Donald Trump's Family

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
If y’all don’t stop, I’m going to close this thread and get my point on...I’ll open it back uo when I think y’all can be civil... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Why would you suggest such a thing? Just point who you need to point. Isn't that the purpose. ?
How can you really love this country if you've never served? What is your love and patriotism based on? Even Wakeup (as he's previously mentioned) has served in a combat role and if I'm not mistakenly he's even pulled the trigger on his combatants. Wakeup has proven his valor and love for his country. I expect anyyone who benefit from white privilege to have served in War. If they haven't then I will question the basis for their patriotism Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I haven't benefited from white privilege, so I thank you for the exemption from military service.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I haven't benefited from white privilege, so I thank you for the exemption from military service. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Arent you white? If so then you benefit from inherent priviledge end of story. Let me put it another way...when the cops stop you do they view your skin color as a lethal weapon like they do mine. If the answer is no (which I'm sure it is) then you benefit from white privilege.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
^ Oh WOWZERS!!!! OMG. Let's explore this view because I find it a fascinating expose. Thank you for posting this. That has got to be one of the most Anti-American views I've read in quite some time. Even worse than my own. How can you claim you're patriotic and love the US while espousing such Anti American views. You sound like a member of the far far left. I would request your fellow friends on this site to examine your words closely. Unfortunately for you the toothpaste cant be put back in the tube. With such views and low opinion of the American military and its soldiers please take the time to explain how you're any different from the Republican views of Colin Kaepernick. The more you guys talk the more you reveal your true nature. you're awesome thanks.

No because of several reasons. 1.) Clinton and Obama dont go around questioning the patriotism of people they dont agree with and 2.) They both have a record of US military service in their families even though they personally never served. and 3.) Neither one of them falsely claimed they couldn't serve by getting 5...count em 5 Military deferments because of a bogus ankle bone spur lie. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Clinton had her basket of deplorables, Obama had his bitter clingers, the attorney General under Obama had veterans on a watch list for possible terrorism, we know that Peter Stryck smelled Trump supporters at a Virginia Wal-Mart, and so on.
Let's look some recent match ups:
Trump (military school but no service) versus Hillary (lied about trying to join marines, lied about sniper fire, ordered military officer to serve drinks like a waiter as first lady, ordered military to NOT wear uniforms in White House as first lady and did not serve).

Obama (more prosecutions of combat veterans since World War II and he did not serve) versus Romney (as Mormon can not be drafted but did not serve).

Obama (who wasted military lives by abandoning Iraq) versus the sainted John McCain (POW, and did serve).

Bush (who served in the National Guard) versus Kerry (who was exposed lying about his military service and claimed he threw his medals away).

Bush versus Gore (who his Vietnam time out of trouble under the watchful eyes of two body guards, can't let the senators little boy get hurt).

Clinton (a draft dodger) versus Dole (a permanently disabled veteran).

Clinton (who left the military in the same sorry shape as Carter) versus Bush (the highest decorated war hero since T. Roosevelt).

Bush versus Dukakis (who just looked silly riding in a tank and no service).

Reagan (who served in the U.S. Army reserves) versus Mondale (who did not serve).

Reagan versus Carter (who after years of training abandoned the navy to run for congress, he resigned his commission).

Carter versus Ford (a U.S. Navy carrier pilot).
^ Oh WOWZERS!!!! OMG. Let's explore this view because I find it a fascinating expose. Thank you for posting this. That has got to be one of the most Anti-American views I've read in quite some time. Even worse than my own. How can you claim you're patriotic and love the US while espousing such Anti American views. You sound like a member of the far far left. I would request your fellow friends on this site to examine your words closely. Unfortunately for you the toothpaste cant be put back in the tube. With such views and low opinion of the American military and its soldiers please take the time to explain how you're any different from the Republican views of Colin Kaepernick. The more you guys talk the more you reveal your true nature. you're awesome thanks.

No because of several reasons. 1.) Clinton and Obama dont go around questioning the patriotism of people they dont agree with and 2.) They both have a record of US military service in their families even though they personally never served. and 3.) Neither one of them falsely claimed they couldn't serve by getting 5...count em 5 Military deferments because of a bogus ankle bone spur lie. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
So let me guess if Trump's Great,Great,Great Grandfather would have served you wouldn't be bringing this up?
My views aren't Anti American they're Anti War. I posted what war is, going into another country and killing it's people for political and economic reasons. That's just one flaw mankind has he's, warlike.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So let me guess if Trump's Great,Great,Great Grandfather would have served you wouldn't be bringing this up?
My views aren't Anti American they're Anti War. I posted what war is, going into another country and killing it's people for political and economic reasons. That's just one flaw mankind has he's, warlike.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Correct...and thanks for Espousing suck anti-American've completely befuddled your friends on this site. Just see above the long rant by Barleycorn that makes zero sense to me. Its all over the place. Lol

I heart you Jim...thanks for exposing yourself. We have more in common than you may realize
Arent you white? If so then you benefit from inherent priviledge end of story. Let me put it another way...when the cops stop you do they view your skin color as a lethal weapon like they do mine. If the answer is no (which I'm sure it is) then you benefit from white privilege. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
No, I have to put my hands on the wheel and hand over my license and insurance, just like everyone else.

