Do You Share More With Providers Than With "Real" Friends?

sportfisherman's Avatar
To respond to the questions put forth at the end of your post I-Stal ; I like a little chit chat first,then biz,then a little chit chat after,and I most definitely connect with my ATFs.I think what we're all speaking towards here is intimacy.There's 2 kinds,there is the physical and/or sexual,and then there is emotional intimacy.For example;I may not share with my personal GF what's really up with me,but I may feel OK to tell my ATF what's happening.For me,that is what separates the Hall of Famers from the rest;it is partly looks,partly virtuosity,but primarily an ability to convey some emotional/spiritual connection.It's like in the music biz;what would you rather have;a technically flawless performance that's over-produced with all the feeling glossed out;or an inspired performance that's a little warmer with a couple of mistakes in there.To me I'll take the second any day.Sometimes less is more.
sixxbach's Avatar
call me cynical but i share some things with providers but nothing really more than I do with my friends. its pretty rare for their to be a relationship with a provider. once the money is gone so are they. it also goes both ways, once the age and pounds add up most men are gone. i have only seen one provider that i think would be an awesome girl to know outside the hobby but she said she would never date a guy from the hobby.

i cant get past that im paying them and im sure they are ready for me to go when the time is up!
sportfisherman's Avatar
I know,I'm pretty cynical too,I don't have any delusions about what it is or what it isn't.For myself,I don't really want any attachments right now,that's why this works so well for me.I don't know if I articulated it well or not,but for me there is a warmth or "earnestness" that the best have a way of expressing.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Pardon me if I get a little Janis Joplin
on general society, but isnt it nice
to have these
incredibly intense ,amazingly
erotic experiences without expectations
put on afterwards? judgments..bare honesty..
"free Love"(excuse the oxymoron)
.. these fleeting moments of intimacy ...
maybe you will share them again,maybe you wont,
but It doesnt matter because for that moment
its just you two.
Nobody else exists.
You are who you are.

I love it.
It allows you a freedom thats just refreshing....
Ok, Big Pimpin tried to get to no Big Pimpin a little better, but it didn't go too good.

Big Pimpin: Hey man, how are you doin?

Big Pimpin: Aiight, whut chu want muhfucker?

Big Pimpin: Who u calling mufucker, mufucker!

Big Pimpin: I be callin YOU muhfucker, u big, Charlie-Brown head lookin muhfucker!

Big Pimpin: Look who's talkin, u big beach-ball head lookin fool!

So naw, BP gettin to no BP didn't work too well.

BP does usually talk to providers tho, it usually go like dis.

BP: Daaaammnn, dat wuz good. How are you doin?

Provider: Thank you baby, how are you doin?

BP: Good, uh, can I touch yo titties again?

Provider: Sure baby.

Den it be on again. So, in Big Pimpin's world, convosation be overrated, u no whut I'm sayin?
Ok, Big Pimpin tried to get to no Big Pimpin a little better, but it didn't go too good.

Big Pimpin: Hey man, how are you doin?

Big Pimpin: Aiight, whut chu want muhfucker?

Big Pimpin: Who u calling mufucker, mufucker!

Big Pimpin: I be callin YOU muhfucker, u big, Charlie-Brown head lookin muhfucker!

Big Pimpin: Look who's talkin, u big beach-ball head lookin fool!

So naw, BP gettin to no BP didn't work too well.

BP does usually talk to providers tho, it usually go like dis.

BP: Daaaammnn, dat wuz good. How are you doin?

Provider: Thank you baby, how are you doin?

BP: Good, uh, can I touch yo titties again?

Provider: Sure baby.

Den it be on again. So, in Big Pimpin's world, convosation be overrated, u no whut I'm sayin? Originally Posted by TGFBI
Lol nice.
Dick Diamond's Avatar
Providers are basically psychiatrists we get to see nekked. They don't necessarily solve your problems, but you can vent, confide, and just let loose. They also have the unspoken provider/client confidentiality much like doctor/patient. Originally Posted by adudeinaustin
That's just crazy!
gossip is big in this world.
sportfisherman's Avatar
TGFBI - you are a scream man.That is hilarious.You should do something with that B-Pimp character and write a book or take it on the road in the comedy clubs or something.