Deal Breaker ?

pyramider's Avatar
My only deal breaker is if she has a cock. I am out of there.
rotten smell.......
London Rayne's Avatar
My only deal breaker is if she has a cock. I am out of there. Originally Posted by pyramider
1. Apparent drug use
2. No DFK's
3. No DATY

I understand the agency girls not offering #2 and 3, but not for independents who are offering the girlfriend experience. I've never had a girlfriend whom I couldn't kiss or go down on.
My only deal breaker is if she has a cock. I am out of there. Originally Posted by pyramider
Yeah, that was sort of implied in my post also.
catadrioptic's Avatar
Lack of hygiene is #1
Drug use #2
Up-selling #3
No daty, no msog, has to be within my set age range, no gfe

I dont have a problem with a cbj as I have seen some providers who do a great job and it was like it wasnt even there. Plus it is safer. But she HAS to BLS! haha
Cpalmson's Avatar
No MSOG. It is an absolute must. If you don't offer it, I won't see you.
burkalini's Avatar
My only deal breaker is if she has a cock. I am out of there. Originally Posted by pyramider

So a set of balls is ok. LOL