school shootings down since the 90's

  • grean
  • 11-21-2018, 12:19 PM
From Harvard University no less: Originally Posted by SeekingFun69

That article was debunked.

Thanks for trying but please don't tease us with bullshit claims. If I wanted teased I would go pay two sexy hookers to make out in front of me and not let me touch.

There is however a cdc publication about dgu.....
rexdutchman's Avatar
Okay just think California passed 1016 NEW GUN LAWS in 2018 all signed by moonbeam Brown ( NRA >COM) , gee that didn't stop the last one in Cali and Chicago well enough said.
Snowflake warning >>>>>>>>> How about WE BLAME CRIMIALS FOR CRIMES <<<<<<<<<<
A few years ago I read where a student was expelled from school for having a single bullet in his vehicle: no weapon. Guns are no less lethal then than they are today, but something in people has changed -- violent, first person video games and the perverse seeking the notoriety bestowed on them by the lame-stream media for being a copycat mass murderer.

Meanwhile, everyone can still wear shoes to get on a plane; so, the meme is a lie.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Add to that, kids back in the 50s to 80s, were TAUGHT to resolve things, and if they had to fight, do it face to face with fists. NOT bundle the emotions up, and go on shooting rampages.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2018, 12:42 PM
Add to that, kids back in the 50s to 80s, were TAUGHT to resolve things, and if they had to fight, do it face to face with fists. NOT bundle the emotions up, and go on shooting rampages. Originally Posted by garhkal
We had wacko killers back in the day....just not as much 24/7 news coverage.

Besides people were working, they didn't have time to spread all this bs on the Internet!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You need some proof for a statement like that.

It seems guns stop mass shootings because the shooter shoots himself.
And while I agree no regulation in place would stop them I say bullshit to the second part because there is no discussion about how to stop them.

The casulties are considered an acceptable cost of doing business by the gun lobby.
When was the last time the NRA came up with an idea that didn't involve arming more people?
I can't recall them EVER coming up with an idea that didn't involve more guns.

A little help here.

Does anyone know of a idea or solution by the NRA that doesn't involve more guns?

At this point, all I can do is thank God that trump hasn't applied his special "talents" to help fix the problem. There's nothing he can do to help and we don't need one of his freaks going after anyone else. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The NRA supported the idea of banning bump stocks.
So you're in favor of giving up your rights...fine. Your first amendment rights are now revoked. Please stop posting anything.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It's a lie to claim I'm lying.

The topic is school shootings. There's an unequivocal law that says one cannot carry a weapon onto a school campus. It's forbidden. It's against the law. How much more fucking restrictive can one get?

Meanwhile, there's no law saying you can't wear your shoes onto a plane, because you can wear your shoes on a plane. Sometimes you have to submit to allowing someone examine your shoes, but you are still allowed to have your shoes -- but you can't carry a gun onto a plane ... or onto school grounds.

It's bullshit to argue there are no regulations. Once the act of carrying a gun onto school grounds was made illegal, every fucking new law in that regard is redundant.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Since July of last year we CAN carry concealed weapons on campus in Kansas. How many school shootings have occurred in Kansas?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2018, 04:15 PM
Since July of last year we CAN carry concealed weapons on campus in Kansas. How many school shootings have occurred in Kansas? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
the real B needs an : Introduction into Logic, False Cause.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ATF plans to call bump stocks a machine gun as per the 1930's statute.
themystic's Avatar
The meme is an outright lie.

When I was in high school, my buddies and I carried our rifles and shotguns in racks behind the seat of our pick-ups. It's against the law to carry a weapon on a school campus now days. A few years ago I read where a student was expelled from school for having a single bullet in his vehicle: no weapon. Guns are no less lethal then than they are today, but something in people has changed -- violent, first person video games and the perverse seeking the notoriety bestowed on them by the lame-stream media for being a copycat mass murderer.

