auknowho's Avatar
Great News! Good to hear you are getting better, hospital food not that good but the nurses c'mon?
dearhunter's Avatar
So, should I stop sacrificing little farm animals or double up?
Very good news Surcher. Don't know you but I have read a lot about you. Hang in there and let the rehab work...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Congratulations, surcher!

Now, could you clear out some of these damn tricycles cluttering up the drive way?
O'Mike's Avatar
Godspeed my friend.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Good to hear from you, get well and God Bless You.
Mr Clever's Avatar
Its good to see you posting again. I'm glad to your feeling better.

Fantastic news.
TX Bulldog's Avatar
Yep, thats the best news I've read on these boards in a long time. Glad you're posting again and feeling better Surcher.
srvfin's Avatar
Dude.... Fantastic news! Welcome back. You haven't missed much just the usual BS with the gang. Oh, and a noobie f*cked a TS, but good, (pun) and still swears it was pussy! Funny stuff.....
Welcome back! Just think in the next few days you can finally get some rest, because you will not be woken up all hours of the night too have your vitals done. Uh,,checked,,,, did that come out right? Hmmmmmmmmm
surcher's Avatar
Great News! Good to hear you are getting better, hospital food not that good but the nurses c'mon? Originally Posted by auknowho
Unfortunately, the nurses were as appetizing as the food. Ask O'Mike, Fancy and
surcher's Avatar
It's good to be getting out, but losing almost 15lbs. and upper body strength is what I've got to work on getting back. At least I'll be doing it at home.


OH well, I'm alive and I'll be back soon.
surcher's Avatar
Welcome back! Just think in the next few days you can finally get some rest, because you will not be woken up all hours of the night too have your vitals done. Uh,,checked,,,, did that come out right? Hmmmmmmmmm Originally Posted by AlexisSoftTouch
You can do my vitals anytime.
Sending over a private nurse.... the doctor ordered physical therapy.

auknowho's Avatar
Unfortunately, the nurses were as appetizing as the food. Ask O'Mike, Fancy and
TG. Originally Posted by surcher
Sorry to hear that Surcher, I didn't knew which cell were you trapped in? just found out. Well the good thing is you are out and kicking