How Will Buttigieg Fare in Tomorrow's Debate?

Chung Tran's Avatar
you have about another 50 minutes to edit your post and remove the link to a competing website and a post chock full of references to {forbidden topics} Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
to quote the illustrious, outgoing Energy Secretary... Oops!

by the way, competing link? really? I link LC all the time, and OH2.. many guys do. that is not an issue. and really, neither is the other in this Forum. guys in this political forum do much worse.

His "husband" will go over real well in all those swing states, and black people hate his guts since he is a racist Originally Posted by friendly fred
I don't think he is racist at all, but he doesn't "get it" either. probably too late to really influence black voters. and the Husband kiss that was all over the media creeped me out!

Carving out Iowa and New Hampshire hardly gives the picture of Buttigieg. I mean really he polled at 0 percent with black voters in South Carolina. Hell Williamson out polled him in that demographic. Those numbers tell me he has an issue nationally. Originally Posted by eccielover
totally agree.. BUT.. maybe if Buttigieg wins Iowa and NH handily, Lemmings will jump on his ship, instead of over the cliff. some may start looking at him closer, and believe their current favorite can not compete, and will move towards Buttigieg.

it would be unprecedented, if wholly interesting, if Pete won the first 2, then got slaughtered in South Carolina.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I perused online to find the start time, and ran across this..

posted this afternoon, they describe Buttigieg as a "lower-polling candidate".. huh?

last polls I saw have him ahead of the field by 10 points in Iowa, and 9 points in New Hampshire. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
here's the correct link. it was embbed with the listcrawler link.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Frankly, I don't understand why the dims have not cut the field to three, Biden, Sanders & Warren
  • oeb11
  • 11-20-2019, 09:50 AM
DPST's still think Nov 2020 will be against Pence.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
DPST's still think Nov 2020 will be against Pence.

LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
I doubt anyone believes that. Trump may be impeached. There is no way 67 Senators will vote for conviction. In fact, in my opinion, unless there is more than Trump asking for a quid pro quo with the Ukraine, I think several Democratic Senators will vote to not convict.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I doubt anyone believes that. Trump may be impeached. There is no way 67 Senators will vote for conviction. In fact, in my opinion, unless there is more than Trump asking for a quid pro quo with the Ukraine, I think several Democratic Senators will vote to not convict. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

who says he asked for a quid pro quo?

you could be right however, that several Democrats will vote to acquit.

this fantasy held by several posters here .. and they know who they are .. that McConnell will hold a secret ballot so that 30 odd Republican senators will vote to remove Trump is beyond ridiculous.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
who says he asked for a quid pro quo?

you could be right however, that several Democrats will vote to acquit.

this fantasy held by several posters here .. and they know who they are .. that McConnell will hold a secret ballot so that 30 odd Republican senators will vote to remove Trump is beyond ridiculous. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Trump is being accused of a quid pro quo -- Ukraine, if you want your money, investigate the Bidens. No investigation, no money.

I follow threads fairly closely on this forum and I don't remember reading about McConnell holding a secret ballot. And you are correct -- beyond ridiculous.
Trump is being accused of a quid pro quo -- Ukraine, if you want your money, investigate the Bidens. No investigation, no money.

I follow threads fairly closely on this forum and I don't remember reading about McConnell holding a secret ballot. And you are correct -- beyond ridiculous. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
No, based on the latest focus group and changing terminology, Trump is being accused of Bribery.

Try to keep up.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
No, based on the latest focus group and changing terminology, Trump is being accused of Bribery.

Try to keep up. Originally Posted by eccielover
I understand. lol.

"Democrats have been repeating the word "bribery" in recent days as a way to describe Trump’s interactions with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky. In doing so, they're zeroing in on a word in the Constitution's impeachment clause and deemphasizing the wonkier Latin phrase "quid pro quo," meaning "something for something."

Whether a bribery charge against the president would stand up in court based on the evidence made public so far is debatable, legal experts told USA TODAY. But those experts said an impeachment doesn't need to meet the same legal threshold as a criminal prosecution. And, they pointed out, bribery is an easier concept for the public to grasp."
Chung Tran's Avatar
Trump is being accused of a quid pro quo -- Ukraine, if you want your money, investigate the Bidens. No investigation, no money.

I follow threads fairly closely on this forum and I don't remember reading about McConnell holding a secret ballot. And you are correct -- beyond ridiculous. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
there was a secret ballot thread. stupid idea that 30 Senate Republicans would vote for impeachment.. none will.

not just the Bidens, also the 2016 election interference, that Trump and maybe 5 other people in America believe was Ukraine, not Russian interference. I doubt those people really believe it, but it works towards an excuse for the bribery/quid pro quo/nothing burger, pick your poison
Chung Tran's Avatar
Hmm, I notice the "normal" Right-Wingers didn't disagree about the Ukraine's UNINVOLVEMENT in the 2016 election meddling. that shit is too fringe for even the right-wing nuts on this forum!

I guess I should weigh in on my own question.. I think Pete will be mildly attacked tonight, and will not respond well.. he will grin, offer textbook solutions, not hit back.. and will lose about 4 points, after polling next week.
bambino's Avatar
Hmm, I notice the "normal" Right-Wingers didn't disagree about the Ukraine's UNINVOLVEMENT in the 2016 election meddling. that shit is too fringe for even the right-wing nuts on this forum!

I guess I should weigh in on my own question.. I think Pete will be mildly attacked tonight, and will not respond well.. he will grin, offer textbook solutions, not hit back.. and will lose about 4 points, after polling next week. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
So, you’re talking to yourself now. I guess that makes sense. Your the only one who believes or is interested in your bullshit
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hmm, I notice the "normal" Right-Wingers didn't disagree about the Ukraine's UNINVOLVEMENT in the 2016 election meddling. that shit is too fringe for even the right-wing nuts on this forum!

I guess I should weigh in on my own question.. I think Pete will be mildly attacked tonight, and will not respond well.. he will grin, offer textbook solutions, not hit back.. and will lose about 4 points, after polling next week. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

so they are gonna buttfuck mayor buttplug? on live TV. isn't that obscenity? won't the FCC be mad?

to quote the illustrious, outgoing Energy Secretary... Oops!

by the way, competing link? really? I link LC all the time, and OH2.. many guys do. that is not an issue. and really, neither is the other in this Forum. guys in this political forum do much worse.

I don't think he is racist at all, but he doesn't "get it" either. probably too late to really influence black voters. and the Husband kiss that was all over the media creeped me out!

totally agree.. BUT.. maybe if Buttigieg wins Iowa and NH handily, Lemmings will jump on his ship, instead of over the cliff. some may start looking at him closer, and believe their current favorite can not compete, and will move towards Buttigieg.

it would be unprecedented, if wholly interesting, if Pete won the first 2, then got slaughtered in South Carolina. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Good points