Perpetual Weight Loss Thread

BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 06-26-2017, 11:29 AM
The problem with most diets is the person doing them considers them "diets" and thus they talk about it, talk about food, talk about what they are or are not eating. Too much focus on all of it keeps your brain engaged to FOOD. Just change your eating habits and exercise will will fix most issues. My biggest issue if finding restaurants that have low carb items other than salads.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Day 1 of my 8-week workout plan. I have 8 weeks before my cruise and I plan to wear a bikini
asstounding's Avatar
One of the things that really helped me cut out soda is water flavored with fruit.

I bought one of those large dispensers in the gallon size and cut up fruit and float it in there. I try to drink the entire gallon daily. Of course, traveling it's nearly impossible... I've been drinking the flavorless water bottles. Going to start my cucumber water again as soon as I get home.
Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
This is a good idea.
I like to drink something with flavor preferably sweet when i eat so i drink diet soda often, which might not be safe in the long run.

I believe exercise, eating low glycemic, high fullness factor foods and staying conscious of total calories in a day is the key to keeping the weight off. I dont like running so i supplement with my favorite sport. A lot of the guys i do the sport with only do it about three times a week to stay in shape.
One of the things that really helped me cut out soda is water flavored with fruit.

I bought one of those large dispensers in the gallon size and cut up fruit and float it in there. I try to drink the entire gallon daily. Of course, traveling it's nearly impossible... I've been drinking the flavorless water bottles. Going to start my cucumber water again as soon as I get home.

I miss my stairmaster, too.

I'm interested in hearing more about this, Lolah! Originally Posted by Ginger Doll

Yes I remember you had cucumber water in a cute little pitcher. It inspired me to get one myself. I love drinking water that looks pretty. If I smash up raspberries, it makes my water pink!

Couch to 5K is super easy, there's an app for it. It starts off slow, walking/running intervals. Running is a great destresser, that's why I chose it.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
The problem with most diets is the person doing them considers them "diets" and thus they talk about it, talk about food, talk about what they are or are not eating. Too much focus on all of it keeps your brain engaged to FOOD. Just change your eating habits and exercise will will fix most issues. My biggest issue if finding restaurants that have low carb items other than salads. Originally Posted by BK
Low-carb items other than salads:
Chicken Breast (non-breaded)

Basically, anything that doesn't have bread or bread products like pasta.

The tricky part is the to get everything as plain as possible and cooked in butter, not vegetable oil.
WMJ4657's Avatar
Yes I remember you had cucumber water in a cute little pitcher. It inspired me to get one myself. I love drinking water that looks pretty. If I smash up raspberries, it makes my water pink!

Couch to 5K is super easy, there's an app for it. It starts off slow, walking/running intervals. Running is a great destresser, that's why I chose it. Originally Posted by Lolahhhhh

Does that mean don't bring M&M's?
Does that mean don't bring M&M's? Originally Posted by WMJ4657
No m&ms but I do love honey dew and strawberries 😉
Yes I remember you had cucumber water in a cute little pitcher. It inspired me to get one myself. I love drinking water that looks pretty. If I smash up raspberries, it makes my water pink!

Couch to 5K is super easy, there's an app for it. It starts off slow, walking/running intervals. Running is a great destresser, that's why I chose it. Originally Posted by Lolahhhhh
Strawberries with kiwi is fantastic also!
My BIGGEST downfall is Coca Cola. I hate diet drinks except for diet A&W root beer. But a cold coca cola poured into a frozen mug is devine. I have limited myself to one of the small cans a day. 90 worthless but refreshing calories.
  • mwise
  • 06-27-2017, 06:53 AM
I find that I can't do diet and exercise right off. I normally start lifting weights, then I add cardio. Once I start feeling better and seeing a difference I want more. That's when I start dieting.
I've done just about everything including the couch 2 5k. Really at the end of it, everything works. Just a matter of sticking with it and not getting perturbed when your progress isn't as fast as you think it should be. Another major thing is not beating yourself up when you slip/cheat. Get right back on that horse the next meal/day.
I'll second what BK said. Don't diet, change your lifestyle to a healthier one and lose weight until you get down to a healthy/happy size.
If you are lifting or doing strenuous exercise, know that your shocked muscles WILL retain water. Plus muscle weighs twice what fat does. Don't go by the scale, go by how your pants fit right out of the dryer or your belt notch.
Last bit of advice, there are places where you can buy meals already prepped for the week to keep you from eating out in restaurants. All you need is a fork and a microwave.
Here's an exercise I use as part of my HIT (high intensity training) workout. All it requires is a staircase and optionally, some kind of hand weights.

I just walk up and down the flight of stairs 5 times and rest at the bottom of the 5th flight down until I've just barely caught my breath, and start again. It works fine with body weight but if that gets too easy, try adding dumbbells or kettlebells to carry up and down with you. I just got done with 5 sets with a 20 pound dumbbell in each hand and I am feeling the burn. I'm trying to add another set on every week or so.
I only had about 1/4 of a can of Coke today!! However I was with Ginger "miss perfect body" today and I felt guilty drinking it. She looks great!
I only had about 1/4 of a can of Coke today!! However I was with Ginger "miss perfect body" today and I felt guilty drinking it. She looks great! Originally Posted by Sweet Casey
I'm far from perfect, but thank you for the sweet compliment!

You looked absolutely fabulous, too! Amazing progress on your weight loss.
Rollypolly's Avatar
I thing I think would work for well working out . Have a provider walk in front of me so I can focus on the booty. Tired need a goal, just look at the prize in front lol had a girl in front of the other day. I walked I don't how far.
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 06-28-2017, 09:33 AM
Go to a gym, plenty of eye candy to motivate you while you work on you... just don't stare n glare at them. My place has a big room with glass the women do their classes in I just sit up on my cycle peddling away enjoying the view of them in those tight yoga pants so much candy for a perv to look at.