When Will President Trump's Supporters Demand He Take Personal Resonsibility and Accountability

Why would we be upset with the guy who actually keeps his campaign promises to us? Why do the leftist CS refuse to understand that? Originally Posted by Marshall2.0
my main man knows how to do it. Love this guy.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why would we be upset with the guy who actually keeps his campaign promises to us? Why do the leftist CS refuse to understand that? Originally Posted by Marshall2.0
Because they'd rather have had HillariousNoMore who wouldn't!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I find it ironic that most Trump supporters have completely absolved this turd of all personal responsibility and accountability. The hypocrisy from Trump supporters is appalling. Right now all I hear is that it's everyone else's fault except Trump even if it's his own people and there's 100 of them to his 1. They still say everyone is wrong while this almost 80 yr old senile old fart is right.

The Republican party no longer believes in personal responsibility and reasonableness. They blame all of Trumps faults and outright lies on everyone except Trump. At first they said it was because of the left over people from the Obama administration that was causing the issues for Trump. He then fired all of those people and when Trump's own appointed people turned on him it's still either Obama's fault or it's now a deep state conspiracy. This is sheer madness.

From his Dept. of Justice, to his Secretary of State, to his pwn appointed FBI team to his personal lawyer, to his National and Deputy security advisors to his Campaign chair, to his former and current Chief of Staffs and others who's quit in protest, to those who's written books to former porn stars and hookers. All these people are wrong and he's the saint who is always right...

This is the very definition of insanity from Trump. I'm just surprised that the Republican party who say they don't believe in affirmative action or handouts and believe in personal responsibility and accountability so readily abandoned these so called principles of theirs as a matter of convenience. What a disgrace. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

This has got to be poor parody. Isn't this the same week that Obama came out and, after blaming eight years of woes on George Bush, tries to credit for things that happened over a year after he left office? Trump didn't help create ISIS he killed them. Trump didn't wave good bye to jobs going overseas, he got them back. Trump didn't turn the IRS and Justice loose on Americans, he's trying to drain the swamp.
I suggest that you try telling the truth. Rob Rosenstein, Ohr, Page, and so many underlings are still on the job from Obama's time. Unlike Clinton, Trump didn't fire every federal prosecutor when he got into office.
You guys ok this morning. I could care less where they put it. I'm just glad we're discussing Melons. Hey guys I love yall ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
This is where all your threads should be