Meanwhile, everyone can still wear shoes to get on a plane; so, the meme is a lie.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It really is sad the way people treat each other. If everyone would treat each other the way President Donald Putin treats everyone things would be so much better.
I carried a gun in your gun rack in your pickup in high school??? That explains a lot
I B Hankering's Avatar
It really is sad the way people treat each other. If everyone would treat each other the way President Donald Putin treats everyone things would be so much better. Originally Posted by themystic
Indeed! Wasn't it wonderful how Trump donated his salary to the VA last May?

I carried a gun in your gun rack in your pickup in high school??? That explains a lot Originally Posted by Tsmokies
It's obvious that it explains why no one dared to engage in school shootings while we were there with our rifles and shotguns.

Since July of last year we CAN carry concealed weapons on campus in Kansas. How many school shootings have occurred in Kansas? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The point is, John Oliver's blatant bullshit ignores that no one called for a full ban on shoes -- everywhere ... even in the privacy of one's own home ... like lib-retards try to ban guns.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

the report is not peer-reviewed, its not a study according to snopes. interesting.... I actually was not looking for snopes, but it was the first item on the search list. go figure. the link to the study was provided by snopes. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
there is a follow up on snopes reporting on the Harvard gun study. basically snopes is barking up the wrong tree.

the writer of the study is taking issue with snopes reporting of his study and says they are being very misleading on a number of topics.

We did not. It is incorrect to claim we commit the fallacy of asserting that lack of evidence of effectiveness is proof of ineffectiveness. In our paper we state clearly that the body of research has “failed to identify any gun control that had reduced violent crime, suicide or gun accidents.” This does not differ in any important aspect from the conclusions drawn by the papers we cited. For instance: “The Task Force found insufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of any of the firearms laws or combinations of laws reviewed on violent outcomes.”

Our research stands. Our article thoroughly reviews the evidence linking civilian availability of firearms with murder and suicide rates in all European countries for which published statistics are available. We show that civilian firearms ownership there is not linked with homicide and suicide rates. Neither LaCapria’s nor Hemenway’s remarks diminish the validity and significance of our study.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It's a complicated subject and a study or 2 proves nothing.

Something that does prove something is that the NRA lobbyists have promoted rules that keep CDC from the useful collection of gunshot wound information.

From Harvard University no less.

"Most of this research—and there have been several dozen peer-reviewed studies—punctures the idea that guns stop violence. In a 2015 study using data from the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, researchers at Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard University reported that firearm assaults were 6.8 times more common in the states with the most guns versus those with the least. Also in 2015 a combined analysis of 15 different studies found that people who had access to firearms at home were nearly twice as likely to be murdered as people who did not.

This evidence has been slow to accumulate because of restrictions placed by Congress on one of the country's biggest injury research funders, the CDC. Since the mid-1990s the agency has been effectively blocked from supporting gun violence research. And the NRA and many gun owners have emphasized a small handful of studies that point the other way"

From Harvard University no less: Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;1061081033]

It's obvious that it explains why no one dared to engage in school shootings while we were there with our rifles and shotguns.

I grew up where no one drove around with rifles and/or shotguns in their vehicles. No school shootings. It was a different time.
themystic's Avatar
Indeed! Wasn't it wonderful how Trump donated his salary to the VA last May?

It's obvious that it explains why no one dared to engage in school shootings while we were there with our rifles and shotguns.

The point is, John Oliver's blatant bullshit ignores that no one called for a full ban on shoes -- everywhere ... even in the privacy of one's own home ... like lib-retards try to ban guns. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
We had guns at our school to IB. The reason people quit displaying them was because of theft. 77% of the theft was by white right wing people, according to statistics. Ive carried a gun my entire life. I carry it ALMOST anywhere I want. ( No airports, insides bars, and a few other places). Do I have a CHL? No and I don't give a fuck. Let some right winged wannabe thug fuck with me? "Do you feel lucky? Well do you punk". The right wing freaks out about guns. No one is taking your guns