Is it time to tax money sent back to Mexico?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
When a person comes here and uses the economy of the US to make money, and then does not spend that money here, yes it hurts the US economy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You are correct. But it is that person's money and he/she should have no restrictions on what he/she does with it. Doesn't matter if the person is foreign-born or U.S.-born. They have the right to do whatever they want with their earnings. And not be double taxed.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yupper ,merica first some thing the snowflake just don't understand ( it will pay for the free shit they want like schools ) Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Jackie's original comments did not single out illegals.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Illegals pay an average of 12 billion a year in taxes Originally Posted by themystic

Politifact, begrudgingly in a whitewash article, also concedes that illegals overburden the U.S. social welfare system with at least $43 billion in used services: that's at least a $31 billion per annum deficit.
themystic's Avatar

Politifact, begrudgingly in a whitewash article, also concedes that illegals overburden the U.S. social welfare system with at least $43 billion in used services: that's at least a $31 billion per annum deficit.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I wish Mexico would hurry up and fund that wall Trump promised they would. Hes also getting behind on deporting them. We both know those were just lies from Trump. No one who has any sense believes that nonsense. Until Trump can admit that no one can really take anything he says serious
Lapdog's Avatar
There wouldn't be any money being sent back to Mexico if we weren't paying them to come over and earn it by working for our privileged asses. Otherwise, WE would have to mow our own lawns, paint our own houses, lay our own bricks, wash our own cars, nanny and clean up after our own entitled and privileged brats, work in Trump's hotels and restaurants, buy our used Suburbans and Expeditions from us, landscape our houses, put in our own sprinkler systems, plant our grass, walk our dogs and clean up the dogshit. put it out at the street to be picked up by garbage trucks being manned by the very people we are trying to keep out. Who's gonna do all this work that none of us want? We certainly better think this through before we seal our precious borders. Read the plaque at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty. It says give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses. Give me your wretched refuse from your teeming shores. Anyway, ya'll probably get my point, unless you're incapable of rational thought. Have a nice day.
There wouldn't be any money being sent back to Mexico if we weren't paying them to come over and earn it by working for our privileged asses. Otherwise, WE would have to mow our own lawns, paint our own houses, lay our own bricks, wash our own cars, nanny and clean up after our own entitled and privileged brats, work in Trump's hotels and restaurants, buy our used Suburbans and Expeditions from us, landscape our houses, put in our own sprinkler systems, plant our grass, walk our dogs and clean up the dogshit. put it out at the street to be picked up by garbage trucks being manned by the very people we are trying to keep out. Who's gonna do all this work that none of us want? We certainly better think this through before we seal our precious borders. Read the plaque at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty. It says give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses. Give me your wretched refuse from your teeming shores. Anyway, ya'll probably get my point, unless you're incapable of rational thought. Have a nice day. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Fuck that plaque and we should get up off our fat lazy asses and do this shit ourselves.

As for taxing the transfer of money, I oppose it. Poor bastards already get ripped off by the builders/contractors they build houses for here in this once great shithole.
Lapdog's Avatar
I agree with you Fred, but you know we won't get off our asses and do our own menial work and I'm just as guilty of it as the next guy. We have spoiled ourselves rotten. I think taxing the money is wrong, too.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I wish Mexico would hurry up and fund that wall Trump promised they would. Hes also getting behind on deporting them. We both know those were just lies from Trump. No one who has any sense believes that nonsense. Until Trump can admit that no one can really take anything he says serious Originally Posted by themystic

To bolster Trump's plan, SEN Ted Cruz initiated a bill in the Senate that will use El Chappo's ill gotten gains of $14 billion to do precisely that. Let's see if the fucked-in-the-head dim-retards in Congress will get on board and endorse that plan.
themystic's Avatar

To bolster Trump's plan, SEN Ted Cruz initiated a bill in the Senate that will use El Chappo's ill gotten gains of $14 billion to do precisely that. Let's see if the fucked-in-the-head dim-retards in Congress will get on board and endorse that plan.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Republicans are starting to crack. They are getting desperate
I B Hankering's Avatar
Republicans are starting to crack. They are getting desperate Originally Posted by themystic
Can't deal with the fact that legislation is in the works to make Mexico pay for the wall, can ya?
themystic's Avatar
Can't deal with the fact that legislation is in the works to make Mexico pay for the wall, can ya? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Make Mexico pay for the wall with our money? Desperation abound
I B Hankering's Avatar
Make Mexico pay for the wall with our money? Desperation abound Originally Posted by themystic
Can't deal with the fact that SEN Cruz introduced legislation to make Mexico pay for the wall, can ya?
themystic's Avatar
Can't deal with the fact that SEN Cruz introduced legislation to make Mexico pay for the wall, can ya? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Please do have him introduce the bill. While he is at it have him introduce a bill to have General Flynn exonerated
I B Hankering's Avatar
Please do have him introduce the bill. While he is at it have him introduce a bill to have General Flynn exonerated Originally Posted by themystic
SEN Cruz introduced the legislation to make Mexico pay for the wall on 4 January 2019, and you can't handle it, can ya?
themystic's Avatar
SEN Cruz introduced the legislation to make Mexico pay for the wall on 4 January 2019, and you can't handle it, can ya? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I cant handle the truth IB. It would be devastating to hear the truth from a Trump supporter. Its never happened