Eccie clients seeing bp providers.

I don't mean to speak down on all the bp users. I'm just saying.
Originally Posted by Misti Ryder
You wouldn't have made such a generalized statement pertaining to the BP users, some of who are longstanding members on other boards also like Eccie and P411...

One cannot simply lump all people who use BP in the same category as common criminals.
It has been my experience that good providers as well as bad providers exist both on BP as well as ECCIE.

Some ladies exclusively advertise on Eccie, and have gotten a NO review or 2 for poor performance as well as a number of mentioned and un-mentioned subjects allowed on this board.

With that being said, please do not be a basher of things you have no 1st hand knowledge of since YOU do not advertise there.
Please take 2 seats Ma'am.


You use backpage? OMG! Ger-rah-oss!!

I was introduced by a client who hobbies both. I of course like it here much better but what I don't like is when clients try to rush you thru screening so they can see you asap. I'm like dude if u want an ASAP girl go to look through BP adds. I'd always aspired to get on better sites and in bigger cities I did but circumstances beyond my control have me staying in my hometown more often than I'd like and I was about to quit providing all together if I had to rely solely on BP ��
Thankful for this community and the peace of mind I have going on dates now ���� Originally Posted by ACharmXo
For 1 second there aren't bad hobbiest on here?? Do you not read how many members get banned on here for un- speakable things or bad behaviors??

SCREENING is what gives us providers peace of mind. Not just some hobby board named Eccie.
YOU have give yourself peace of mind by doing your due diligence and screen the client to YOUR comfort level.

It goes both ways. YES Eccie is a fun little community, and there are some wonderful people here, but don't get too complacent and think that YOU are safe just because you are on this site.
Remember there are NO Mod police to protect you if you run across a dangerous man you met on here. When guys sign up on Eccie there is no forum that asks a guy if he will be a potential harmful and dangerous client to the ladies he see's on here for an appointment.

CharismaCaptures's Avatar
I understand everyone's concern about BP & Eccie.But its not just Bp ,its also Erosguide.I can post for a month on eros for new england and they all say I saw you on eros,bp and eccie .Great fill out my form .The gents either will fill out your form or not .,some will out of respect for the lady as she demands and some wont.But if your so worried about the gent being LE do your research ,look up hes number on MR.Number and on you use the app on your smartphone or iphone ,You can see if any other providers have reviews on whether that person is a waste of time ,a n/s n/c or any other remarks others have said .
Monica13's Avatar
BP is like any other place, you must do your research. Eccie does not necessarily equal a good provider.
You use backpage? OMG! Ger-rah-oss!!

Ewwy. Originally Posted by yitzchak
The man with 1 written review and it just so happens to be a NO review...LMAO AND.... it was a review written 9 months past when HE was supposed to have seen her, and NO ACTIVITIES took place, and supposedly he was to have paid her $4,000??!!! GTFOH

Take a seat, or get some BOARD CRED. If you were a longstanding member here with several reviews under YOUR belt, I might be inclined to @ least listen to your nonsense. But this in no way reflects my original stance, because I myself also advertise on BP and P411...

You right guys. It's not about the site it's about the screening. I guess the reviews just scared me off. I had a friend I used to work with who used bp, she never had any problems cause she screened properly. I just feel lucky I started out here & I shouldn't of involved bp to say that lol.

P.S. I'm a riot maker
tx Easy Rider's Avatar
BP is like any other place, you must do your research. Eccie does not necessarily equal a good provider. Originally Posted by Monica13
+1 to that sista!

ive seen bp gals that could run circles around some eccie providers in both service and price.
Secret Baby's Avatar
Lol your post has upset a few people...its ok though you're entitled to your own opinion/views about clients seeing bp ladies. Just dont see those fellows
It always amazes me that so many people get upset and defensive and downright ugly on this site. It's supposed to be an informative and fun site guys! Come on......if you want to be abusive and argue go to the political part and have at it!
I say you get out of the whore business and use that college degree of yours to further a better career

That way you dont have to worry about your "clients" seeing BP girls. Originally Posted by Gotyour6

Clients, johns, smohns, daddy, whatever you wanna be called
I understand everyone's concern about BP & Eccie.But its not just Bp ,its also Erosguide.I can post for a month on eros for new england and they all say I saw you on eros,bp and eccie .Great fill out my form .The gents either will fill out your form or not .,some will out of respect for the lady as she demands and some wont.But if your so worried about the gent being LE do your research ,look up hes number on MR.Number and on you use the app on your smartphone or iphone ,You can see if any other providers have reviews on whether that person is a waste of time ,a n/s n/c or any other remarks others have said . Originally Posted by CharismaCaptures
May I ask what does your form consist of?

Lol your post has upset a few people...its ok though you're entitled to your own opinion/views about clients seeing bp ladies. Just dont see those fellows Originally Posted by Secret Baby
Yeah lol I tend to do that
That way you dont have to worry about your "clients" seeing BP girls. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Id rather call em my people now that you have me thinking of it & their theme song will be All My People by M.I.A.
burkalini's Avatar
In reality you telling me to fuck off is you telling yourself to fuck off haha. Ok that's fine you see whoever you want but don't come in my vibe with bad manners where ever you got em from. I don't care to have claim over a guy. Originally Posted by Misti Ryder

Did this poor baby get her feelings hurt? Does she hate it when someone exercises their independence? No I didn't tell you to fuck off but now that you bring it up. I have a novel idea. You see who you want and I will do the same. I know it's a terrible idea in your mind but hey it will probably work. Now I'm off to see a BP girl so have a good day.
Did this poor baby get her feelings hurt? Does she hate it when someone exercises their independence? No I didn't tell you to fuck off but now that you bring it up. I have a novel idea. You see who you want and I will do the same. I know it's a terrible idea in your mind but hey it will probably work. Now I'm off to see a BP girl so have a good day. Originally Posted by burkalini