations pay taxes on their profits? It's income, like any other type of income. When they don't pay taxes, the money is not going back into the economy, it's going into their pockets, usually into the pockets of their CEO's. Why shouldn't capital gains, stock dividends, and other investments be taxed just like wages, especially since they aren't earned from sweat and labor? Why shouldn't the payroll cap be raised so that social security won't go bankrupt? When a government has more money going out than coming in, something needs to be done or a crisis is inevitable. The super rich and multi-nationals can afford to pay a little more. And I'm talking a little more; it won't make a huge difference to them and will drive down the deficit. One reason we have the huge deficit right now is because of the tax cuts over the years, and increased spending in areas where it's not needed. A lot of increased spending goes to military non-essentials, in the form of "discretionary spending".

I agree that helping small businesses is a great idea. Giving government loans at low interest rates to help small businesses get started and other incentives would help build a local economy right here in America. That would also create jobs, local jobs. We could cut tax rates for profits created from local businesses, but not the multi-nationals who use corporate inversions to evade taxes. I believe that if the government gave more incentives to small business owners, which I think Obama wanted to do, we could create a more robust local economy right here without sending jobs overseas. Part of the problem is that these large corporations form monopolies and smash out the competition for smaller businesses. It just seems like large, multi-national corporations are running the economy and the White House!