Is It Possible Trump Knew There Was and Is no Election Fraud That Caused His Massive Loss In 2020 But Lied Repeatedly Anyway?

Redhot1960's Avatar
0zombies are hopeless some of the rest will carry on. fuckem
Redhot1960's Avatar
Ya'll realize that orange man aint the president no mo?

Trump is a circus act Originally Posted by winn dixie
Lubing up your RINO horn. Take it slowly...
So, a senile, decrepit Joey Bribes got 15 million more votes than his rock star boss, Obama. This defies the law of physics. But people still believe it. Yeah, they cheated. Trump beat the algorithms in 2016, the DS/Cabal cranked them up and flooded the vote with phony mail in ballots. Originally Posted by bambino
... Tucker was laughing about this earlier...

HOW did Joe Biden get so many more votes than --- OBama did??

... Maybe we should ask OBama if HE believes there
was voter fraud... I'd surely be interested in his responce.

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Truth is. trump was pummeled in the election. trumpies still havent moved on nor realized his 15 minutes are long gone!
trump lies and trumpies eat it up! snick
The 22 midterms are more evidence that America rejects the orange turd!
The 22 results more than prove this.
trump lies. Period
Ripmany's Avatar
Can you prove Biden won, do you have a video camera of everyone who voted.