Trump has 5 - Count Em 5 Military Deferments

Wow. You bumped your own thread 2 minutes after first posting. Reminds me of bigkotex.

Then you have 3 posts in a row with the third one saying the same thing as the OP.

Get help.

By the way, how did Hillary Clinton's enlistment go? Remember she wanted to be a marine. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The Marines only need a few good men, not a crazy fucking bitch like Hillary, lol. Apparently once she realized that she switched political parties from Republican to Democrat. She must have known that the brain dead Liberals in this country would readily support her.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fucking chicken. 5 deferments starting at 22 so he didn't have to go to Nam. He was playing sports and all that shit. Hiding his shriveled up pecker with the basketball...

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
bahhaaaaaaa so what? Bill Clinton tried to use the ROTC to avoid the draft. and he protested the war. then somehow that philandering rapist became Commander in Chief?
Vietnam War opposition and draft controversy

While at Oxford, Clinton also participated in Vietnam War protests and organized an October 1969 Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam event.[2]

Clinton received Vietnam War draft deferments during 1968 and 1969 while he was in England.[20] Planning to attend law school in the U.S, and aware that he might lose his draft deferment, he tried unsuccessfully to obtain positions in the National Guard or Air Force, and then made arrangements to join the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) program at the University of Arkansas.[21]

He subsequently decided not to join the ROTC, saying in a letter to the officer in charge of the program that he opposed the war, but did not think it was honorable to use ROTC, National Guard, or Reserve service to avoid serving in Vietnam. He further stated that because he opposed the war, he would not volunteer to serve in uniform, but would subject himself to the draft, and would serve if selected only as a way "to maintain my political viability within the system".[22] Clinton registered for the draft and received a high number (311), meaning that those whose birthdays had been drawn as numbers 1 to 310 would have to be drafted before him, making it unlikely that he would be drafted. (In fact, the highest number drafted was 195.)[23]

Colonel Eugene Holmes, the Army officer who had been involved with Clinton's ROTC application, suspected that Clinton attempted to manipulate the situation to avoid the draft and avoid serving in uniform. He issued a notarized statement during the 1992 presidential campaign:

I was informed by the draft board that it was of interest to Senator Fulbright's office that Bill Clinton, a Rhodes Scholar, should be admitted to the ROTC program ... I believe that he purposely deceived me, using the possibility of joining the ROTC as a ploy to work with the draft board to delay his induction and get a new draft classification.[24]

During the 1992 campaign, it was revealed that Clinton's uncle had attempted to secure him a position in the Navy Reserve, which would have kept him from going to Vietnam. This effort was unsuccessful and Clinton said in 1992 that he had been unaware of it until then.[25] Although legal, Clinton's actions with respect to the draft and deciding whether to serve in the military were criticized by conservatives and some Vietnam veterans during his first presidential campaign, some of whom charged that he had used Fulbright's influence to avoid military service.[26][27] Clinton's 1992 campaign manager, James Carville, successfully argued that Clinton's letter in which he declined to join the ROTC should be made public, insisting that voters, many of whom had also opposed the Vietnam War, would understand and appreciate his position.[28]

any denials sissychimp?

cptjohnstone's Avatar
5 deferments no wonder he doesnt respect the military or other forms of service in the US intelligence community. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
and he has how generals working in his cabinet?

god you are stupid
bambino's Avatar
Go play with with one of your old ass pasty clients such as Bimbo or Lazy lad. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I'm not a client of RMs you stupid cocksucking monkey. She's from Texas therefore we've never met. Why do you post threads if you're going to meltdown like a Hershey bar on a Houston sidewalk.
Wow. You bumped your own thread 2 minutes after first posting. Reminds me of bigkotex.

Then you have 3 posts in a row with the third one saying the same thing as the OP.

Get help.

By the way, how did Hillary Clinton's enlistment go? Remember she wanted to be a marine. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I said last night, the chimp is so so happy his SNAP card was renewed as well as his Ritalin prescription.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Fucking chicken. 5 deferments starting at 22 so he didn't have to go to Nam. He was playing sports and all that shit. Hiding his shriveled up pecker with the basketball...

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
How did he get 5? And how did he qualify for each one?
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 03-06-2017, 08:22 PM
Go play with with one of your old ass pasty clients such as Bimbo or Lazy lad. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Let me know when your dumb ass figures out how to multi-quote.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2017, 08:28 PM
Military Deferments are legal and there are many legitimate reasons for them. On the other hand "Draft Dodging" is illegal and is a criminal offense, which a violator can do jail time for. For instance Mohammed Ali didn't have a Military Deferment he was a Draft Dodger, he broke the law. Worry about the things that matter most. You have a big problem doing that.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Ali, Ali , Ali, Ali

Both he and Trump were correct on this one.
Every day, a lefty head explodes. Wonder how many days brother soetero served in the military.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2017, 08:38 PM
Every day, a lefty head explodes. Wonder how many days brother soetero served in the military. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
I wonder how many Birthers heads exploded?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How did he get 5? And how did he qualify for each one? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

he didn't. sissychimp is misrepresenting how college deferments work. anyone in college at the time could take a draft deferral .. millions did that .. so why is this an issue for Trump? only because he's President. this dufus is trying to blame Trump for what millions of other men also did

my Dad took a college deferment not to go to Korea. to get it, he had to test out in the top 10% of males affected by the draft, which he easily did considering he was first in his high school class, second in College and first in Law School. see the trend? bahhaaaa

he did eventually serve 2 years in the Army but he didn't go to Korea. several of my cousins joined either the Air Force or Navy to avoid the Army and they were in Vietnam. one cousin joined the National Guard.
Every day, a lefty head explodes. Wonder how many days brother soetero served in the military. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
None, simply because he wasn't living in America during any war he would have been eligible to serve in.

LexusLover's Avatar cousin joined the National Guard. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
And there were Guardsmen who served in Vietnam. One unit was outstanding and perhaps the most "awarded" for their service there of all the "units" in combat.
LexusLover's Avatar
Fucking chicken. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I'm looking forward to your run for POTUS.

Make sure to notify everyone on Eccie that you are running ....

... and of course notify Eccie members of your RW name!

That way we can properly "endorse" you!
With every new thread this turd posts up, he just can't help but show how f*cking stupid he is.

And his trend is the exact same each and every time: writes idiotic post (ie: trashing Trump or praising Barry)....bumps it once or twice to make certain it doesn't get overlooked...receives rebuttal...he comes back & complains, cries, whines a couple of times....then Runs & Abandons thread for good. Total Loser Mentality...

Tsk, tsk...