Do you know anybody who is at a "Women's March"?

Yes, but you guys really don't want to know. Yes they voted for Trump. Originally Posted by wordup666
51% of white women voted for Trump.
My facebook feed has a lot of women wondering wtf they are protesting about.
It is interesting to note that a pro-life women's equality group was asked not to attend as their views were not in line with the organizers'. Originally Posted by goodman0422
On the internet, this point has come up quite a bit, even with women.

Same point has not been raised much on TV.

The truth is N.O.W. is an arm of the Dimocratic party. This march is just another Hillary ghost operation.

If George Clooney grabbed them by the pussy, they'd be tickled.
LexusLover's Avatar
If George Clooney grabbed them by the pussy, they'd be tickled. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Their girlfriend/partners would not!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Madonna can expect a visit from the Secret Service shortly...

They don't take threats very well.
LexusLover's Avatar
^^^ "Rumor" has it contact has been made.

Some of these "Hollywood" terrorists should "revisit" their market.
Madonna can expect a visit from the Secret Service shortly...

They don't take threats very well. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Keep talking Madonna, hey, even give a concert supporting your particular views. Get all of your entertainment buddies to do the same. The more the better.

Don't change a thing.

After all, there are still some Counties throughout the Country that are not "Red" yet.
I went to the one in Lincoln, NE. Only 2,000 people were expected to show up. We had over 15,000 marchers though!! It was a wonderful experience and I'm glad that all over the nation, and the world, our message is being heard. We will /not/ let bigotry and hatred prevail. Originally Posted by GemmaFox
I'm sure the camaraderie was a "wonderful experience", but could you or anyone of these women please tell me what they think they are "fighting" for??????? Women in America have more rights than anywhere across the globe, try marching in a Muslim country, see where that gets you, more than likely 6 foot under. Oh did I hear "women's rights" are going to be taken away by this "evil man". We, the American people across this great country elected him into office for more important matters than who is going to pay for your abortions and your female issues. Take f--king responsibility for yourselves and your own lives and your own female reproductive system, instead of "we the people" having to pay for "after the fact" of your spreading your legs.

That all being said, I fully support women having the right to do as they choose with their bodies but, comes to a screeching halt when they want to reach into my pocket to pay for their "choice". Guess I still have some of that good ole Libertarian dogma running through my veins.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
And yet, pro life women are barred from participating in a march that falsely claims to represent all women. Hypocrites.
LexusLover's Avatar
Inclusivity of the Liberals on display for the World to see.
I went to the one in Lincoln, NE. Only 2,000 people were expected to show up. We had over 15,000 marchers though!! It was a wonderful experience and I'm glad that all over the nation, and the world, our message is being heard. We will /not/ let bigotry and hatred prevail. Originally Posted by GemmaFox
I'm sure the camaraderie was a "wonderful experience", but could you or anyone of these women please tell me what they think they are "fighting" for??????? Women in America have more rights than anywhere across the globe, try marching in a Muslim country, see where that gets you, more than likely 6 foot under. Oh did I hear "women's rights" are going to be taken away by this "evil man". We, the American people across this great country elected him into office for more important matters than who is going to pay for your abortions and your female issues. Take f--king responsibility for yourselves and your own lives and your own female reproductive system, instead of "we the people" having to pay for "after the fact" of your spreading your legs.

That all being said, I fully support women having the right to do as they choose with their bodies but, comes to a screeching halt when they want to reach into my pocket to pay for their "choice". Guess I still have some of that good ole Libertarian dogma running through my veins. Originally Posted by Cherie
Yes, please share exactly why you went? I can't determine if it was just an "I'm mad because Hillary lost or Trump won" march (which I'm okay with), or you were marching "for" something?

Do you want a new law created, an existing repealed or amended? It's similar to the Occupy Wallstreet riots, where there isn't really a purpose.
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you want a new law created, an existing repealed or amended? It's similar to the Occupy Wallstreet riots, where there isn't really a purpose. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Well ....

... it was either that or go to the mall shopping ...

... or get their hair done "with the girls"!
If I'm paying... 190lb (the new 220lb) it ain't happening and with a mind of mush too boot... yuck not even for FREE... FAT MEAT'S GREASY!

Happyfella's Avatar
Seems their way of fighting hatred and bigotry is by Demonstrating Hatred and Bigotry.
LexusLover's Avatar
Seems their way of fighting hatred and bigotry is by Demonstrating Hatred and Bigotry. Originally Posted by Happyfella
That is why "they" lost the election. It wasn't the Russians!

And people are fed up with it.
^^^^^^^And they said it couldn't be done.....Shitstain's been outed.
Look closely: white cap, grinnin' ear-to-ear....scamperin' home to wash her soiled panties in all that spankin' new laundry soap. Fuck yeah, who needs to clip stinkin' coupons, right?