Aunt Flo (inspired by tig's thread)

SirThomasTew's Avatar
This is the post of the year.
No truer words have been posted.
With the spate of hourly help going preggers recently I'm shocked there's such a low percentage of women on some kind of safety net in case the jimmy hat malfunctions.
There's nothing fun about a fun-baby and I know of at least two guys who have recently had to sweat it out over a paternity test (the lucky one opted for an overseas vasectomy to make certain that error doesn't occur again.)

Thanks again for this thread.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
ummmmm nevermind ive been good and dont need any more points lol
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Some women, though not all, I have noticed have a wee bit of iron mixed in with their normal scent. I don't envy you ladies who haven't been spayed (thanks, vickie - lol - and the hormone treatments aren't always a fun time, either) and I don't think I'm alone.
Randy, you are correct, the hormones can be very UN-fun! Fortunately for me, I don't have to do that part either. WOOHOO! I guess that could give all new meaning to "au naturale"?

There are LOTS of benefits to being an Old Hag! LOTS!
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Back up BC is always a good idea. That is why I love the Today sponge so much.
Marla I will bring you some pills for those symptoms, don't suffer. Originally Posted by lilsmurf

Thx lilsmurf! If they are hormones I can't take them (if you read my awesome experience with Yasmin, lol). But I'm open to other options! My family practice Dr prescribed me something I can take on an as needed basis the week before I start, but I rarely take it because in my field I am subject to urinalysis...and even with a valid prescription you still end up having to explain yourself and risk losing your job. I have found a glass of wine works pretty well, but I am not a heavy drinker so I skip that option too often, doh!

And to everyone else that thinks birth control pills are the be all end all (especially the men) please consider that BC has SERIOUS health risks including death for some. For many women the weight gain, nausea, (oh, and the risk of death), are a worse option in the end than just dealing with a monthly cycle.

It's OK to take a couple days off! The world will not end. I promise.
Back up BC is always a good idea. That is why I love the Today sponge so much. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick


But that gives me another question.

Can the guys feel the Today sponges? Just curious. For the girls that can't use BC pills, I would think they would be the best back-up BC uness you were allergic to them.

So has anybody (guys, gals) had weird issues with the Today sponge?
Use to keep a calendar on provider cycles.

The week before was the best time to see them.

Have had a few providers start during a session, it is a natural thing and when you have a horny provider it is even better. Like Stevexox02 Said "its just something that happens" and we dealt with it well. Plus, she would get really horny when she was on her period.

Like some client's will not kiss a provider after BBBJ.
I will kiss her just because she did the BBBJ.
Damn you know my preference when almost all my ATFs are "shall we say out of the phase of their lives". Vicki is right the hormones are difficult, one of my dear friends had the surgery and was using the cream hormone. She called me several times in just a few days. I finally told her that something was wrong she was damn near hysterical and that is not like her. Blood test showed zero estrogen in her system some women can't absorb the cream she had to go to the spray.

Damn, I am talking about girl friends having the big H, now I have a grandbaby to talk about....ladies when in the hell did you think we would be doing what we are doing and talking about grandkids? LMAO.......and loving it!!!!
I know girls use the sponge, instead cups, etc. I know they get irregular periods, spotting, etc. The pill is not perfect in regulating it with every girl.

I have one guarantee. If I book a session and mother nature shows up, please reschedule me. I will do the session when Aunt Flo is gone. I know you are counting on the money. The two STD's that can kill you are transmitted by blood. I prefer not to take that risk. Condoms break, fingernails can cut, etc...

Yes, some gals have done a session trying to hide it. It pisses me off. I just had my mouth down there! I will place an alert and put you on the the men's alert lists for sessioning while bleeding. Please do not put me in that position.

Thank you for your cooperation.
WOW, are we really talking about this??? LMAO!!! Ok, I'll bite today too, why not everyone else is. I use sponges for safety. I also have the nuva ring as well. In this biz you can never be too safe!!! I don't think it really matters to the guys....unless they actrally see the blood or smell it. And if thats the case, the provider should be ashamed of themselves...LOL!!! I can see ladies using them, not knowing exactly when they will start. Inreguardless of having a calander.....there is a possibility that its not going to be the same every month. Especially with younger ladies. As far as the depo.......I know way too many ladies that have still got preggo with that shot. On that end, depo can make it to where you don't bleed for months, but then it can also make you spot more often than not. Point being, no BC is 100%, so take all precautions!!!! If a lady uses sponges or foam or whatever.....I don't think it really matters long as they are being safe, there are no odors & ya can't see it. And I don't think using a sponge if your on your cycle is desperation at all. Some ladies just like what they do....and nothing will stop them, LMAO!!! Or their client might wanna see them right then and can't wait. I dunno, I think this subject is something that shouldn't be discussed on a board that is about fantasies and such...........but thats just me.....
Hope yal have a SUPER WONDERFUL weekend!!!
Oh, another thing, as far as the seasonale......that takes time to adjust to. It can take up to a year for it to even work right. These are hormones ladies.....your body has to adjust to them. So in that time, your period is going to be on & off. You may spot, you may have a normal cycle. But inreguardless, it takes time for your body to adjust to the pill, the shot & the ring. So while adjusting to your birthcontrol.....sponges & foam are a good idea. Every woman's body is different, therefore just because one birth control works properly for one woman......that does not mean it will be the same for the next lady. Just because you are on birth control, thats not 100%!!! There is no 100% protection people.
Back up BC is always a good idea. That is why I love the Today sponge so much. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
I've got to start off and reference the Sienfield episode about Elaine and her sponges....that was my immediate thought after reading your post. Great episode. Glad they work for you.

