Why We Are All Here... Small Rant?

Whispers's Avatar
Free pussy doesn't come with no strings attached even when you're single. Drama, jealousy, clinginess, CRAZY!!!!!!! Originally Posted by blenderhead

Unfortunately..... We find it all too often here as well.....

Not the free pussy...... but definitely the Drama, jealousy, clinginess and CRAZY!!!!!!!
.. Imagine that. Free pussy doesn't come with no strings attached even when you're single. Drama, jealousy, clinginess, CRAZY!!!!!!! Originally Posted by blenderhead

Hmmmm, that's like Jumbo Shrimp.....Military Intelligence....etc!!

Free Pussy????????????

Unless you are greasing the cat's ass (and then there is the cost of the grease) I never had ANY that was free.....EVER!! There is NO SUCH THING as FREE Pussy!!!!

Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 09-18-2013, 12:37 PM
At the same time the well off 45 year old divorcee has less reason to want to "settle down" and probably already has his kids and even gets to see them sometimes...and usually "settling down" didn't exactly go great last time he tried it.

His experience? A veritable parade of women will serially try to run the same game...

"The Hobby" for a man in this situation is an attempt to avoid this whole mess I think. Originally Posted by irishlad

Can I get an AMEN Brothers??!!!
Free pussy doesn't come with no strings attached even when you're single. Drama, jealousy, clinginess, CRAZY!!!!!!! Originally Posted by blenderhead
That really depends upon the impression you give prior to having sex. If you come across as if it's more than just sex to you through actions or words than sure there are strings.

Also greatly depends upon the age range your hooking up with.

I've hooked up with many a woman in my age bracket where we simply enjoyed the moment. Sure some hooked up again numerous times because we wanted to but when we didn't that was perfectly fine too and never once did any drama ensue.

If you hook up with the younguns of child bearing age who are still consciously or subconsciously scoping possible prospects for the future that's when feelings get hurt and things get crazy.

That's the problem with younger women. They still have "Hope" lol.
I hear you Lonestar

My "game" has always been the fact that I have no game or at least don't use it if I do.

I've never had the tolerance for superficial come on lines or making an impression in order to get laid. I really couldn't be bothered.

I've never enjoyed drinking so bars and clubs have never been my scene unless I was the one onstage.

I don't recall in my life where I've ever had a shortage of pussy in spite of never using game, making the first move or going on the hunt.

I simply stayed fit, stayed true to my passions and acted like myself and somehow beautiful women have always initiated.

Even at this ripe age that hasn't changed much although the age range of those initiating sure has changed dramatically.

If I want a 24 year old gorgeous, fit, petite, exotic beauty of course I've gotta pay for it but that has nothing to do with not having any game.

It has everything to do with the fact that I'm old enough to be her friggin father. I'm not exactly "Hope for the future" material.

In the real world I'm no more remotely interested in 20 something year olds than they are in me.

As an occasional purchase for fun it's nothing more than a rare fantasy treat. We don't need to relate to one another in the hobby.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Hmmmm, that's like Jumbo Shrimp.....Military Intelligence....etc!!

Free Pussy????????????

Unless you are greasing the cat's ass (and then there is the cost of the grease) I never had ANY that was free.....EVER!! There is NO SUCH THING as FREE Pussy!!!!

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
HEY, NOW! Yer flirtin' with breakin' that thar bestiality rule. Thar's only two reasons to grease a cat's ass and I don't think yer talkin' about shoving a lit firecracker up ol' Sylvester's butt.
He's got a point there Space .
HEY, NOW! Yer flirtin' with breakin' that thar bestiality rule. Thar's only two reasons to grease a cat's ass and I don't think yer talkin' about shoving a lit firecracker up ol' Sylvester's butt. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst

Please remember to stay on Topic. If you have an issue with the post, then press the RTM button and report it.

He's got a point there Space . Originally Posted by rockerrick
Yes and he should wear a hat to cover it up. You of all people should know that "flirtin" ain't breaking.
Perhaps the cat needed the lubricant because of an impacted hairball!!

Now, please, back on topic before I have to point myself.

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Yes and he should wear a hat to cover it up. You of all people should know that "flirtin" ain't breaking.
Perhaps the cat needed the lubricant because of an impacted hairball!!

Now, please, back on topic before I have to point myself.

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
I could just spank ya instead...
Still Looking's Avatar
Yes and he should wear a hat to cover it up. You of all people should know that "flirtin" ain't breaking.
Perhaps the cat needed the lubricant because of an impacted hairball!!

Now, please, back on topic before I have to point myself.

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Still Looking's Avatar
I could just spank ya instead... Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Is that an....up charge?
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Why are we here? thats a great question ..there has to be a million reasons why we are each here..the range is endless... from a first time true virgin to a widowed older man both just looking for a healing touch...
a full time student who is fully focus on his studies and is smart enough to hold off on a girlfriend and the drama that could throw him off track..or a business man on track thinking the same
A super busy doctor who has almost zero free time leaving a Rw hookup just a thought and not because he couldnt have any girl he wanted just doesnt have the time for the RW bs...
Then there are sex addicts and those who just dont see themselves as others do and feel this is the only way...to those who want to go outside the norm without any type of judgement..

Why am I here:
When I first started doing this way back when it was a means to keep a roof over my girls head and food on the table as I had just took my lifes savings picked up and moved 1800 miles away somewhat blindly ...
as time went on I no longer saw it as just a means for $$ but I started to connect on a deeper level ..I started to see the impact anothers touch can have on a person...Over the years I have been told things like because of me and what I do I have saved a marriage/a life/ ect...The fact I could bring goodness and happiness to another is the biggest high I could ever have.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Is that an....up charge? Originally Posted by Still Looking
Up charge is not in my vocabulary
fun2come's Avatar
You know WHY some of us don't have game and cannot "pick up a girl in a bar" one more?

Most of them girls are too heavy for us to be picked up and the tiny ones, well those young testosterone dudes beat us to them. Ain't the fastest no more either.

Some may not have game any longer (damn hernia), but some got $$$ (them testosterone dudes usually not so much), so we pick the young tines ones up here.