Oh darn. Someone got their feelings hurt. Sorry. But guys can see through the BS whether you like to believe it or not. We get the same EXACT level of service from all the providers including AMPs. Sure. Some girls have specialties that sets them apart. That's true. But c'mon. Sex for an hour with a "courtesan" (eyes rolling) and sex for an hour at an AMP like JJ's (may they rest in peace) was the exact same level of service. And it's the same for a girl with a more or less honest ad without all the insulting advertising jargon. The difference was almost $100, no need for an appointment and the girls were generally about 15 years younger. The buzword "courtesan" doesn't actually change anything at all and we knew that. It's advertising BS. Your angry because you know it's true. And you know we know it. LOL!
But go ahead. Unleash your fury again. Should I start looking over my shoulder now the way one of your more capable and locally beloved competitors did before they moved out of state (wink)? LOL
You're just upset because you thought all that hype was actually selling the same old product at a new and improved price. LOL
BTW, Walmart pays better than you think. You would be surprised, or maybe you wouldn't (wink).
And I only found as much time to write it as you found to COUNT THE WORDS. LOL