The president is a sadistic bastard for sending refugees back to terror...

Originally Posted by wordup666
Or is it just a gig Obama post? Just asking.

Please excuse my colleagues for posting in Conservative Ebonics! let me translate..


thank you for posting.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
" ....fat gay beast. " Does Lube have ANOTHER handle he posts under, or has EKIM " resurrected " his ole Chimp self ?
LexusLover's Avatar
" ....fat gay beast. " Does Lube have ANOTHER handle he posts under, or has EKIM " resurrected " his ole Chimp self ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Wordup or SissyLips or both!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Shut your 0zombie Hole, eeehbbuhhhrrrr Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Originally Posted by wordup666
Or is it just a gig Obama post? Just asking.

Please excuse my colleagues for posting in Conservative Ebonics! let me translate..


thank you for posting.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Two zeros telling all they know. No facts as usual.
Two things; I think Obama was wrong on principal and wrong in his timing at the last second. The other is the reaction of the libtards towards what Trump did and not a word about what Obama did. Now give the conservatives their due on this, they did complain about what Obama did (the liberals didn't) and some of them are even saying that didn't like the rollout or the execution (even if they agree with the premise) but they do acknowledge that it is constitutional. Even Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz agrees that Trump has the right and power to do what he did even if Dershowitz doesn't agree with it.

The final take; Trump was legally within the Constitution and his authority as POTUS. Anyone who says different is ignorant, a fool, and a hack.

When I know there is going to be libtard objections and smokey numbers, I estimate. Otherwise, we'll spend days arguing if it was 200 or 201. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Honest answer, however my question had nothing to do about Trump.
You never explained the difference between illegal Cubans, and illegal Mexicans.
" ....fat gay beast. " Does Lube have ANOTHER handle he posts under, or has EKIM " resurrected " his ole Chimp self ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Wordup or SissyLips or both! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You two need to quit listening to the wind blowing through your ears.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Honest answer, however my question had nothing to do about Trump.
You never explained the difference between illegal Cubans, and illegal Mexicans.
Originally Posted by wordup666
Going back to the OP (which had nothing to do with Mexicans, legal or otherwise), this is about Obama waiting until the last second and pulling the proverbial rug out from under a number of desperate people trying to escape the tyranny of Cuba. They're royally fucked now. Mexico won't keep them around and they'll be sent back to Raul's prisons. The same people who attacked Trump for inconveniencing about 100 Middle Eastern nationals happily forget what their feckless leader did only a couple of weeks ago. Why are we vetting Middle Eastern people? Terrorism. Why did we stop allowing Cubans in? You'll have to ask Obama that question but it wasn't terrorism.
unlurker's Avatar
Fucking libtard
LexusLover's Avatar
Why did we stop allowing Cubans in? You'll have to ask Obama that question but it wasn't terrorism. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Another "olive branch" to the Castro Government.

Obama added that the Havana government had agreed to accept Cubans ordered to leave the U.S., a concession that was a focus of months of negotiations. A senior administration official told the Associated Press the Cubans gave no assurances about treatment of those sent back to the country, but said political asylum remains an option for those concerned about persecution if they return.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said the move "goes a long way to putting our relationship with Cuba on equal terms with our relationships with other neighbors."

Obama is using an administrative rule change to end the policy. President-elect Donald Trump could undo that rule after he is sworn in next week. He has criticized Obama's moves to improve relations with Cuba. But ending a policy that has allowed hundreds of thousands of people to come to the United States without a visa also aligns with Trump's commitment to tough immigration policies.

The "wet foot, dry foot" policy was put in place in 1995 by then-President Bill Clinton as a revision of a more liberal immigration policy.
Until then, Cubans caught at sea trying to make their way to the United States were allowed into the country and were able to become legal residents after a year.
LexusLover's Avatar
You two need to quit listening to the wind blowing through your ears. Originally Posted by wordup666
I don't ... but I can also put you on ignore.

Why don't you put me on ignore? Or do like you to torment yourself?
its like this:

Obama had/has no beef with the castros, his world view fits fine with the totalitarianism of forced economic equality and communism, he thinks, is such a leveler, and his ego is stroked by abuse of power

in the case of muslim refugees, swamping us with them is likewise a personal satisfaction of his, anything to bring down white America another peg; further leveling dontcha see?

so both cases serve the same universal purpose and are quite compatible
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Two zeros telling all they know. No facts as usual. Originally Posted by wordup666

if u say so, UnderCunt

maybe making fun of u is more fun?

Guest123018-4's Avatar
As a nation, we are opposed to Communism and the death and destruction it brings to those that oppose it.
Castro, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and so many others deal with their opposition by killing them or imprisoning them. Cubans are not economic refugees or cowards not willing to fight in their own civil war. Cuba does not allow immigration from their country. the same is not rue of the illegals from the latin america countries.

If you do not understand the difference you are a commie bastard.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
As a nation, we are opposed to Communism and the death and destruction it brings to those that oppose it.
Castro, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and so many others deal with their opposition by killing them or imprisoning them. Cubans are not economic refugees or cowards not willing to fight in their own civil war. Cuba does not allow immigration from their country. the same is not rue of the illegals from the latin america countries.

If you do not understand the difference you are a commie bastard. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

why you racist ayran bastard! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
amphibious cars? genius! did these guys made it?