Is HPD commititng a crime???

I was with a large group checking in to a block of rooms when I noticed the people ahead of me having their DL's swiped. I jumped to the front and asked them to explain. Alibaba said the national chain was making them do it, but if we prefered, he would break the rules for us. Called the main CustService from the room, and they had no policy and didn't endorse it. This was a decision by the local franchise to do this. A swiped DL plus credit card... talk about easy identity theft. I wonder how fast that info got sold to some sandy camp for future identity use. Originally Posted by ThatHarleyGuy
I might be on the edge here but why not post what hotel chain that was doing this?

If we all know which one, we can avoid it.
Again, it wasn't the chain, it was that local hotel. The chain said they didn't support that policy.
Again, it wasn't the chain, it was that local hotel. The chain said they didn't support that policy. Originally Posted by ThatHarleyGuy
the local branch of the national hotel chain?

Post the hotel name and say that this ONE was doing it, cause if the national office of this hotel's name says its not their national policy, then warn others in your area about that one location.
My god, it was in fucking Junction. Does that really help anybody but a few goats and 2 truckers?

This is way off track from the original topic.
Bbbjfan's Avatar
The only info on the magnetic strip is the same data that is typed on the front of your license. My brother owns a business, they have a reader on the computers and use it to quickly fill in the data software, its fast and easy. This way they don't have to type in all the information or make copies of the DL. Just swipe it and done.

You guys sounds paranoid.
Jack Flash's Avatar
The only info on the magnetic strip is the same data that is typed on the front of your license. My brother owns a business, they have a reader on the computers and use it to quickly fill in the data software, its fast and easy. This way they don't have to type in all the information or make copies of the DL. Just swipe it and done.

You guys sounds paranoid.
bbbjfan Originally Posted by Bbbjfan

Agreed. I used to have the same setup for one of my companies. I had some software for keeping records of my customers. I could either have them fill a form out and then I had to type it all in the software or I could just swipe the DL and the name and address would populate my software. My software didn't have a field for DL number or the stats such as height, eyes, etc. It is the same at the hotel/motel. They are just up with new technology. Years ago they used to photocopy your ID or manually type the info in the system but now it is easier to just swipe and done.
The clerk at the hotel was lying to you, sweetie. They try this on me and when I tell them that's against the law they always back down. One girl even confided in me once that they just say that to shut people up.
Bbbjfan, the were scannining the face of the el, not swiping the mag strip. This was giving them the pic as well.
It's an alien conspiracy... resistance is futile.
It depeds on the wording of the local ordinance. There are some local ordinances that are written is such a manner that they give the Police Department authority to establish rules and record keeping policy. This is done in several business regulated by the City of Houston.

Some, such as pawn and scrap dealers are required to submit daily information regarding sales and purchases, INCLUDING PHOTOS, DRIVERS LICENSE INFORMATION, and FINGERPRINTS...

So is there a rule in place requiring the reporting or maintenance of an electronic database. Damn if I know, but I do know that they have the ability to do so in many cases.

PLEASE NOTE. That there are many ways that this may be satisfied. If the electronic strip does not work, computers go down, the have to keep a handwritten log. JUST AS THEY HAVE BEEN DOING SINCE BEFORE YOU WERE BORN. If the data cannot be read by a scanner then they have to write it down..

Guest032213's Avatar
well if they wanna swipe mine , they can swipe it between my ass crack, lol id ck that out b4 i paid for a room , ugggh