"Tea Party" Vs "Occupy Wall Street"

And the "Occupy Wall Street" anarchists stormed the Air and Space Museum over the weekend; shutting it down. Why? I don't recall any such actions of the patriotic Tea Party ralliers............

And the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd in Boston is now championing the cause of accused terrorist Tarek Mehanna . The U.S. government says Mehanna, 28, provided “material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization,” and acted as a “media wing” for al-Qaeda. Prior to his arrest Mehanna was free on bail from an earlier arrest, in November 2008, at Logan International Airport in Boston, when he was charged with lying to federal investigators in a 2006 interview. Mehanna, sought to obtain automatic weapons from a friend, who was at the time a terrorism suspect and is now serving a 10-year prison sentence for training withAl Qaeda in Somalia. The complaint filed on Wednesday also states that Mr. Mehanna and his associates traveled to Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, seeking training from terrorist groups to fight against American soldiers.

I hope this group of disaffected lefties keeps up their antics through the upcoming election cycle; the Democrats will be hard put to distance themselves from these loons.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm not sure what she is protesting, but I support her!


Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
shes' cute, but are there better pics of the blonde that's next to her?
budman33's Avatar
OWS vs Tea Party events?

simple. no Billionaires providing funding and organization VS. several Billionaires providing funding for Organization and events.

or even simpler : Spontaneous event vs. Lobbyist event

Quite simple and does not take a rocket surgeon.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Rocket surgeon?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Or a brain scientist?

That's the only video I could find, the blond was cute, too.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Hung like Eienstein and smart as a horse.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-11-2011, 06:56 AM
OWS vs Tea Party events?

simple. no Billionaires providing funding and organization VS. several Billionaires providing funding for Organization and events.

or even simpler : Spontaneous event vs. Lobbyist event

Quite simple and does not take a rocket surgeon. Originally Posted by budman33
They were both Spontaneous events.

Koch Brothers has co-opted the Tea Terrorist and I'm sure the unions and the like will co-opt these Wall stree protesters.

You need to be more objective there budman, maybe you can schedule a appointment with a rocket surgeon.
No the teapartyer's spit on people, attacked an old disabled man at a protest who was ill, and so many other things. This 99% occupy wall street is not anything comparable to the teabagger movement. These are middle class hard working people who are tired of wallstreet getting away with criminal activity that brought our country to a recession, and no "accountability" what so ever for it. This is what America is about, having the right to protest and free speech. I find it interesting that the Republicans are attacking them and calling them "mobs" and trying to portray them as something "scary". Most of these people are teachers, policeman, firefighters, and the hard working class and poor that are calling out for stopping the BS with unregulated banks, and wallstreet gone haywire. They are upset that our government is bought by special interest and want this to stop. I also find it incredibly insulting that they are carrying on about the media covering these protests wanting less coverage, and saying that these protests might change policy? Why yes! Dammit we want to change policies that hurt the poor and middle class people. Screw the republicans. I loved it when on the Bill Maher show, PJ Orourke looked like a bafoon and Alan Grayson handed him his ass. Priceless!
Just shows how out of touch the rich mother fu**ers are with what is going on in the real world.

Here is the video if you want to see it:

You got to love the comments on this youtube video, which are so damn true about all of this.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The Tea Party spitting on people was proven to be a lie, even most mainsteam journalists accepted that. Don't repeat the lie again. It make you look dumber than your spelling and grammar.

Oh, well endowed here is a little evidence though I know you can't accept it. Larouche supporter admits to infiltrating Tea Party with racist signs.

I didn't find her very pleasing and she is so dumb she would probably forget that it is a cock and think it is a hoagie.
The Tea Party spitting on people was proven to be a lie, even most mainsteam journalists accepted that. Don't repeat the lie again. It make you look dumber than your spelling and grammar.

Oh, well endowed here is a little evidence though I know you can't accept it. Larouche supporter admits to infiltrating Tea Party with racist signs.

I didn't find her very pleasing and she is so dumb she would probably forget that it is a cock and think it is a hoagie. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

This is the video and I watched it the day it happened, where Congressman Emanuel Cleaver got spit on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmP4Gb2pEsY

Oh and for good measure here is the tea party people attacking an old disabled man (so little compassion and totally disgraceful). http://youtu.be/6ik4f1dRbP8

I guess with actual video footage that is a lie too? Get a grip.
budman33's Avatar
They were both Spontaneous events.

Koch Brothers has co-opted the Tea Terrorist and I'm sure the unions and the like will co-opt these Wall stree protesters.

You need to be more objective there budman, maybe you can schedule a appointment with a rocket surgeon. Originally Posted by WTF
"Despite these attempts to make the “movement” appear organic, the principle organizers of the local events are actually the lobbyist-run think tanks Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Works. The two groups are heavily staffed and well funded, and are providing all the logistical and public relations work necessary for planning coast-to-coast protests:
Freedom Works staffers coordinate conference calls among protesters, contacting conservative activists to give them “sign ideas, sample press releases, and a map of events around the country.”
Freedom Works staffers apparently moved to “take over” the planning of local events in Florida.
Freedom Works provides how-to guides for delivering a “clear message” to the public and media.
Freedom Works has several domain addresses — some of them made to look like they were set up by amateurs — to promote the protests.
Americans for Prosperity is writing press releases and planning the events in New Jersey, Arizona, New Hampshire, Missouri, Kansas, and several other states.
And I guess my humor was lost on you. I'm shocked.

Iaintliein's Avatar
Sunshine is a pretty good disinfectant (thought Wall Street may need something a little stronger once the left runs out of money to pay these individuals).

The contrast is starkly clear for all who will see it. The more the left shows themselves for what they are the better. By over-reaching to the extent the current regime has, socialism has reached it's high water mark in the US and is receding.

Now, if only we can clean the scum ring that's left over.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-11-2011, 08:40 AM
Now, if only we can clean the scum ring that's left over. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Which is the greedy ignorant Tea Fucs who don't want the government to touch there SS and Medicare!

That program that they have not paid enough into yet cry like a two year old when you tell them it needs reforming.

I have been to both rallies and there is not a lick of difference in them when it comes to them wanting to protect their turf.

The Tea Terrorist want to protect Mediucare and the Wall stree terrorist want to protect there school money.

No difference.


Go to both rallies and keep in mind wtf I said and you too will see the light.

Until then it is just Amercians attacking Americans....st upid really when the 400 richest folks are laughing all the way to the bank.

I hope the Occupy crowd keeps up their antics thru the election cycle.........they will box the Democrats in.........the Occupy crowd doesn't play well with independent voters across the country.
the Occupy crowd doesn't play well with independent voters across the country. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You say that as if the Tea Nuts plays well with independent voters across the country!

Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?