a question for the providers:

pyramider's Avatar
What? Most of the fucktards in the hobby do not thinck of their families, kids, or saving for the future when there is quick gratification around the corner.
joesmo888's Avatar
yes, I would hire female escorts. How great is it that you can get whatever you want for just something as simple as money.

As a woman would I hire a male escort? Most definitely if I was not a provider and already getting my fill of romantic attention I would have no problem paying for it. In fact I've already picked one out www.cristiandemarco.com
He is on my list if I ever feel unfulfilled. Originally Posted by HeatherDAngelo
he is dreamy
No. Any disposable income I have goes on kids and family, or into savings. I would hope being a man wouldn't change that. Originally Posted by badbadgirl2013
Believe me, it does. And the kids can hire their own Providers.
SweetDulce's Avatar
Yes. YES. Si Senor
SweetDulce's Avatar
Yes. Yes yes YES
FoulRon's Avatar
yes, I would hire female escorts. How great is it that you can get whatever you want for just something as simple as money.

As a woman would I hire a male escort? Most definitely if I was not a provider and already getting my fill of romantic attention I would have no problem paying for it. In fact I've already picked one out www.cristiandemarco.com
He is on my list if I ever feel unfulfilled. Originally Posted by HeatherDAngelo
Would you gladly pay rack rates, or would you try to negotiate a "review special"?
Would you gladly pay rack rates, or would you try to negotiate a "review special"? Originally Posted by FoulRon
I would never negotiate. I don't even negotiate at a Moroccan Bazaar where it is expected. I don't even use coupons at the store. They say "would you like to save $$ by filling out xyz?" and I say "No, I want to pay full price and keep you in business". I know it sounds like I am being facetious but I am not.
I look at the fee and if it suites me then fine. If not I pass. I would want to give the full fare to the recipient. This is what they have asked for, this is what they have determined will make them happy. I want to make them happy.
Yes, yes and more yeS! I see quite a few hotties i would so enjoy an hour or two with!
Probably yes. I'm a Scorpio so I would be a real sexual freak!
myfavhobby's Avatar
I would never negotiate. I don't even negotiate at a Moroccan Bazaar where it is expected. I don't even use coupons at the store. They say "would you like to save $$ by filling out xyz?" and I say "No, I want to pay full price and keep you in business". I know it sounds like I am being facetious but I am not.
I look at the fee and if it suites me then fine. If not I pass. I would want to give the full fare to the recipient. This is what they have asked for, this is what they have determined will make them happy. I want to make them happy. Originally Posted by HeatherDAngelo
I do not negotiate within the hobby only because it is not acceptable "industry practice" but in theory, I have do not have a problem with the concept. Market price on anything can be very dynamic and negotiation is a good tool to cope with that.

I do not feel that it is disrespectful to the provider but I know that most (all) providers do not agree with me so I do not negotiate. I very much respect them and will not do something they feel bad about.
  • anita
  • 03-22-2015, 12:09 AM
If I have a wife that won't have sex with me except on my birthday, then I will pretty much have to. If I have a dick, best believe it has got to be sucked and used to stuff kitties like turkeys lol.