Meanwhile, back in Arizona...

HedonistForever's Avatar
This election will not be over turned no matter what they may find. There is no provision in our Constitution ( that I am aware of ) that would allow this. The only way Biden can be removed from office is by impeachment and if Republicans retake the House in 2022, I would expect nothing less but nothing, I repeat nothing will put Donald Trump in the White House prior to a win in 2024.
bambino's Avatar
This election will not be over turned no matter what they may find. There is no provision in our Constitution ( that I am aware of ) that would allow this. The only way Biden can be removed from office is by impeachment and if Republicans retake the House in 2022, I would expect nothing less but nothing, I repeat nothing will put Donald Trump in the White House prior to a win in 2024. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Fraud vitiates everything. How could Biden govern if it’s proven that they cheated? A constitutional crisis for sure. I believe a Congressman was booted once, but never a POTUS. Here’s an interesting read;

SCOTUS decision;

Scroll to #11
bambino's Avatar
I've found a way to contemplate these sticky wickets that involves LSD and multitasking and I believe you are dead wrong. Kary B Mullis was a fan of LSD and he garnered a Nobel Prize. I've added the ability to simultaneously multitask and believe that the election can be over turned. Though I could be wrong. Either way, it is becoming apparent that the election was crap and it will see the light of day. Then we will have to deal with it, regardless of what the Constitution has to say about it.

What a long strange trip it's been.

Or maybe I need to get a new source for my acid. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I feel pretty strongly it’s going to be dealt with. You just can’t get caught stealing elections in this country without consequences. Besides, Trump may have never left. There’s another theory that he signed the Insurrection act on 1/19. And that we’re actually in Marshall law already. Trump did leave on AF1 with the nuclear codes. Joey Bribes had take a private plane to DC. First time that’s ever happened. Bribes was locked out of the WH on Inauguration day. He didn’t greet the Japanese President on his visit. DC was fenced off with 30,000 NG troops. Biden spends almost every weekend in Delaware. When he travels is planes call sign isn’t AF1 until this trip to Europe. Biden/Harris are obviously doing things that don’t make sense for this country. There’s some weird shit going on. Put it this way, nothing would surprise me. Just sayin.

Oops, forgot this;

If Biden was the CIC, wouldn’t military bases fly the LBGTQ flag? Especially during Pride Month? Biden is for it, the Pentagon upheld Trumps ban.
This is the best shit I’ve read all day. Straight delusional. It’s hard to take you seriously.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I've simply stopped caring what some people on this board post. Multiple posts per day extolling paranoid fantasies about rigged voting, how the public is being lied to by the MSM (not counting fox news), and the misogyny against Kamala Harris, AOC, and Ilhan Omar. You can't argue against crazy so maybe you should just stop trying. And let me tell you. Some of the posts in the political forum are simply that. CRAZY!!!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
I've simply stopped caring what some people on this board post. Multiple posts per day extolling paranoid fantasies about rigged voting, how the public is being lied to by the MSM (not counting fox news), and the misogyny against Kamala Harris, AOC, and Ilhan Omar. You can't argue against crazy so maybe you should just stop trying. And let me tell you. Some of the posts in the political forum are simply that. CRAZY!!!!! Originally Posted by txdot-guy
misogyny against those 3? You picked some reputable hoes to wk for! lol

cumallah was a known sugar baby
aoc is just nuts and plays the victim card against her own party
omar is anti American and anti-semetic

Youre smarter than to use those 3.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
misogyny against those 3? You picked some reputable hoes to wk for! lol

cumallah was a known sugar baby
aoc is just nuts and plays the victim card against her own party
omar is anti American and anti-semetic

Youre smarter than to use those 3. Originally Posted by winn dixie

I wouldn't call kamala a sugar baby. I'd call her sweetner baby.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You'd be better off challenging the story and not the source. Anything else is a waste of energy. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I included in my post information required to become a "Federal Only" voter and supplied a link to the form that states you must be a citizen of the U.S in order to register and become a "Federal Only" voter. So your statement, based on the TGP article that Arizona allows people to vote without proof of U.S. citizenship, is incorrect.

Who Can Use this Application

If you are a U.S. citizen who lives or has an address within the United States, you can use the application in this booklet to:

• Register to vote in your State,
• Report a change of name to your voter registration
• Report a change of address to your voter registration
office, or
• Register with a political party.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I've simply stopped caring what some people on this board post. Multiple posts per day extolling paranoid fantasies about rigged voting, how the public is being lied to by the MSM (not counting fox news), and the misogyny against Kamala Harris, AOC, and Ilhan Omar. You can't argue against crazy so maybe you should just stop trying. And let me tell you. Some of the posts in the political forum are simply that. CRAZY!!!!! Originally Posted by txdot-guy
True that. Some people have too much time on their hands. Get a life people!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
With you on the fraud vitiates everything front, but hard time getting behind the Insurrection Act on 1/19. I completely agree that everything these Demonicrats are doing to our country is totally insane.