I am a lethal weapon, they should be worried.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Correct...and thanks for Espousing suck anti-American've completely befuddled your friends on this site. Just see above the long rant by Barleycorn that makes zero sense to me. Its all over the place. Lol

I heart you Jim...thanks for exposing yourself. We have more in common than you may realize Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
No, we don't have much in common at all. I wouldn't have posted this thread. I don't judge a person on their Military background. We have all been brought up to believe that the Military does what it does to preserve our Freedom and Liberty, that's not completely true. I realize that, you on the other hand apparently do not. This thread was posted for the sole purpose of shaming Donald Trump and his descendants for not serving in the Military. Since serving in the Military isn't a prerequisite for holding a political office your point is irrelevant.

the left has manifest disregard for the military and even thinks its members are on the low rung of human intelligence

yet at the same time uses lack of service as an attack

that's curious
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
No, we don't have much in common at all. I wouldn't have posted this thread. I don't judge a person on their Military background. We have all been brought up to believe that the Military does what it does to preserve our Freedom and Liberty, that's not completely true. I realize that, you on the other hand apparently do not. This thread was posted for the sole purpose of shaming Donald Trump and his descendants for not serving in the Military. Since serving in the Military isn't a prerequisite for holding a political office your point is irrelevant.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Oh contrar Jim. Ask not what ye country can do for you but what you can do for ye country.

Dont you think by any reasonable measure that if you constantly bash people as unpatriotic then you should at least have proof of your own patriotism. See the folks that support Trump have been thoroughly embarrassed and marginalized. Why? Because the hypocrisy has been exposed. How?

Well here you have a man who took 5 fake deferments because he was too chickenshit (in the long chicken shit tradition of his family) to fight for his country. And now he parades his old senile ass around pretending he's more of a patriot than Colin Kaepernick. This is such a joke. Everytime this cretin brings up Kaepernick someone should just say 5 deferments. What a loser he is. And I havent even mentioned how this coward who took 5 deferments trashed Mccains military service while trying to cloak himself in the flag and use Kaepernick (a Black man) as his ticket to fake patriotism to fool white America. This is all extremely shameful behavior on the part of your President
I B Hankering's Avatar
the left has manifest disregard for the military and even thinks its members are on the low rung of human intelligence

yet at the same time uses lack of service as an attack

that's curious Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
It's hypocrisy, and it's an Alinsky tactic to attack those they oppose on points of honor and standards, even though they themselves have no honor or standards.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It's hypocrisy, and it's an Alinsky tactic to attack those they oppose on points of honor and standards, even though they themselves have no honor or standards.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Once people Stop attacking Kaepernick then we will stop attacking them...People cannot keep getting away with fake patriotism over a dam flag when they themselves have never served. That's the difference in case yall needed a refresher course on why. You're the ones saying kneeling NFL players are unpatriotic and you are based on what?

Yall need to soul search and stop all this double talk.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Kapernick is an unmitigated crybaby jackass.

The U.S. flag is more than a blazon for this country's past or present. The U.S. flag is also a symbol of hope and promise for what this great country can be in the future.

Meanwhile, a jackass like Kapernick -- an overpaid, half-white, egoist wearing a fucking Castro t-shirt and pig-socks while being the front man for a commercial enterprise employing the labor of children in Asian sweatshops -- taking a knee and denying that hope and promise is hypocritical and insulting.
Oh contrar Jim. Ask not what ye country can do for you but what you can do for ye country.

Dont you think by any reasonable measure that if you constantly bash people as unpatriotic then you should at least have proof of your own patriotism. See the folks that support Trump have been thoroughly embarrassed and marginalized. Why? Because the hypocrisy has been exposed. How?

Well here you have a man who took 5 fake deferments because he was too chickenshit (in the long chicken shit tradition of his family) to fight for his country. And now he parades his old senile ass around pretending he's more of a patriot than Colin Kaepernick. This is such a joke. Everytime this cretin brings up Kaepernick someone should just say 5 deferments. What a loser he is. And I havent even mentioned how this coward who took 5 deferments trashed Mccains military service while trying to cloak himself in the flag and use Kaepernick (a Black man) as his ticket to fake patriotism to fool white America. This is all extremely shameful behavior on the part of your President Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You are making up your own definition of a Patriot. Kaepernick is no patriot. His nonsensical protest was for the most part about Police Brutality. He shames the Police instead of the criminal which is why he is an immature, misinformed jackass. Although excessive force occurs and contrary to what Kaepernick believes Officers are investigated and are held accountable for their behavior.
