Fake Appointments

I’ve had providers cancel at the last minute more than once. So it happens on both sides. I let it slide; stuff happens. Originally Posted by Runcible
We are not talking about merely canceling an appointment at the last minute here. Everybody has to do that on occasion. We are talking about the dreaded NCNS here. We are talking about not having enough common decency and courtesy to let the other party know that you can't make it. A simple call, text or email will suffice. A NCNS is never okay. I never have "let it slide" and never will whenever such a thing happens to me again
I’ve had providers cancel at the last minute more than once. So it happens on both sides. I let it slide; stuff happens. Originally Posted by Runcible
Its perfectly fine to cancel, life happens! I am fine with it as long as I get a phone call an hour in advance (assuming its local).

When I am leaving for an appointment I usually send a text. Radio silence and I don't go. She responds I am out the door.

It's the radio silence within the confirmation of the appointment that bothers me. All of us have been waiting in the parking lot waiting for the call up and then nothing. We as hobbiest don't do enough to eliminate that problem, just as providers don't do enough to eliminate the nsnc. If we would place the hobbiests and providers that nsnc it probably would eliminate a lot of the problems. Then again out boards would be full of thoes notices.
Cheyenne Ryder's Avatar
I agree, life happens. I understand if you need to CANCEL. I've had to cancel a few times myself. But these 2 did not have the decency to do so. One in specific actually said he was 15 minutes away and I never heard from him again. ����
I know it happens all over, but if its happening more than once in a specific area I'm in, within the same day no less, then yes my spidey senses are definitely going off. And more than likely, I will leave said city/state. Or at the very least, move locations.
I never give my room number until I actually see you outside.
My safety and respect is just as important as the next. "Hooker" or not. Im Still a human being at the end of the day. Common courtesy always goes a long way in my book.
omg_lol's Avatar
I highly doubt these guys were so busy that they couldn’t devote ten seconds to text “sry need to cancel due 2 wrk :(” There are a lot of dipshits and fuckups in the hobby, some of these guys set up appointments without intending on ever following through with it.
pmdelites's Avatar
we all know it happens on both sides - if you don't, now you do!

if you can't figure out or understand why someone did/does it, just let your mind come up w/ or brainstorm one of the gazillion reasons why. or the default one - "they're inconsiderate lazy-fucks."

research the person to lower the probability of it happening.

if it happens to you, wait some amount of time. if you dont hear from the NCNSer, then let your fellow hobbyists or providers know who and when - just the facts - leave the venting for a coed or men's room post.

also, if it happens to you, i suggest that you don't write off "all" the clients or providers in that area - a few rotten folks shouldn't spoil the barrel.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
I suggest you visit Houston