Women in a house with a gun much more likely to be shot.

Here is my take on this.

The government should, at all levels, encourage American Citizens to learn about firearms, how to use them, and recognize the responsibility that goes with firearm ownership and the consequences involved if you should ever have to use it in defence of your life, property, or loved ones.

Why doesn't the Government mandate firearm's instruction in schools. It could go hand in hand with the same instruction on our Constitution, and The 2d Amendment. This could be in conjunction with a new found curriculum on the responsibilities of being a citizen and a productive member of a community.

If every citizen was trained in the use of firearms, and given proper instructions on what it means to be a armed citizen, the Country would be a much safer place.

All of these so called "studies" that expound all of the tripe such as the link represents center around people who own guns but don't have a clue as to how to use them, or even more, the responsibilities involved in gun ownership. It's like giving someone a driver's license when they have never even driven a car.

I'm not talking about some 2 day course like most States have in order to aquire a CDL. Heck, Hellen Keller could pass that. I'm talking about real instruction and training.

Perhaps it is time for our Governments to embrace our American Heritedge, recognize our Bill of Rights, especially the 2d Amendment, as more than just words, and do it's part in education the entire population on firearms, their use, and the responsibilities involved.
The NRA likes to claim that guns are an equalizer for women but the truth is women who have a gun in the house are more likely to have that gun used against them.

http://articles.latimes.com/2014/feb...udies-20140224 Originally Posted by southtown4488

dirty dog's Avatar
You haven't presented anything that is relevant. Tim just posted some good information on several studies that prove the point.

You've done your share of name calling. Don't get butthurt over it now. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I have severl statements, relevant to the discussion, you just chose to leave it alone because you have no response. The difference between me and you regarding the name calling, I never made posts whining about people calling people names and then turning right around and doing the same thing. Not butt hurt at all, don visit this forum much anymore, cause you bore the shit out of me with your drivel.
So you're saying they would end up dead regardless of whether there was a gun present?

You don't even know what cognitive dissonance is. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Dam good possibility. A women in an abusive relationship isn't really any safer just because there is no gun present. She could be strangled, bludgeoned or stabbed just as easily. As far as a women with mental illness she more than likely is going to use other means to take her own life than to shoot herself. Women are vain, most wouldn't want to risk being discovered in a disfigured state. That's why most women who commit suicide overdose on a drug or asphyxiate themselves by sitting in an idling vehicle. Since most accidents occur in the home and if a gun is present of course there's always that chance that a firearm could be the cause of an injury or death to a family member whether it be intentional or unintentional. The same could be said about any dangerous object in the home.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Here is my take on this.

The government should, at all levels, encourage American Citizens to learn about firearms, how to use them, and recognize the responsibility that goes with firearm ownership and the consequences involved if you should ever have to use it in defence of your life, property, or loved ones.

Why doesn't the Government mandate firearm's instruction in schools. It could go hand in hand with the same instruction on our Constitution, and The 2d Amendment. This could be in conjunction with a new found curriculum on the responsibilities of being a citizen and a productive member of a community.

If every citizen was trained in the use of firearms, and given proper instructions on what it means to be a armed citizen, the Country would be a much safer place.

All of these so called "studies" that expound all of the tripe such as the link represents center around people who own guns but don't have a clue as to how to use them, or even more, the responsibilities involved in gun ownership. It's like giving someone a driver's license when they have never even driven a car.

I'm not talking about some 2 day course like most States have in order to aquire a CDL. Heck, Hellen Keller could pass that. I'm talking about real instruction and training.

Perhaps it is time for our Governments to embrace our American Heritedge, recognize our Bill of Rights, especially the 2d Amendment, as more than just words, and do it's part in education the entire population on firearms, their use, and the responsibilities involved. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You've got to be kidding me. I have absolutely NO problem with firearm instructions being required for those who WANT to own a handgun. However, I don't want to own a handgun. My wife does not. My children do not. To use an offshoot of your analogy, this is like requiring a person who does not want to drive a car to take a course in driving a car.

The 2nd Amendment gives people the right to bear arms. The 2nd Amendment does NOT require people to bear arms.
Here is my take on this.

The government should, at all levels, encourage American Citizens to learn about firearms, how to use them, and recognize the responsibility that goes with firearm ownership and the consequences involved if you should ever have to use it in defence of your life, property, or loved ones.

Why doesn't the Government mandate firearm's instruction in schools. It could go hand in hand with the same instruction on our Constitution, and The 2d Amendment. This could be in conjunction with a new found curriculum on the responsibilities of being a citizen and a productive member of a community.

If every citizen was trained in the use of firearms, and given proper instructions on what it means to be a armed citizen, the Country would be a much safer place.

All of these so called "studies" that expound all of the tripe such as the link represents center around people who own guns but don't have a clue as to how to use them, or even more, the responsibilities involved in gun ownership. It's like giving someone a driver's license when they have never even driven a car.

I'm not talking about some 2 day course like most States have in order to aquire a CDL. Heck, Hellen Keller could pass that. I'm talking about real instruction and training.

