Open carry from Jan 1st 2016... Who's ready ?

how much armed resistance/ danger do you expect to encounter at home depot or at a providers hotel /incall? Originally Posted by darksouls
Perhaps you should have asked that question to those in San Bernardino, or the movie theatre in Denver or any of the many other places these crazies are starting to shoot up?
darksouls's Avatar
Perhaps you should have asked that question to those in San Bernardino, or the movie theatre in Denver or any of the many other places these crazies are starting to shoot up?
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
isn't that all the more reason NOT to give up the element of surprise?

won't the "crazies" target you first if they see you are armed?

how does announcing to the "crazies" that you are armed make you safer? think they will see you are armed and ....then be afraid to start some shit.....because......the "crazies" are rational like that?
nu2's Avatar
  • nu2
  • 12-26-2015, 01:57 PM
Open carry does have one very big advantage over concealed carry. I can draw from a holster much faster carrying a handgun than I can drawing a gun tucked my pants and have a larger capacity magazine. Seconds count! It will be almost like the wild, wild west in 2016.
Yes, the crazies will target you first if you open carry, but not all of us run and hide. You can still conceal carry, if you want. In my opinion, that is what is great about this law.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-26-2015, 02:14 PM
I hate this law. I just see a bunch of dumb ass people buying and carrying guns as a fashion statement or some shit. It's for the "look at me!" crowd. Watch how many of these dumb asses with a hero plan just wind up robbed of the gun they thought made them untouchable.
O'Mike's Avatar
Your Houston Police Chief has stated that his officers will stop and ID anyone they see open carrying a handgun (which is against the law on their part). Lets see how it plays out for them. The law was written (and notes written into the congressional record support this.) that open carrying is not Probable Cause. There is a difference between asking you for ID and demanding your ID. This as with other things, it's good to know your rights, even if LEO ignores them.

The low-intelligence and left-wing members of our society just don't understand that a CHL holder is not a bad guy. CHL holders are less likely to commit a crime than even police officers and are some of the most honest upstanding citizens in our community (present company excluded ) and don't get into trouble like other factions.

Myself, I am a fan of Constitutional Carry that is the law in a few states now, and those places don't seem to have any issues with it.

Don't know of may instances where I will OC, but like the option to be available.
Fishpie's Avatar
I see a lot of "visible" assault rifles
very few handguns.
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
That's because long guns have been legally allowed to be OC for a while now.

Your Houston Police Chief has stated that his officers will stop and ID anyone they see open carrying a handgun (which is against the law on their part). Lets see how it plays out for them. The law was written (and notes written into the congressional record support this.) that open carrying is not Probable Cause. There is a difference between asking you for ID and demanding your ID. This as with other things, it's good to know your rights, even if LEO ignores them.

The low-intelligence and left-wing members of our society just don't understand that a CHL holder is not a bad guy. CHL holders are less likely to commit a crime than even police officers and are some of the most honest upstanding citizens in our community (present company excluded ) and don't get into trouble like other factions.

Myself, I am a fan of Constitutional Carry that is the law in a few states now, and those places don't seem to have any issues with it.

Don't know of may instances where I will OC, but like the option to be available. Originally Posted by O'Mike
This is old news. HPD has been stopping people for years now regardless of what's right and wrong. Their attitude is "I am the Law!". From my experience, cameras will save your ass especially if you can have it in a way they can't destroy them. Learn how to recover data from a sd card and you'll be A1.
Slitlikr's Avatar
I'd rather no one know that I'm carrying.
To open carry just because you can is kind of lame.
That being said I support the law 100%
I'd rather no one know that I'm carrying.
To open carry just because you can is kind of lame.
That being said I support the law 100% Originally Posted by Slitlikr
One ought to read the
"Art of War"
the element of surprise is one's greatest weapon
Wakeup's Avatar
So, who's ready ? Will the ladies accept it or no ? Originally Posted by GringoakaHG
So you're going to open carry a handgun while committing a crime...makes perfect sense to me...

PC §46.02. UNLAWFUL CARRYING WEAPONS. (a) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries on or about his or her person a handgun, illegal knife, or club if the person is not:
(1) on the person’s own premises or premises under the person’s control; or (2) inside of or directly en route to a motor vehicle or watercraft that is owned by the person or under the person’s control.
(a-1) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries on or about his or her person a handgun in a motor vehicle or watercraft that is owned by the person or under the person's control at any time in which:
(1) the handgun is in plain view, unless the person is licensed to carry a handgun under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, and the handgun is carried in a shoulder or belt holster; or
(2) the person is:
(A) engaged in criminal activity, other than a Class C misdemeanor that is a violation of a law or ordinance regulating traffic or boating;

Your Houston Police Chief has stated that his officers will stop and ID anyone they see open carrying a handgun (which is against the law on their part). Originally Posted by O'Mike
No it isn't...
kerwil62's Avatar
I hate this law. I just see a bunch of dumb ass people buying and carrying guns as a fashion statement or some shit. It's for the "look at me!" crowd. Watch how many of these dumb asses with a hero plan just wind up robbed of the gun they thought made them untouchable. Originally Posted by Trey
No shit!
I highly doubt the ladies will. Pimps won't be too fond of it either (you carrying, not them). Originally Posted by Richiej281
now that is funny!! Since just about all of them are former Felons or have high arrest rates...
O'Mike's Avatar
This is old news. HPD has been stopping people for years now regardless of what's right and wrong. Their attitude is "I am the Law!". Originally Posted by Fishpie
That don't make it right, and they are being held more accountable for misconduct these days.

From my experience, cameras will save your ass especially if you can have it in a way they can't destroy them. Learn how to recover data from a sd card and you'll be A1. Originally Posted by Fishpie
Their may be a better solution on the horizon for Texans. This app is available in a number of states and it downloads in real time to a secure server.
GringoakaHG's Avatar
Come on wakeup sir, fucking my GF is no crime :-)
Woodduck82's Avatar
You've always been able to open carry a long gun in the state of Texas.....

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Being "well regulated" it seems counter productive to restrict open carry to handguns only. So yeah, that's probably what the politicians will do. Originally Posted by H.Hardhat