At least their is one Repubican that is not a puppet and votes for values.

berryberry's Avatar
This is like, pure projection. Democrats march in lockstep so tightly their members don’t even need to think about their votes. Some don’t even possess that ability (see:Fetterman/Johnson/AOC), they just say and vote what and how Nancy tells them to. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
It is indeed. Only someone extremely ill informed would not realize Mitt is a liberal dressed up as a RINO

And your point of the leftists marching in lockstep is spot on. Hell, we have mentally retarded Fetterman, AOC, Ilhan the terrorist and others who just toe the party line. Then let's not forget Diane Feinstein - she is even a bigger fucking vegetable than Senile Biden which is saying something. She had to be told how to vote just a few days ago - captured on camera and aide telling her "just say Aye". Utterly embarassing