Black panther movie

for me, best marvel movies to date are as follows:

1. logan
2. black panther
3. dead pool
4. age of Ultron
5. hulk (controversial I know)
6. xmen-1
7. xmen-2

at the very bottom of the list I have thor series.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 02-20-2018, 03:02 PM
I thought it was good. Served its purpose by giving the backstory of the panther and Wakanda. Not the best marvel movie in my opinion though. Originally Posted by Mrmarvin
Which Marvel movie(s) did you like better?
Boltfan's Avatar
You’re assuming that the six too ten mega budget, junk movies they make a year (and which might include one bid but) are collectively more profitable that the 50 or 60 well written thoughtful movies that they could make in their place. I’m not sure that assumption is true. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
You are assuming that 50 or 60 of those movies will even be made otherwise. You are assuming a pretty high success rate as well. How many films did Disney green light before buying marvel studios? Go ahead and include all their properties, like Touchstone pictures Etc. And for that matter, why is it marvel studios job to do anything other than produce marvel films? That's like saying Disney could green light many more films if they had not purchased lucasfilm for 4 billion. Lucasfilm is paying for itself. Marvel is paying for itself. Now Fox is another story, but they just dumped the marvel properties for some serious coin, so the coffers are full for your films. Stick to malpractice.
I have NO IDEA why anyone wants to see movies based on comic books. I dint think I bought a single comic book as a kid and the ones I saw that friends had didn’t impress me at all. Just think of the wonderful screen plays that good writers have slaved over for years that AREN’T going to get made because of the money spent on this reductive drivel. Ugh! Originally Posted by TexTushHog

TushHog....even the first Superman????(did you know the screenplay was penned by Mario Puzo?)

I have been reading the reviews and wanting to see it.....I thought the last Thor movie was just fucking excellent, so much good humor(just having Jeff Goldblum in it was a riot)

I like Martin Freeman alot and am curious to see his role

Katrina if you ever want to go to a movie I still have theatre bj to cross off the bucket list
Boltfan's Avatar
He also ruled out The Dark Knight with that statement. I guess one of the best performances of a character, comic book one or not, by the late great Heath Ledger isn't worth seeing.

Gene Hackman and Christopher Reeve and Margo Kidder. Yeah just no reason at all. Richard Donner directing.
TexTushHog's Avatar
TushHog....even the first Superman????(did you know the screenplay was penned by Mario Puzo?)

I have been reading the reviews and wanting to see it.....I thought the last Thor movie was just fucking excellent, so much good humor(just having Jeff Goldblum in it was a riot)

I like Martin Freeman alot and am curious to see his role

Katrina if you ever want to go to a movie I still have theatre bj to cross off the bucket list Originally Posted by Butch Cassidy
Hated all the Superman and Batman movies.

I glanced at a list of movies based on comics. Only one that I thought was even remotely decent was the first Men in Black. And I would call it only moderately tolerable.