For the girls who have their feelings hurt.
Boo Hoo. Since when are we so sensitive?

1. I'm not "new"....I just have a new name.

2. I say it how I see it - if I'm wrong, I'll admit it.

3. I don't kiss ass - in my own backyard or in someone else's. But saying what I said isn't shitting in my own backyard as far as I'm concerned. God forbid there be an all of a sudden "Taboo" topic, that isn't forbidden by mods, to be discussed on these boards.

I was ASKING what others thought.
If you took it as being knocked-then I think you were walking into this post with the wrong attitude.

Now - what I wish to address.

lisa - I didn't mean the term "black chick" to be taken offensively - if that's what your word "interesting" meant. I grew up in the hood, have black people in my family - and I don't use the word "African American" because they don't say "African English" when you go to London and see a black person. For those in the know (or not) - I guess I mentioned her skin color, because of how scarring is usually increased in darker skin tones. I hope that clears the air on that. No offense intended. (hell, I've doubled with black chicks)

To all of you who brought up age, smoking, hormone issues, spotting, etc... - I'M SINCERELY SORRY FOR NOT CONSIDERING THOSE POSSIBILITIES. I wasn't even aware of the likelihood of death with any contraception. That's a new one for me. I feel more informed, so thank you. (not trying to be condescending or a smart ass....)

To those who mention "it's just something that happens".
Bravo. Good for you.
I think that's a lot more reasonable of a thought when it's with a girlfriend or a regular. As one guy said, he kept a calendar of when providers started so he could see them the week before.
That's how I use to know I was about to start - I'd be horny as all get out that week before, and only a couple of times have I done it while on my cycle - but I didn't realize the cycle had started till afterwards. (but it was probably some of the best sex of my life.) But I know I will personally try my best to reserve those kind of "best sex" moments - for personal relationships rather than riding the red tide with a client.

Maybe I should have walked away from the keyboard before posting so that my point was made more "gently" - but I was short on time and wanted to say what I was gonna say after reading tig's multiple experiences with this issue.

CPI - I feel ya man!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Bringing up this kind of issue IS good. We do need to discuss ANYTHING that relates to the quality of service that providers offer, what gentlemen expect, what they consider okay, and what is a dealbreaker. Debate, suggestions, hearing experiences others have had, exchanging medical info....all that is great! I have to admit that I learned a lot from this thread, and I appreciate the people who commented in a reasonable manner.

However, OnceUoonAnEscort, let me quote your initial post, "LADIES - YOU ARE FUCKING FOR A LIVING......GET ON SOME GOOD BIRTH CONTROL SO YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKIN CLIENT'S KID SHOULD THERE BE AN ACCIDENT!!!! AND SO YOU DON'T HAVE PERIOD ALL THE DAMN TIME!" and just now, "For the girls who have their feelings hurt. Boo Hoo. Since when are we so sensitive?"

If you don't think expressing yourself with this choice of words wasn't condescending and insulting, then I just don't know what to say. You don't have to kiss ass (well, maybe during a session), but there are ways to state an idea that will get your opinion across without instantly turning people off and having them disregard and/or reject what may be a valid point.
No offense taken.

I found the topic interesting for several reasons.

1. Talking about Aunt flo in the open, which generally men run the other way with. Kudos to men who posted in this thread.

2. Birth control is serious, its lots of women not using it......eeeeeewww.

3. "The Pill" fuck that, I had too many issues with it......drove me nuts. Just was not a good match for me. My hormones were wacky and uncontrollable, I gave up years ago. I am quite content with my IUC, 99.9 percent rate. Plus condoms, plus the sponge...triple protection. Plus I do not have kids, and I don't want kids, so I do everything I can to prevent accidents.

4. I enjoy the sponge. Sometimes I get horny, and I gotta let loose. Most times I just take a break. I walk around in heat, feeling like a caged lion, but sometimes a break is needed.