After two years in office!

winn dixie's Avatar
The economy “rebounded?”

From the historic highs it achieved under the Obama administration?

How do you make something MAGA?

Apparently you’re not paying attention. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Under Trump, Americans have more disposable income than at anytime since Reagan! Thats MAGA
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please provide some evidence of that, WD.

I’ve had more, but I’m curious to read your source.

A rebound, as you wrote, indicates the economy was in a bad place at the time of the so-called rebound.

I don’t see where that was the case.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The economy “rebounded?”

From the historic highs it achieved under the Obama administration?

How do you make something MAGA?

Apparently you’re not paying attention. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
pay attention to this ...

Guess Which Presidents Really Oversaw Economic Booms

Guess Which Presidents Really Oversaw Economic Booms

GDP growth is an imperfect measure of economic impact, but if you’re going to use it, here are the correct numbers.

By Justin Fox
August 1, 2018, 8:00 AM CDT

Ah, the good ol’ days. Source: National Archive/Newsmakers

Justin Fox is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering business. He was the editorial director of Harvard Business Review and wrote for Time, Fortune and American Banker. He is the author of “The Myth of the Rational Market.”
Read more opinion Follow @foxjust on Twitter

Growth in gross domestic product is an obviously flawed measure of a president’s economic record. Presidents often inherit good times or bad times from their predecessors, events entirely outside a president’s control can push growth up or down, and the most consequential presidential economic decisions often prove consequential only years after that president has left office.

Still, GDP growth isn’t the worst measure, either, and it is certainly being used a lot at the moment, so we might as well get it right.

How does one get it right? Well, I think the best way is to take the inflation-adjusted GDP numbers from a president’s first and last quarters in office, and use them to calculate a compound annual growth rate. This gets you a different, more accurate number than just averaging all the quarterly GDP growth numbers during a president’s time in office, and it gets you a different, much more accurate number than averaging annual growth numbers.

So here goes, using the comprehensively revised GDP numbers for past years that the Bureau of Economic Analysis released last week. I started with Dwight D. Eisenhower because he is the first president for whom the BEA has quarterly GDP data for his entire time in office.

Presidents and Economic Growth

Annualized real GDP growth from first quarter in office to last quarter
Sources: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, author's calculations.

That’s pretty interesting! The prosperous Eisenhower years weren’t all that prosperous, according to this metric. The Bush years, all 12 of them, were the worst of the lot, although the Obama years weren’t much better. Meanwhile, the Carter years were as good as the Reagan years, the Kennedy/Johnson era was amazing, and the Clinton years were pretty great. The Trump years aren’t going badly, either, although of course there’s only been one and a half of them so far.

One big lesson is that it helps not to have a recession while you’re president: Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are the only ones on the above chart without a National Bureau of Economic Research-certified downturn during their time in office, and John F. Kennedy’s recession experience was limited to a few weeks just after his inauguration. 1 Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan should probably get special credit for overseeing strong growth despite recessions (one in 1980 and another in 1981-1982) generally attributed to Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker’s harsh if ultimately successful crackdown on inflation.

Eisenhower, meanwhile, had to endure three recessions that were at least partly the doing of Fed Chairman William McChesney Martin Jr., who famously said in 1955 that his job involved taking the punch bowl away “just when the party was really warming up.” Eisenhower’s time in office was also characterized, though, by fast-rising median incomes, a fast-shrinking federal debt (as a share of GDP), and a gigantic increase in infrastructure spending, mainly but not exclusively for interstate highways, that paid economic dividends for decades. So maybe his two terms weren’t really an economic bust, whatever the GDP numbers say. Again, GDP growth is a flawed measure.

One other possible objection is that I’m wrong to measure from a president’s first quarter in office. Presidents are usually inaugurated in the first month of that first quarter, so even though major policy changes usually take at least a few months, it’s not inconceivable that a president’s actions or even words might have some effect on that quarter’s GDP number. So here’s the GDP growth chart measured from the last quarter before a president takes office to the last quarter before he leaves. 2

Presidents and Economic Growth, Another View

Annualized real GDP growth from quarter before taking office to quarter before leaving
Sources: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, author's calculations.
*Since Trump is still in office, growth is calculated through the second quarter of 2018.

This makes things look much worse for Gerald Ford — he took office in the middle of a recession and stayed for less than two and a half years, so shifting things by one quarter is a significant change — and somewhat better for his predecessor Richard Nixon. The other shifts are smaller, although by this accounting, Barack Obama’s presidency ranks between that of George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, not slightly ahead of both.

