I like the part where he, as a member of the innner circle, told the rest of us that a Islamic Caliphate was going to happen and we could not stop it. Accept that Sharia law is coming everywhere.

This is the kind of henchmen that Obama puts on his team. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'll be glad when Hillary and Huma get this turned

To be totally honest GWB invited al-Awlaki to speak at the Pentagon about Islamic issues after 9/11. This is after it was apparent al-Awlaki contacted and arranged for housing of some of the 9/11 highjackers.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There's not going to be any world caliphate. Don't you see? The Muslims are being used, as are we, by the statist corporatists to concentrate wealth and power at the top. We are fighting the wrong enemy. Once they have enough, the bars will come down. Then we will have "peace" and "security", but no freedom. Whichever side you're on - it's the wrong one!
I'll let liberal, atheist Bill Mahr explain why EVA is so very stupid. It starts at about one minute. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
LMFAO like anyone could explain your stupidity. Biggest doom predictor on the board everything is a crisis, and is Obama's fault.
There is some truth to what you say COG; the answer is for America (Americans) to leave the middle east cesspool to the muslims......

Get the fuck out of the ME, tighten our own borders, kick Visa violators out, deport illegals, and get energy independent (drill baby drill, coal, and alternatives).

And be prepared to fucking annihilate anyone who ventures into our country to harm us or or interests.

Another protracted war in the Middle East is the last thing we should be doing.

Also, zero tolerance for American Muslim extremists (like Elibiary) in public positions.