There is just no way the Demonicrats could hold up acting like they are in power when they are not. To their credit; it would appear they can pretend to be somewhat coherent while they are obviously criminally insane. The things these swamp creatures are unleashing on our country comes from the darkest depths of the most evil demons ever unleashed on mankind.

While I do not believe we are under Marshall law, I do believe we have crossed the Rubicon beyond light and transient causes. At this point in space and time, I do not see a future where we can hold out to the election of 2024, though it is probable we can survive to the mid-terms in 2022. (Leastwise, I have to tell myself that to have at least a glimmer of hope.) But holding on tooth and nail for the mid-terms may only allow us time to slap a tourniquet on the deepest gashes already inflicted. But make no mistake; the flesh is rotting, gangrene is setting in and some limbs from the tree of liberty will have to be removed.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for ; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

I believe the 30K NG theater/show is because the Demonicrats have plenty more hell to unleash and they got a bit spooked on how many showed up on Jan 6. Funny how the swamp critters can rationalize that walls, fences and armed Americans actually protects them from "The Governed". Yet, somehow, flickering deep-deep in their hollowed out and tortured souls, they intuitively know that that was not even the 300 Spartans phase. Bear in mind that it is not only our right, but also our duty to fix this chite.

I feel pretty strongly it’s going to be dealt with. You just can’t get caught stealing elections in this country without consequences. Besides, Trump may have never left. There’s another theory that he signed the Insurrection act on 1/19. And that we’re actually in Marshall law already. Trump did leave on AF1 with the nuclear codes. Joey Bribes had take a private plane to DC. First time that’s ever happened. Bribes was locked out of the WH on Inauguration day. He didn’t greet the Japanese President on his visit. DC was fenced off with 30,000 NG troops. Biden spends almost every weekend in Delaware. When he travels is planes call sign isn’t AF1 until this trip to Europe. Biden/Harris are obviously doing things that don’t make sense for this country. There’s some weird shit going on. Put it this way, nothing would surprise me. Just sayin.

Oops, forgot this;

If Biden was the CIC, wouldn’t military bases fly the LBGTQ flag? Especially during Pride Month? Biden is for it, the Pentagon upheld Trumps ban. Originally Posted by bambino
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
True that. Some people have too much time on their hands. Get a life people! Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
He says in his second post in 3 minutes to the same thread.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
He says in his second post in 3 minutes to the same thread. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
2 posts since yesterday morning.

And then I will disappear for hours. In fact, heading out in a few mimutes for a 20 mile bike ride.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I've simply stopped caring what some people on this board post. Multiple posts per day extolling paranoid fantasies about rigged voting, how the public is being lied to by the MSM (not counting fox news), and the misogyny against Kamala Harris, AOC, and Ilhan Omar. You can't argue against crazy so maybe you should just stop trying. And let me tell you. Some of the posts in the political forum are simply that. CRAZY!!!!! Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Paranoid fantasies?
Russia, Russia, Russia
Ukraine phone call
gassing the turds outside the church
holding children in cages
the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine
Russian bounties
the Chinese threat
and there's more!!!

Disliking AOC, Omar, and Harris has nothing to do with their vaginas and everything to do with their politics. You have a word for that? I do. It's called patriotism.

As for crazy posts, I'm answering one.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I included in my post information required to become a "Federal Only" voter and supplied a link to the form that states you must be a citizen of the U.S in order to register and become a "Federal Only" voter. So your statement, based on the TGP article that Arizona allows people to vote without proof of U.S. citizenship, is incorrect.

Who Can Use this Application

If you are a U.S. citizen who lives or has an address within the United States, you can use the application in this booklet to:

• Register to vote in your State,
• Report a change of name to your voter registration
• Report a change of address to your voter registration
office, or
• Register with a political party.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You know, sometimes I think you try to be obtuse as hell.
Nothing you said has anything to do with what I was pointing out. Yes, you have to be a US citizen but how to prove it. Everything you listed is fungible. The root of everything is how do you identify yourself. That you refuse to address. A utility bill? A bank statement? Give me a break. Even then, they can't identify the person casting the ballot.
bambino's Avatar
2 posts since yesterday morning.

And then I will disappear for hours. In fact, heading out in a few mimutes for a 20 mile bike ride.

Later! Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I ride my bike 4/5 times a week depending on weather. I usually do a 12 mile sprint. A Cannondale quick carbon 2. It’s good cardio. I get bored on 20 mile rides. But it’s been raining here everyday this week.