Ladies: What Makes You Decide To NOT See A New Client, Or To Stop Seeing An Existing Client?

Lexieinhouston's Avatar
re #6...If I give someone my personal email address after verifying their references, I do not want them to mention this site or any other, I know who they are and I certainly don't want them mentioning rates.


1. don't try bbfs,
2. dont use teeth on clit during daty,
3. dont try to suck my clit out the socket,
4. dont suck my tounge so hard that it actually hurts after ward.
5. dont tell me about how great some other providers ish is or was...
6. on inital email dont send me a sinmple "hey" or "are you available", your fist email should include hello my name is ______ i saw you on ______ website, i reviewed your rates etc _____ i am looking to schedule sometime around ______ i am a newbie or i have refs etc etc
7. if texting or calling do not ask about rates and location or services, this makes you sound like a LE trying to bag a cat.

the other day a guy texted me said he was from eccie and jjust saw my AD, his next question was how much are my rates and where am i loacted and am i running any specials.... if he read my AD like he CLAIMEd he did, he would have known all the info he asked for. Could have possibly been LE anyways

those are some of the issues i have had lately. Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
Everything that Mya Michelle said... But put pushiness/desperation on the list. I had to ignore one guy who came to my location in the flood after I told him to not come because of the danger of the flood/weather. He calls me at least 10x a day still...shame, he use to be a decent client.