
Michelle Snow's Avatar
Thebizz thanks!!! I did not post this to be doubted or told to do this or do that. People, I'm still shaken up and that doesn't help. And how does someone even think I am working with the police.... If that was the case I wouldn't have to worry about how I am going to eat and pay bills.
Sleepy363's Avatar

Congrats on being strong enough to go to the police and report the crime. Many women would not. I hope you are able to pull through this and be ok, and I hope that a-hole rapist gets put away for a very long time.
Michelle may I add my regrets, this type of action is not tolerable towards any woman no matter what she does through necessity or otherwise.
I agree with armydude, do what ever it takes to get a bright future. You and all the woman here deserve better
sixxbach's Avatar
I am very sorry to hear about this.

How about some counseling? This has to have/is affecting you. I know it costs but is there anyone (family) that can help you in that capacity. I would think this is going to affect how you deal with clients, etc and more importantly, your own well being.

Best wishes,

PODarkness's Avatar
...Look at how some people treat you here? There is very little respect for providers on these boards. Your a young, attractive girl. Don't thow your life away. It's not too late for you to do something with your life. Do whatever you can to get out of this business. Thats goes for all the ladies. This should be a stepping stone, a temporary gig, not a "career." Clients will take advantage of a desperate girl. That just shoews their true character. This is not a good life to lead. Do whatever you can to better yourself. You deserve so much better than this, actually all the women here do. Originally Posted by armydude
You make assumptions that are not true (providers are only here because they are not trained to do anything else)(clients are people of poor character, and they will take advantage)(providers are throwing their life away / are doing nothing with their lives)

I can't imagine anything more hypocritical than supporting the industry and encouraging the girls by being a customer, then trashing all of it publicly, with a holier than thou attitude.

Do you see how illogical (or in denial) your thought process is? I've never seen anyone play both sides of the fence with that level of oblivion out side the fantasy world of politics.

Is this an April fools joke? Candid Camera? Punked maybe?

Michelle, do what keeps it together for you. I don't know who brought the Koolaid on to the playground, but hopefully the effects will wear off soon, and everyone will be sane again (or back to the normal levels of insanity)

rcinokc's Avatar

How about some counseling? This has to have/is affecting you. I know it costs but is there anyone (family) that can help you in that capacity. I would think this is going to affect how you deal with clients, etc and more importantly, your own well being. Originally Posted by sixxbach
Really good advice there. Best of luck getting past what happened to you.
Michelle Snow's Avatar
Thanks everyone. When I was at the hospital a volunteer came and I can get a lot of support from turning point(rape victim advocates in Collin county). It's just gonna take time. I didn't put this up to be judged or criticized or doubted or any of that. What I need now is support and help. That's what this post is/was for. So please please keep it on that note
armydude's Avatar
You make assumptions that are not true (providers are only here because they are not trained to do anything else)(clients are people of poor character, and they will take advantage)(providers are throwing their life away / are doing nothing with their lives)

I can't imagine anything more hypocritical than supporting the industry and encouraging the girls by being a customer, then trashing all of it publicly, with a holier than thou attitude.

Do you see how illogical (or in denial) your thought process is? I've never seen anyone play both sides of the fence with that level of oblivion out side the fantasy world of politics.

Is this an April fools joke? Candid Camera? Punked maybe?

Michelle, do what keeps it together for you. I don't know who brought the Koolaid on to the playground, but hopefully the effects will wear off soon, and everyone will be sane again (or back to the normal levels of insanity)

POD Originally Posted by PODarkness
Yes I support the industry, but I'm not out there robbing, stealing, raping, threatening women. (I'm not saying you are either). This girl had some dude put a gun to her head. You can't deny this is a dangerous field for the ladies. I think that all women in this business should be trying to inch their way out as much as they can, not stay stagnant. If they don't have skills, they should be trying to get some in whatever fireld they chose. I enjoy the ladies, no doubt, but I feel bad for how hard they have it sometimes. No one deserves to be raped or attacked. It can happen to any one of these ladies. There is nothing wrong with being an escort, I never said there was, but I think all escorts should be making this job as temporary as possible for safety reasons. If that makes me a hipocrite, then so be it. I can see why you think that.

Most if not all providers do this job out of some sort of necessity -Financial need, lack of job skills, drug use, unemployed or underemployed, debt, death of spouse, etc. Some are in more of a need than others. All I'm saying is that they should use this job to get what they need to improve their circumstances and try to get out. You know, to avoid the next psycho with a gun.
Randall Creed's Avatar
You make good points, Armydude, and I don't disagree with what you're saying (on your last post), but any woman can get raped. It's equally wrong no matter what her profession is.

I know you know that. I'm not saying you don't. Just saying.

It's kinda like when the news reports on prostitution, they automatically attach some kind of violence and drug use with it. Assault and drug dealing are crimes by themselves. They don't need hookers and johns associated with them to be a crime.

The association part in the message I think is unnecessary, is all.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 07-24-2011, 09:12 PM
Michelle, I sent you a pm with some very useful info.... I hope it helps....
mtabsw's Avatar
Michelle - no one deserves what happened to you. Thank you for having the strength and courage to get the police on it.

More than anything I am happiest when the girl is happy as well and makes me feel she is totally ok with whatever we do. What I'm saying is be yourself, don't move out of your comfort zone on services - I can almost guarantee you'll give the vibe and lose the illusion - or get slammed in a review with "her <name the act> was mechanical"

Good luck, hope things work out.
armydude's Avatar
You make good points, Armydude, and I don't disagree with what you're saying (on your last post), but any woman can get raped. It's equally wrong no matter what her profession is.

