Ohhhh, so embarrassing. Of course we are all dead by some earlier global warming predictions. Originally Posted by the_real_BarleycornI agree Berleycorn. That really is silly. There are always some wacked out dumb fucks predicting the end of the world through some catastrophic bullshit that they pull out their ass, and then go to great lengths to "prove" it
You're right, it is embarrassing. Its just a giant money scam by a bunch of fraudsters. And of course most of us die
I was just reading some bullshit story called Revelation. The author said a minimum of 5 times, within a few paragraphs, " "what must take place soon, "the time is near", Im coming soon 'Hes referring to the END of the World This is LOL funny as fiction. You think Al Gores prediction of 10 years ago is bad, this cocksucker who wrote this predicted it was going to happen over 2,000 YEARS ago. Lots of dumb fuck Evangelicals have people believing it today. LMAO Funny. Im still waiting
Btw be sure to send the Evangelicals your money, you know since you wont be needing it
People are silly
Oh and remember in Climate change and global warming, " With Climate change one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day"