CRT and no I don't mean Cathode Ray Tube

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Excuse me, Just what do you think critical race theory is? Explain how the black race is blaming the white race for "intra-racism" and what exactly is African Tribal Wars in reference to critical race theory. If you can't explain any further than this then why should someone listen to anything you have to say. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

crt is racist crap

in order to move society along .. the black race MUST admit their role in their involvement in slavery. and give up any bullshit like crt and reparations forever.
chefnerd's Avatar
So exactly what was their involvement in slavery?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Historians John Thornton and Linda Heywood of Boston University have estimated that of the Africans captured and then sold as slaves to the New World in the Atlantic slave trade, around 90% were enslaved by fellow Africans who sold them to European traders.

ding dong song
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
It's just SJW bullshit.

We already learn about American history, slavery and civil rights.

So WTF is CRT adding onto that?

Isn't it about systemic racism and white privilege?

You want your children to be taught that whites have special rights and advantages given to them by the law of the land and that they are intrinsically racist because they participate in exercising their privilege unconsciously?

Did we not have a black president? Do we not have a black vice president?
I don't understand how they are oppressed by the law or system.

I live in NC and majority of blacks here have more money than me by a lot.
I don't see how they are being oppressed by "the system," or by me.

Even if they are struggling in some matter, generally speaking, I just don't see how it's productive to point the finger at and blame an entire race of people for it.

Like the aforementioned wiki article suggests, it may not have been purely someone's skin color that was to blame for slavery or any racism one might see today.
winn dixie's Avatar
So exactly what was their involvement in slavery? Originally Posted by chefnerd
Historians John Thornton and Linda Heywood of Boston University have estimated that of the Africans captured and then sold as slaves to the New World in the Atlantic slave trade, around 90% were enslaved by fellow Africans who sold them to European traders.

ding dong song Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Strokey answered it perfectly. Point is. Everyone since we were hunters and gatherers have been under slavery at some point in time.
HedonistForever's Avatar
CRT much like in the words of Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart on pornography, "I know it when I see it". This is reflected in this discussion of CRT because CRT is all over the map. Some call it merely discussing honestly, our history about slavery. A noble cause but to the more radical Marxist in our mist, it goes all the way to "all White people are oppressors and all Black people are victims" and all White people must be "re-programmed". Of course it is that last part that is stirring up the trouble IMHO with "White people only" being called in for "diversity training" which consists of first admitting if White, you are a racist but don't dis-pare, you can't help it if you were born white and we are going to help you overcome your racist tendencies. Can you see how that might not be the best way to start a "training class"?

I've just spent about an hour, ( yeah, yeah, I know, get a life ), researching trying to find an article that best says what I'm thinking, not the "correct" answer but my view of it and I've settled on this one.

Opinion: Understanding critical race theory reveals how it's harmful to race relations

Rejecting Martin Luther King Jr.'s ideas, advocates of this way of looking at the world stoke divisiveness and discrimination.

CRT has the opposite effect of achieving racial harmony. It leads us to worse race relations, not better.

And forget free speech: if you disagree with the CRT program, it is proof of “white fragility,” “unconscious bias,” or “internalized white supremacy.” If you dissent, you must remain silent and accept your “complicity in white supremacy.”

It is that last sentence that I think causes the most trouble with what ever is being "taught". If you are White, you aren't being educated, as much as you are being indoctrinated and you are not free to object or have a different opinion, THIS is the opinion you must have and that simply is not going to lead to harmony, EVER.

So, would MLK be on board with giving up on equality for equity which seems to mean equal outcomes which we should know from history is impossible? Right now, it is actually being debated in some school districts, whether advanced classes should be restricted to "age appropriate" persons meaning that you can't take an advanced class at 12, you must wait to your Junior or Senior year of High school because this doesn't meet the requirements of "equity". Can't have an imbalance in education don't you see, that would be like having rich and poor and we can't have that in this new society, this new ( not so new ) Marxist society.

Imagine you are a White parent and your child in 3rd grad, about 8 years old, brings home a paper that says they want the child to express in their own words, what is wrong with their White privilege and what could they do to change this dynamic and you their parents, are as Liberal as they come but it doesn't matter because you are WHITE and the color of your skin, not your character is what is now being discussed.

Would you, like many White people seem to be doing, some actually crying while they admit their "failings", admit that because you are White whether you know it or not, whether you have been on the front lines marching for civil rights your whole adult life or not, you have racism in you and you must acknowledge it to purge it from yourself?

This is the part of CRT that many people, even people of color who you could see standing at school board meetings protesting the teaching of CRT if you watched Fox news that is because I guarantee you, you will not be seeing Black parents protesting CRT on CNN and MSNBC.

