Climate contrarian uncovers scientific error, upends major ocean warming study

themystic's Avatar
Ohhhh, so embarrassing. Of course we are all dead by some earlier global warming predictions. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I agree Berleycorn. That really is silly. There are always some wacked out dumb fucks predicting the end of the world through some catastrophic bullshit that they pull out their ass, and then go to great lengths to "prove" it

You're right, it is embarrassing. Its just a giant money scam by a bunch of fraudsters. And of course most of us die

I was just reading some bullshit story called Revelation. The author said a minimum of 5 times, within a few paragraphs, " "what must take place soon, "the time is near", Im coming soon 'Hes referring to the END of the World This is LOL funny as fiction. You think Al Gores prediction of 10 years ago is bad, this cocksucker who wrote this predicted it was going to happen over 2,000 YEARS ago. Lots of dumb fuck Evangelicals have people believing it today. LMAO Funny. Im still waiting

Btw be sure to send the Evangelicals your money, you know since you wont be needing it

People are silly

Oh and remember in Climate change and global warming, " With Climate change one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day"
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Feel free to provide a credible source in the field. Using Gore as your single example is your complete admission of defeat. Gore is what you have? I can feel free to find other examples?
Like I said before, you either didn't read both the original article and the admission of problems or you didn't understand them.
In our insult free domain here, I would not suggest that you do understand them but are intentionly misrepresenting their meanings.
Like all of you, he looks at data and comes up with a conclusion.
Which is the exact situation here. Trying a new method of data collection doesn't have anything to do with other data collected by traditional means.
Gore is a pitch man.
And not as good at it as trump. Obviously since you believe trump enough to vote for him. The difference being Gore shot high for his cause appealing to the better side of us.
trump went low and appealed to greed and bigotry.

We can see which works for the base.

So back to Gore's bad predition which proves nothing and changes nothing.

Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years. Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”

An ice free north pole has been predicted by many people on various timelines. The team at google hasn't cleaned all of them up yet. I remember when google considered Al Gore a "thought leader." Feel free to research yourself further. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Feel free to provide a credible source in the field. Using Gore as your single example is your complete admission of defeat. Gore is what you have? I can feel free to find other examples?
Like I said before, you either didn't read both the original article and the admission of problems or you didn't understand them.
In our insult free domain here, I would not suggest that you do understand them but are intentionly misrepresenting their meanings.
Like all of you, he looks at data and comes up with a conclusion.
Which is the exact situation here. Trying a new method of data collection doesn't have anything to do with other data collected by traditional means.
Gore is a pitch man.
And not as good at it as trump. Obviously since you believe trump enough to vote for him. The difference being Gore shot high for his cause appealing to the better side of us.
trump went low and appealed to greed and bigotry.

We can see which works for the base.

So back to Gore's bad predition which proves nothing and changes nothing. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Of course, Al Gore won the fucking Nobel Prize for his stupid bullshit, so somebody somewhere found his prediction scientifically credible, didn't they?

"The Nobel Peace Prize 2007 was awarded jointly to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr. "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change."
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Its just not al gore, there were others including scientists who went on scare mongering trip.

that type of bs turns people off.

its even worse when their prediction does come true.