Anyway, there you have it. Feel free to print this, clip out your preferred chart and have it framed. But be warned that there will be a GDP update a month from now that may change that Trump number.
  1. That is, the recession is deemed to have ended in February 1961.
  2. I realize that this is a quite euphemistic wording in the case of President Kennedy.
This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.

To contact the author of this story:
Justin Fox at
To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Brooke Sample at
winn dixie's Avatar
A gdp that was very low under odummy that quickly turned upwards under Trump! Not to mention unemployment rates have drastically improved! The 80's were the decade of excess! Reagan was the reason. That lasted 4 more years for Bush Sr. Then whammo! Clintons incompetence for relying too much in the dot coms. and signing a house for everyone legislation doomed us for 24 years! So before any lib replies-
Gdp and stock markets are up! American spending is way up showing a very healthy economy! Unemployment is at or near record lows! Israel is safe again and America is great again! 401k's have rebounded and our military and law enforcement have a commander and chief that respects them!
The proof of more disposable income is in your own wallet! Which i'am sure has more money in it spend than it has in a long time!
winn dixie's Avatar
Thanks waco. That graph shows that the gdp can be way over inflated. Example, Clinton and the examples i gave.
  • oeb11
  • 02-22-2019, 05:57 PM
So how do you think an abusive boss would be as POTUS? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
A lot like some of the abusive posters in this forum!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
A gdp that was very low under odummy that quickly turned upwards under Trump! Not to mention unemployment rates have drastically improved! The 80's were the decade of excess! Reagan was the reason. That lasted 4 more years for Bush Sr. Then whammo! Clintons incompetence for relying too much in the dot coms. and signing a house for everyone legislation doomed us for 24 years! So before any lib replies-
Gdp and stock markets are up! American spending is way up showing a very healthy economy! Unemployment is at or near record lows! Israel is safe again and America is great again! 401k's have rebounded and our military and law enforcement have a commander and chief that respects them!
The proof of more disposable income is in your own wallet! Which i'am sure has more money in it spend than it has in a long time! Originally Posted by winn dixie


Of course, you really didn't provide anything other than your opinion, which is totally cool, man. I just figured you'd have something upon which to base your claim beyond the proof is in your wallet.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
A gdp that was very low under odummy that quickly turned upwards under Trump! Not to mention unemployment rates have drastically improved! The 80's were the decade of excess! Reagan was the reason. That lasted 4 more years for Bush Sr. Then whammo! Clintons incompetence for relying too much in the dot coms. and signing a house for everyone legislation doomed us for 24 years! So before any lib replies-
Gdp and stock markets are up! American spending is way up showing a very healthy economy! Unemployment is at or near record lows! Israel is safe again and America is great again! 401k's have rebounded and our military and law enforcement have a commander and chief that respects them!
The proof of more disposable income is in your own wallet! Which i'am sure has more money in it spend than it has in a long time! Originally Posted by winn dixie


Of course, you really didn't provide anything other than your opinion, which is totally cool, man. I just figured you'd have something upon which to base your claim beyond the proof is "in your own wallet."

lickidyclit's Avatar
[QUOTE=winn dixie;1061290090] ( America is respectable again )
themystic's Avatar
Grandpa it’s ok to be a liar and cheater as long as I’m making money?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
After two years in office, what do we know about our President? Only thing for sure is he barebacked Stormy Daniels, won't release his tax information, fires anybody who investigates his prior cover ups and affiliations, asks his buddy Putin for advice, spends his days playing golf and posting third grade level name calling on his twitter account, yep,we got us a winner here! Originally Posted by lickidyclit


I B Hankering's Avatar
After two weeks, the Chicago PD has found more on Jussie Smollette than Mueller has found on Trump in two years.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar


Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

His Holiness has spoken!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Economic news was even better on November 6, 2018 because the stock market hadn't hit its rapid decline. Yet what happened in the mid-term elections that day? Obviously the economy is not #1 on the minds of voters.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-23-2019, 08:15 AM
Under Trump, Americans have more disposable income than at anytime since Reagan! Thats MAGA Originally Posted by winn dixie
You understand that the debt in times of prosperity should be going down. It is not.

I would explain to you why and how stupid it is that we are not addressing this problem but it would just go over your head as long as you stay on your knees servicing Trump