Son in law Jared Kushner under investigation

VitaMan's Avatar
This is just the tip of the iceberg of the Trump Crime Organization. Everything they do is crooked, except for perhaps licensing the name Trump.

For Jared and his accomplice Ivanka, besides the above, they siphoned off hundreds of millions from the Chinese on their junkets to China.....all approved by the big boss.

The big boss is still at it, turning millions of campaign dollars into his business and personal affairs.
Precious_b's Avatar
Fruits of nepotism.
winn dixie's Avatar
Crickets from magas bout this. Kushner has been caught. He will sell out trumpf. The downfall has begun. I hope kushner does the right thing!
Here it is in a nutshell.

Jared has people invest in legitimate business adventures that actually produce profits for the investors and serve a legitimate purpose.

Hunter, (Joe), has people invest, (give him money), in a influence peddling scheme that produces nothing aside from the promise that “the Big Guy” might show favoritism in various Government policies.

One is called doing business.

The other is called taking bribes.
VitaMan's Avatar

Jared is collecting $ 70 million per year in fees.....all because the Trump administration cuddled up to the Saudis when everyone knew the real story of what they did.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg from where the Trump Crime Organization collects money.

Nice attempt at Whataboutism, however.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Here it is in a nutshell.

Jared has people invest in legitimate business adventures that actually produce profits for the investors and serve a legitimate purpose.

Hunter, (Joe), has people invest, (give him money), in a influence peddling scheme that produces nothing aside from the promise that “the Big Guy” might show favoritism in various Government policies.

One is called doing business.

The other is called taking bribes. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You can call it what you want but the truth is that people will always make money off the name of their friends and family. It becomes illegal when you can prove that undue influence in government is used to assist the person who is paying the money.

This kind of thing happens every where in local government across the United States. Poke a stick at any small local government agency and you’ll find plenty of instances where family members have jobs, related businesses get government contracts or subsidies. It’s all unethical but in lots of cases it’s not even illegal.

Pillorying the Biden’s but not the Trump’s is hypocrisy at its finest.

"Pillorying the Biden’s but not the Trump’s is hypocrisy at its finest."

You are comparing apples and oranges. The Biden's were making money selling influence and probable changing government policies putting foreign countries interests ahead of the United States.
txdot-guy's Avatar

"Pillorying the Biden’s but not the Trump’s is hypocrisy at its finest."

You are comparing apples and oranges. The Biden's were making money selling influence and probable changing government policies putting foreign countries interests ahead of the United States. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Just because you call an apple an orange doesn’t make it so. No evidence of bribery or selling influence was found. There are only apples in this basket.

The only difference between Jared Kushner and Hunter Biden is the effectiveness of their respective businesses. That’s likely because one is an addict.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I don't have a problem with either Jared or Hunter allegedly and/or suspiciously enriching themselves financially. It's not like they are selling classified state secrets. They are just taking money from crooked ass foreigners with money to burn. I actually applaud their ambition. Hell, I'd do the same if I was in their shoes. Often times it's not about what you know, but who you know so I can't fault them for what I'd do myself if I had their connections and believed no harm would come to me.

What I have a problem with is irrelevant though. Obviously, many do have a problem with it, so I wish Jared the best of luck because unfortunately for him, a lot of powerful folks really hate his father-in-law enough to make his life hell.
VitaMan's Avatar
Whatever the Bidens may or may not have done, the Trump Crime Organization dwarfs it exponentially by the money they have obtained.
Whatever the Bidens may or may not have done, the Trump Crime Organization dwarfs it exponentially by the money they have obtained. Originally Posted by VitaMan

WRONG, the Biden's are destroying the economy with their EV mandate bull pucky
Whatever the Bidens may or may not have done, the Trump Crime Organization dwarfs it exponentially by the money they have obtained. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Do you have any $ numbers to back up this statement or just your left leaning opinion and speculation?
txdot-guy's Avatar
WRONG, the Biden's are destroying the economy with their EV mandate bull pucky Originally Posted by farmstud60
The economy is changing. Some portions of that economy will be destroyed. These changes are global and not simply the result of the policies of the Biden administration. Large portions of the electrification of our country are being implemented because of global efforts to combat climate change. These efforts make clean energy economically attractive. That’s capitalism at its core.
VitaMan's Avatar
WRONG, the Biden's are destroying the economy with their EV mandate bull pucky Originally Posted by farmstud60

Is this on topic, or an attempt to hijack this thread ?
VitaMan's Avatar
Do you have any $ numbers to back up this statement or just your left leaning opinion and speculation? Originally Posted by golferguy55

Another $ 3 million in campaign money just disappeared. That is neither left leaning or right leaning. That is a fact.

Plenty of research reports available if you can find the time, instead of spending time on a silly hooker board which you stated several times you don't have time for.