Fitness Suggestions for High Class Working Girls

  • bw357
  • 03-31-2020, 06:18 PM
29.9k to go look for a personal trainer
Jadec5717's Avatar
Great advise, after doing my own reseach. I look forward to trying this new diet!
I'm a spinner. Originally Posted by Tierra13
Yes you are, looking good I might add...
Great advise, after doing my own reseach. I look forward to trying this new diet! Originally Posted by Jadec5717
You will find the extra energy and other benefits to be well worth it.

Good luck!
Without reading the whole thing. SRY How much 'protein' should she have? MI BAD? Originally Posted by tinman483
Well, assuming you mean real protein from food, I would put it in the 60-80 gram range for a 95 pound girl who works out, preferably almost to the point of exhaustion (remember, see a Doctor first and work up to hard workouts, but unless you ultimately workout pretty hard it is just a hobby not a health improvement session), lean meats but mostly fish, legumes, nuts, etc.

I see a Doctor every year, get blood work, stress tests, different scans, etc.

However, I jog, climb, weight lift, do pushups and other bodyweight exercises, easily get my heart rate up over 150 beats per minute (I'm considered an old person so that is as high as I'm allowed to push it - a younger athlete could push it to 185 with a Doctor's permission)

I do not take nor do I need any medication. I hike up 14,000 feet elevation hiking trails and SCUBA down to 125 feet below sea level.

The only recreational substance I partake in is sugar free RedBull.