Perhaps it is time for our Governments to embrace our American Heritedge, recognize our Bill of Rights, especially the 2d Amendment, as more than just words, and do it's part in education the entire population on firearms, their use, and the responsibilities involved. Originally Posted by Jackie S
No offense, but that sounds like Nazi germany. What if parents don't want their children around guns, etc,? The 2nd amendment says nothing about forcing people to own a gun.
Dam good possibility. A women in an abusive relationship isn't really any safer just because there is no gun present. She could be strangled, bludgeoned or stabbed just as easily. As far as a women with mental illness she more than likely is going to use other means to take her own life than to shoot herself. Women are vain, most wouldn't want to risk being discovered in a disfigured state. That's why most women who commit suicide overdose on a drug or asphyxiate themselves by sitting in an idling vehicle. Since most accidents occur in the home and if a gun is present of course there's always that chance that a firearm could be the cause of an injury or death to a family member whether it be intentional or unintentional. The same could be said about any dangerous object in the home.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
But we aren't talking about just any object in the home, are we? We're talking about guns
I B Hankering's Avatar
“Where there are more guns, more women die”: A Harvard public health expert breaks down the data on firearms and women’s safety.

Women in the United States are 11 times more likely to be murdered with guns than women in other high-income countries. The presence of a firearm during a domestic violence incident increases the likelihood of a homicide by 500 percent.

Originally Posted by southtown4488
You're a genuine fruit loop, suckclown. The number of deaths attributed to ice picks dropped after the invention of the refrigerator. Statistically, the number of deaths and injuries attributed to knives or blunt force trauma is greater where guns are not available. Every year, substantially more people in the U.S. die from drug overdose than are murdered with a gun. The probability of being injured or killed in an automobile accident is directly related to ownership and use of the automobile, and that number is also substantially greater than the number of people murdered with a gun. And quit with your fuckin' lib-retard cherry picking of data, for comparison, derived from countries with more homogeneous populations, suckclown.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Speedie and NBK both make the same mistake. No one said anything about REQUIRING gun ownership. What they said was that the government should TEACH people how to use guns properly. They teach people to use calculus even if they will never use it. They teach people "folk dancing" in gym class, ditto. In the case of NBK, they teach personal hygiene, ditto. Anyone ever been in a gym class where they brought out the old bow and arrows? I have but I have yet to carry a bow in my day to day life. Shooting a gun is a skill like any other. Only the left (Speedie is an exception) seems to be hell bent on denying themselves and others access to that skill.

CONCLUSIONS: Cars kept in homes are more likely to be involved in a fatal or nonfatal accident by the resident driver than cars not kept in the home.
Originally Posted by timpage
There. Fixed it for you dumb fuck. Same with knifes. Domestic interactions ending with a knife death is statistically shown that killing a human wasn't the knife's intentionally bought purpose.

source: Prof. I.P. Freelyintoyourmothersmouth; Texas Fuck Youniversity, 2015.
But we aren't talking about just any object in the home, are we? We're talking about guns Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yes and we are also talking specifically about women in relation to firearms in the home. The article is purporting that women are most likely to be shot with a gun that is in the home than to use it in self defense. There simply isn't enough valuable evidence to support that claim.

No offense, but that sounds like Nazi germany. What if parents don't want their children around guns, etc,? The 2nd amendment says nothing about forcing people to own a gun. Originally Posted by WombRaider
well it is obvious what Jackie said went right over you and speedracers heads but that does not surprise me

The government should, at all levels, encourage American Citizens to learn about firearms, how to use them, and recognize the responsibility that goes with firearm ownership and the consequences involved if you should ever have to use it in defence of your life, property, or loved ones.

he did not say anything about forcing people to buy fire arms dipshit
There. Fixed it for you dumb fuck. Same with knifes. Domestic interactions ending with a knife death is statistically shown that killing a human wasn't the knife's intentionally bought purpose.

source: Prof. I.P. Freelyintoyourmothersmouth; Texas Fuck Youniversity, 2015. Originally Posted by gnadfly
A knife has many uses. A gun is designed for one thing...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's always bullshit to you guys. It's always the stats, or the writer is a liberal or some other excuse to keep from seeing the reality. It's that cognitive dissonance rearing its ugly head again. Originally Posted by WombRaider
you are bullshit to us. most of what you and that deadhead idiot post get slaughtered by just as many if not more articles proving your "facts" wrong. so what do you do? you either get angry and accuse anyone who disagrees as idiots and then start new posts that are just as inaccurate.
well it is obvious what Jackie said went right over you and speedracers heads but that does not surprise me

The government should, at all levels, encourage American Citizens to learn about firearms, how to use them, and recognize the responsibility that goes with firearm ownership and the consequences involved if you should ever have to use it in defence of your life, property, or loved ones.

he did not say anything about forcing people to buy fire arms dipshit Originally Posted by gary5912
What about people who have no interest in firearms at all? I don't want to learn about firearms. I don't want my kids learning about them. I don't need to understand the responsibility of ownership, because I don't want to own one. You have an irrational fear of attack. I'll take my chances, because I understand statistics...