"I do not want my child being taught that they are a victim" is the refrain that can most be heard. And no where in the teaching of CRT that I can find are the words that "we should be judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin" which is the one and only thing taught in CRT, your skin color is all that matters and that is what is wrong with teaching CRT.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
No doubt schools should be teaching how democrats fought for slavery, how hundreds of thousands of republicans gave their lives to free them, how democrats set up and brutally enforced Jim Crow laws and fought against civil rights, and how they now consider blacks too stupid to get an ID or compete on a level playing field in education. Yup, let’s teach about racism in the US, truthfully.
HedonistForever's Avatar
No doubt schools should be teaching how democrats fought for slavery, how hundreds of thousands of republicans gave their lives to free them, how democrats set up and brutally enforced Jim Crow laws and fought against civil rights, and how they now consider blacks too stupid to get an ID or compete on a level playing field in education. Yup, let’s teach about racism in the US, truthfully. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

You notice how any time that part of Democrats past is brought up, they say "oh, that was the past, we are different now". Well guess what, slavery and Jim Crow was the past despite what Democrats will tell you but they still want to harp on the past. There is no slavery, there are no Jim Crow laws according to the Washington Post who criticized Joe Biden for saying so with regard to Georgia's new voting laws.

There is no systemic racism in this country. There is individual racism and in every instance, there are laws that protect those discriminated against. How could there possible be systemic racism when the highest law enforcement officer in the land, the Attorney General of the United States was a Black man, appointed by a Black President. It's silly, it's stupid.

Every example of systemic racism, can be traced to disagreements of different voting laws which the federal government has the authority to move against and has in the past.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No doubt schools should be teaching how democrats fought for slavery, Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

how hundreds of thousands of republicans gave their lives to free them,
No, they didn't give their lives up to free them during the civil war.

how democrats set up and brutally enforced Jim Crow laws and fought against civil rights, and

how they now consider blacks too stupid to get an ID or compete on a level playing field in education.

Yup, let’s teach about racism in the US, truthfully.
alot of republicans fought for civil rights for blacks. they were mostly ineffectual due to strong democrat opposition to it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
speaking of CRT. it is a civil rights law course that studied the underpinning of racism on laws that were created under it. this was taught in law schools.

this course was corrupted over time. they started teaching a corrupted version during the mid 90's.

what was taught in CRT classes in law schools before it was corrupted is not the same class that is now being taught in public schools.

when you start teaching to white students and other non-white students that whites are evil. you are essentially victimizing them; teaching white hatred. that is not CRT.
txdot-guy's Avatar
crt is racist crap

in order to move society along .. the black race MUST admit their role in their involvement in slavery. and give up any bullshit like crt and reparations forever. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
This has got to be the stupidest argument I've ever heard. Just because one set of Africans were involved in the slave trade doesn't absolve the United States of it's own culpability in the slave trade. Nor the Jim Crow laws that came about after the Civil War. Nor the acts of discrimination and violence that lasted up to and past the civil rights movement into the 1960's.

Teaching Critical Race Theory requires teaching a version of United States history which includes accurate and complete information and is necessary for our multi-cultural society to change for the better. If a few white kids feel slighted then maybe they should just get over it.

Truthfully I don't think the kids in the classrooms are even bothered by this. It's the racist white parents who don't want to learn the truth and are angered by the very fact that some of the things that they were taught in school was slanted to feed their white anglo-protestant superiority complex.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This has got to be the stupidest argument I've ever heard. Just because one set of Africans were involved in the slave trade doesn't absolve the United States of it's own culpability in the slave trade. Nor the Jim Crow laws that came about after the Civil War. Nor the acts of discrimination and violence that lasted up to and past the civil rights movement into the 1960's.

Teaching Critical Race Theory requires teaching a version of United States history which includes accurate and complete information and is necessary for our multi-cultural society to change for the better. If a few white kids feel slighted then maybe they should just get over it.

Truthfully I don't think the kids in the classrooms are even bothered by this. It's the racist white parents who don't want to learn the truth and are angered by the very fact that some of the things that they were taught in school was slanted to feed their white anglo-protestant superiority complex. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

well. let me retort. one set? the ENTIRE African continent was involved. at a minimum 70 percent of all slaves were captured ...

BY THEIR OWN KIND ... and willingly sold off. the true number approaches 90 percent. so .. 9 of 10 slaves that ever existed were ..


do you think THAT should be taught in schools or do you just want to stick with the liberal lie?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I don't get what critical race theory is.

It sounds really gay, though.

How is it a theory?
well. let me retort. one set? the ENTIRE African continent was involved. at a minimum 70 percent of all slaves were captured ...

BY THEIR OWN KIND ... and willingly sold off. the true number approaches 90 percent. so .. 9 of 10 slaves that ever existed were ..


do you think THAT should be taught in schools or do you just want to stick with the liberal lie? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What’s that got to do with the treatment of slaves in America? Oh that’s right, nothing at all. What about post-slavery racism in America through the 1800s to the 2020s? What about intentional disenfranchisement of blacks over generations in America? Does anything you rail about in Africa during the slave trade have anything to do with what actually affects life in America.

Of course it doesn’t. But since you don’t want to actually discuss real issues you drone on about irrelevant shit.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Slavery in America , Hmm lasted 72ish years and 6 hundred thousand died changing the country, Meanwhile many other counties around the world is have Forced labor China India diamonds in Africa ( also known as Slavery ) and the same people pushing CRT are all crickets on that fact.