Meanwhile, Back In Iran.........

So why are you scared of the Syrians refugees? ....we have guns in this country! Isn't that your argument about owning guns? Oh man i love me some of our righties twisted logic. Originally Posted by WTF
That makes no sense.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, haven't you heard? If they are going to be trouble, don't let them enter the country in the first place. Even if you have guns.

We can do both things, you know. Keep the Syrians out and still have guns. Two lines of defense instead of one.

You would never say "Why do you lock your doors at night? We have guns in this country!" Or would you?
Nobody is scared of the fucking Syrians, they are concerned they are providing cover for terrorists. Plus, we don't need any more poor people in this fucked up country anyway. Originally Posted by DSK
Let WTF and all of the other lying liberals put them up at THEIR houses, at THEIR expense and be responsible for the " refugees " actions. See how many of the lyin libs want them over here then ! Or put them in Ferguson, where they'll fell right at home !
  • DSK
  • 11-20-2015, 07:07 AM
Let WTF and all of the other lying liberals put them up at THEIR houses, at THEIR expense and be responsible for the " refugees " actions. See how many of the lyin libs want them over here then ! Or put them in Ferguson, where they'll fell right at home ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Then they would have to pay for it.

WTF likes society to share his expenses, and keep the profits for himself. Insofar as he induces illegal alien labor to work at lower wages and no benefits, he saves on his personal expenses, and makes society pick up the tab for his illegal alien families who send their kids to school and take advantage of public hospitals without paying taxes.]