Random PM's...LE??

Donkey Dips's Avatar
And for those who have seen Nickee, it is her in the picture, she is from up north and she has a scare on her stomach. So yeah, those of you who have seen her can agree with that as well..
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
Hmmm... guess this is just all a coincidence... Still not buying your Famous review... her reviews from men who have actually seen her, not looked at photos, all say different than you. You say you joined for access to ROS, which you admitt to obtaining immedietly after your first review of Tiffany....why not stop there? You got what you wanted. Seems as though you continue with your reviews to make yourself seem more established on this board. I see no other reason to post a review that is 5 months old?? Or to start discussing LE within your first five days as boldly as you do.

And PLEASE.... With the KIDS, JOB, SO, etc....That's a good portion of the men on here... Yet none of them seem to have started out this way. In fact I meet men in your situation all the time and none of them run around with ATTENTION written in neon on their forehead. Most of them will post..but still maintain an UTR status. Another words..I read your response and your words don't really match your actions thus far!!

Will be interesting to see how the pattern between you and Scorpioseventy7 goes from here.....
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 03-25-2011, 07:05 AM
Nicely stated, Abi.
Donkey Dips's Avatar
Well you have your imaginary dotted line connecting me and this other person so there is nothing that I can do to change that. With the kids,job and so on, I was simply stating why my hours of posting are what they are.

You don't have to buy my Famous review, call her and ask if her hair is blond, otherwise don't go off of assumptions. Call Miss Tiffany as well, or Nickee. Ask Nickee if just had her time of the month and if she gave a bbbj for a c-note to a guy who showed her how to use her hands to speed things up. All this while her bf was in a room down the hall who supposedly thinks she dances and NOT what she does. Either way our meetings happened and that's my review.

You can question me all you want, but why don't just question the providers? Seems that is a much smarter thing to do than point fingers at something you question.
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
I believe my point has been made. Really no reason to banter any longer.

Apologies for hijacking your thread....please do carry on about Random PM's and LE!

Good luck and enjoy the board!
ibechill's Avatar
Damn boyfriend down the hall = pimp. Thanks for that intel. I will pass on Nicked.
Donkey Dips's Avatar
Yeah ib, I didn't find that out until after when we were chatting. Hell she didn't even tell me it was that time of the month until I was comfortable. Still wasn't a bad bbbj for what paid. She is cute and is the girl in the pictures.
johnnybax's Avatar
If anyone has suspicions or concerns about another member you can use the RTM button. Let the staff look into it, don't go onto the public forum throwing accusations at a new member.
  • Roxie
  • 05-16-2011, 04:09 PM
I don't know how my review came up in this but I can honestly say Scorpio did come see me that day. The other guy I know nothing about and I'm staying out of that. But that review was accurate. :-) (just clarifying)
notanewbie's Avatar
I kinda want to do Nasty things with detective Abi... .. .

not your intent my dearest but that shiz worked for me.
Still Looking's Avatar
So what is the deal with the random PM's from girls with no profile telling me I should set up a meeting with them? The somewhat profile with no pictures was started that day.

Sorry to be on point, don't want to mess up anyones mojo.... this happened to me several times. A service was behind each of them.