I know you know that. I'm not saying you don't. Just saying.

It's kinda like when the news reports on prostitution, they automatically attach some kind of violence and drug use with it. Assault and drug dealing are crimes by themselves. They don't need hookers and johns associated with them to be a crime.

The association part in the message I think is unnecessary, is all. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I just received a wonderful message from a lady, who I think is hot too, and she told me that she does this because it's suits her better than her professional job. So I didn't mean to lump everyone in the same category and say everyone is struggling. Some do this for the freedom. However, whatever your reason for becoming an escort, there are still weirdos out there. And I hate hearing about some girl getting raped with a gun to her head. I'm still suffering from PTSS and I've been around violence and death, I just hate to see any woman have to deal with any of that. Be safe out there. I hope you all stay safe.
pmdelites's Avatar
.... I think that all women in this business should be trying to inch their way out as much as they can, not stay stagnant. If they don't have skills, they should be trying to get some in whatever fireld they chose. ... There is nothing wrong with being an escort, I never said there was, but I think all escorts should be making this job as temporary as possible for safety reasons. If that makes me a hipocrite, then so be it. I can see why you think that.

Most if not all providers do this job out of some sort of necessity -Financial need, lack of job skills, drug use, unemployed or underemployed, debt, death of spouse, etc. Some are in more of a need than others. All I'm saying is that they should use this job to get what they need to improve their circumstances and try to get out. You know, to avoid the next psycho with a gun. Originally Posted by armydude
there sure are a lot of shoulds in your thoughts.
while they may be your thoughts on the subject, i dont think telling people what they should be doing is all that productive, esp. w/ there are little backing arguments/details.
how about you state what you think the advantages and disadvantages of various choices are and then let people make up their own mind.

wrt the 2nd paragraph, how many women have you asked why they are in this business/sub-culture? if not more than one or two, then i'd say your speculation is baseless. i know several and know why they are, but i will not extrapolate to the 400+ women in the dallas area, much less even summarize what i know. except for showing positive role models, i think it's pointless.

plus, the women in this area know waaaaaay much more about this business/sub-culture than i will ever know. so, i'd just be blowing smoke.

bottomline, if you believe strongly in what you say, then i'd suggest you find women who want to improve their situation and help them.

but that's just me.

... So I didn't mean to lump everyone in the same category and say everyone is struggling. Some do this for the freedom. ... I just hate to see any woman have to deal with any of that. Be safe out there. I hope you all stay safe. Originally Posted by armydude
so, either you "didnt mean to lump everyone in the same category" or you did. that's the problem w/ generalities - they cover way too much ground to be of general use.

the last three sentences are getting closer to being supporting arguments/details.

in any case, what michelle was saying was "Guys, give me a chance..And ladies please let me know if there is anywhere else I can advertise." not how to get out of this business/sub-culture.
armydude's Avatar
there sure are a lot of shoulds in your thoughts.
while they may be your thoughts on the subject, i dont think telling people what they should be doing is all that productive, esp. w/ there are little backing arguments/details.
how about you state what you think the advantages and disadvantages of various choices are and then let people make up their own mind.

wrt the 2nd paragraph, how many women have you asked why they are in this business/sub-culture? if not more than one or two, then i'd say your speculation is baseless. i know several and know why they are, but i will not extrapolate to the 400+ women in the dallas area, much less even summarize what i know. except for showing positive role models, i think it's pointless.

plus, the women in this area know waaaaaay much more about this business/sub-culture than i will ever know. so, i'd just be blowing smoke.

bottomline, if you believe strongly in what you say, then i'd suggest you find women who want to improve their situation and help them.

but that's just me.

so, either you "didnt mean to lump everyone in the same category" or you did. that's the problem w/ generalities - they cover way too much ground to be of general use.

the last three sentences are getting closer to being supporting arguments/details.

in any case, what michelle was saying was "Guys, give me a chance..And ladies please let me know if there is anywhere else I can advertise." not how to get out of this business/sub-culture. Originally Posted by pmdelites
It's simple. In part 1- I lumped everyone in the same category. But then a provider contacted me and explained that she does this because she enjoys this line of work. So in part 2- I apologized for lumping everyone into the same category.

I was simply stating how this career is dangerous and she should try to get out because the next dude who she sees might harm her. Let me break it down in simple terms for you, escorting in and of itself is not bad, P4P is NOT shameful or WRONG. BUT it can be dangerous, obviosly, look at what happened to Michelle. THAT IS MY POINT. Do you get it? I never said Michelle was wrong for being an escort, I think all women who get paid for sex and use their talents are smart, but there is no denying you could end up dead/hurt in this line of work. So thats why I think women should make it as temporary as possible. I pay for escorts, and in my hobbying career I got to know them. They are people just like you and I. I have nothing but the utmost respect for them. So if that makes me a hipocrite because I frequent them, yet at the same time I still think this line of work has the real potential to be dangerous, then I guess then I'm a hipocrite.

Thanks for finally understanding. It's really quite simple. If Michelle wants to ask you guys for another chance, fine. I was looking at the bigger picture because the horrific act she explained really bothered me on a personal level. I think she should try to screen better to decrease her chances of running into a psycho.
Michelle, I am so sorry that this awful thing happened to you. I hope you can get the rest and support that you need to get back on your feet. Hold your head high, this was not your fault.