found my S.Os eccie account

Ouch, who is it?
pyramider's Avatar
Got a link? Originally Posted by monkmonk
Monck wants to see if she will feed him KFC after a session.
john_deere's Avatar
ask if she's been using your bed as an in call?
Got a link? Originally Posted by monkmonk
Haha +1. I bet she is fly :-)
Does she have review specials.


Probably go read her reviews to see what I've been missing. Originally Posted by mansfield
TexTushHog's Avatar
Give us a review of what it's like at home and then let's compare notes and see if we get better service from her than you do!!
whitechocolate's Avatar
I would be very turned on especially if she is wild and kinky and has great reviews and all the guys cant wait to be with her. I would not let her know that I know but I would certainly want more action with her. Maybe even roleplay with her making her "pretend" she is a wild kinky provider with a totally open menu. If she is a lousy provider work on her skills so guys will want her but still not let on you know.
What would you do if you found your gf / wife's eccie provider account info. run away or .... Schedule an incall incall at home ? Originally Posted by Killjoy
Assuming this is not a joke or hypothetical, the only realistic option if to run away.

Like EmilyEzzel said, it is a double standard.

But, you will never look at her the same way again and someday down the road during an argument, you will throw it back in her face.
Amillia_Winter's Avatar
Ask her if she needs a doubles partner!
pyramider's Avatar
Assuming this is not a joke or hypothetical, the only realistic option if to run away.

Like EmilyEzzel said, it is a double standard.

But, you will never look at her the same way again and someday down the road during an argument, you will throw it back in her face. Originally Posted by ExNYer
More likely she will throw it in his face.
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
I agree. Both sides with eventually throw it in each others face. Naturally, you will look at her differently and she will look at you differently.

I think communication is key. But how many of us are emotionally mature enough to handle this kind of sharing. It leads to insecurity whether expressed or kept inside.

It sounds great in theory though
daltxm4f's Avatar
I have thought sometimes relationship with a provider is better than non-provider cheating behind your back.
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Emily, that guy must have been an idiot! Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Thanks for the "pick me up". No, he's not an idiot. No more than I am or anyone else

I think it is difficult path to traverse when both parties are participating in the hobby. It's difficult to share ones truth to another. Especially when both have been hiding it from the other.

If Killjoy is talking about a real situation. I would hope he would consider telling her he is in the hobby. And knows she is a provider. Not in a get even type of way. Or an "I gotcha" kind of way. From a calm, caring demeanor. He has time to figure it out.

Yeah, easier said than done. I think it is worth it because secrets are toxic.
Get therapy if needed, and understand that if you are in the hobby , there is nothing wrong with her being in the hobby.

It should make you all closer as long as she will give you a BBBJNQNS!