A Suggestion - A Tribute to Elena

Ms Elena was my first good experience in the hobby back in I believe 2009. I held out too long and couldn't finish the first time I was with her. I just threw in the towel and she said ur not leaving until u finish. And she was right lol. I already told her I appreciate all her insight and organizing all the meet and greets. Have a good retirement.

JB,,,,,Thank you for the kind words. Very nice of you.

I'll send you a PM JB. Originally Posted by MsElena
your welcome and wheres my pm?

retire?............ I give it three weeks

four tops
dearhunter's Avatar
Fuck Elena
Fuck Elena Originally Posted by dearhunter
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Is that so hard to understand?
Fuck Elena Originally Posted by dearhunter
I propose that is something everyone wishes they could do. Men and women alike. In all senses of the phrase.


T minus 1: 27: 00.
Forgive the double post. I hope I do not offend posting this in two different threads, but if anyone deserves a send-off, Ms. Elena does. Bye bye.

I hope this thread stays open for awhile for people to say their good-byes (and for some their good riddance).

Smooch darlin'

______________________________ _

Ms. E has been the focus of much wrath on here. Some of it rightfully earned and a great deal not. Knowing her sense of humor and her belief in the great JUSTICE the Universe provides us, even to us "members of the tribe," I want to share with everyone this song she herself finds funny:


Luv you dear. Bye-bye. Sorry your not here for your send-off. Busy in Kansas I hear. Enjoy your well-earned retirement. May the NSA never listen to your messages for fear of an atomic melt down.
ElumEno's Avatar
Fuck Elena Originally Posted by dearhunter
Alas, some of us will never be able too.