Definition of GFE??

Goose2u's Avatar
I think we can all agree to disagree slightly..... but I think the common link is the IOP
milfy2002's Avatar
Anyone that tells you that GFE includes BBFS is just trying to take advantage of your youth and lack of experience. I don't think there is a definitive list of things that are included in GFE but I know that I expect it to include LFK/DFK, but I always ask to make sure.

Vic Originally Posted by Vic Kosslovich
I agree. The list is not definitive but BBFS is by no means a given. A man shouldn't expect a real world GF to go BB just because they're an item and they shouldn't expect it here either. The pill, nuvaring, etc are not 100% effective and it just makes sense that any lady without a more permanent form of contraception would require condoms as a secondary precaution.
FireKitten's Avatar
There is a slight change in the trend that GFE+ is possibly indicating looking for BBFS. You may wish to confirm that it is CFS if it feels like you are hearing that hint.
milfy2002's Avatar
There is a slight change in the trend that GFE+ is possibly indicating looking for BBFS. You may wish to confirm that it is CFS if it feels like you are hearing that hint. Originally Posted by FireKitten
I totally forgot about GFE+

I've seen that in reviews and wonder if it means BBFS or if they just had a really great time.