Trump is such a lunatic and narcissist

bambino's Avatar
Bambino, you are such a Republican tool. Trump even brought in a new Chief of Staff to plug the leaks because White House personnel are freaking out on what is going on inside that dome of dumbness. Jeff Sessions even came out and said they are going after the leakers hard but instead you just say it is bullshit. Can you think independently or do you need the Republican party and Breitbart to tell you what to think. You're a fucking fool. Originally Posted by Greenflag
I'm a registered Democrat you ignoramus. You have no idea what's going on inside the WH or anywhere outside your miserable life. Run along son.
I'm a registered Democrat you ignoramus. You have no idea what's going on inside the WH or anywhere outside your miserable life. Run along son. Originally Posted by bambino
Sure you are a registered democrat and a liar. You are a right wing nutcase.
bambino's Avatar
Sure you are a registered democrat and a liar. You are a right wing nutcase. Originally Posted by Greenflag
I am. But it's obvious that you're a nutcase.
I am. But it's obvious that you're a nutcase. Originally Posted by bambino
So you voted for Hillary? Tell me all of the democrats you voted for.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Typical Republican, the only thing they can do is talk about Hillary or keep blaming Al Gore for Climate Change. The only thing dumbasses like IB AHOMO
is rave like a lunatic about the Clintons or fake scandals that they get from their fake news sources. They are too fucking too stupid to understand whats going on so they rely on shit like Breitbart, Alex Jones, Newsmax that makes up fake stories.Their small brains can't comprehend or process information. When someone presents a news piece from a reputable vetted news source they say it is the liberal media. IB AHOMO why don't you address the article. Did they make this shit up? Please tell me IB AHOMO.

Back to the article , obviously we have a nut in the oval office that he makes his aides tell him how wonderful he is twice a day.
Originally Posted by Greenflag
Run, greenfag, run! Run away from hildebeest, greenfag! Run as fast as you can, greenfag, but the legacy of your candidate is attached to your stupid-ass like a kite tail is attached to a kite, greenfag! No matter how much distance you try to put between you and the stupid, nasty-ass candidate you fielded last year, greenfag, it's attached to YOU, greenfag! YOU fielded the worst candidate since Al Smith, greenfag! Every history book from this point forward will have that factoid in the footnotes, greenfag! YOUR stupid-ass ilk fielded the worst candidate since Al Smith, greenfag, and no amount of your running away is going to change that fact, greenfag!
IB AHOMO you can't discuss facts. You are a troll. Talk to you later IB AHOMO.
I B Hankering's Avatar
IB AHOMO you can't discuss facts. You are a troll. Talk to you later IB AHOMO. Originally Posted by Greenflag
We are discussing facts, greenfag. U B the homo that's obviously ashamed of your candidate hildebeest, and you're desperately trying to run away from her like the plague, greenfag. But your lying ass owns her, greenfag ... she will always be the candidate Trump TRUMPED in the 2016 election, greenfag --- YOUR candidate that Trump TRUMPED in the 2016 election, greenfag!
Hillary was not my candidate. She got the nomination so I voted for her. I always thought she was a weak person to run but luckily for you Trump had help from the Russians. Too bad for the world and our country.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hillary was not my candidate. She got the nomination so I voted for her. I always thought she was a weak person to run but luckily for you Trump had help from the Russians. Too bad for the world and our country. Originally Posted by Greenflag
Team hildebeest openly collaborated with Ukrainian government officials, and the discredited Trump dossier Team hildebeest produced was put together by a Brit operative in conjunction with Russian sources, greenfag. Take your hypocrisy and shove it up your well used ass, greenfag.
bambino's Avatar
So you voted for Hillary? Tell me all of the democrats you voted for. Originally Posted by Greenflag
Oh, I didn't vote for Hillary. I learned my lesson when I voted for her degenerate husband for his second term. I knew Bob Dole was a better man. But the economy and my business were doing great and I voted for the status quo. But then, his debauchery was exposed and he was impeached. Oh well. But our great country survived his total embarrassment of the office he held. We are that good.
So you voted for Hillary? Tell me all of the democrats you voted for. Originally Posted by Greenflag
Only stupid Democrats voted for Hillary and delusional Republicans. Now which one are you?

Hillary was not my candidate. She got the nomination so I voted for her. I always thought she was a weak person to run but luckily for you Trump had help from the Russians. Too bad for the world and our country. Originally Posted by Greenflag
You see even the Russians didn't want Hillary and they don't even live here, lol.

I read the irrational rants on here and it worries me.
We have become a nation of unknowing led-by-the-nose consumers.
Eat the Trump brand, dumbos.
It would be amusing except periodically Trump exposes his arrogance and his foolishness.
And that can threaten real lives, real people.
He is completely thoughtless and without intelligent understanding about pollution or cancer or poisons in our food or mad men with nuclear weapons.
He does understand greed and gold plated furniture and his unvarnished desire for attention and wealth and lavish living.
The Trump supporters on this board would rather eat a razor blade than admit that Trump makes one screwy mistake after another.
That's the idiocy I worry about.
There's still some 30% of the adults in this country who see value in the perspective of a self-absorbed ego maniac like Donald Trump.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I read the irrational rants on here and it worries me.
We have become a nation of unknowing led-by-the-nose consumers.
Eat the Trump brand, dumbos.
It would be amusing except periodically Trump exposes his arrogance and his foolishness.
And that can threaten real lives, real people.
He is completely thoughtless and without intelligent understanding about pollution or cancer or poisons in our food or mad men with nuclear weapons.
He does understand greed and gold plated furniture and his unvarnished desire for attention and wealth and lavish living.
The Trump supporters on this board would rather eat a razor blade than admit that Trump makes one screwy mistake after another.
That's the idiocy I worry about.
There's still some 30% of the adults in this country who see value in the perspective of a self-absorbed ego maniac like Donald Trump.
Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Says a jackass that fielded hildebeest as a candidate for president.
I did not vote for Mrs. Clinton, but that's irrelevant.
I am worried about the misguided, unprincipled, and dangerous man who was elected.
Pull up your big-boy britches, dumbos, and think about what's obvious.
Putin, Medvedev and the relatively small number of oligarchs who are raping Russia and keeping the loot for themselves have billions to hide, invest and play shell games with. The Russian people are getting plowed big-time as Putin and his pals grab as much as they can. Putin and his pals kill people who get in their way.
There are scum in different ports of call who are willing to help Putin and his pals hide and invest their loot.
Paul Manafort, it is proven, is one of those unethical assholes.
He has created countless winding roads with bank accounts, investment accounts, and all told manner of financial tactics. At a minimum we know Manafort aids the immoral oligarchs. For a tidy sim, of course.
Has Trump aided the oligarchs?
Hard to know, but his greed and desire for more and more money made him vulnerable.
His track record of withholding payments to his businesses contractors indicates he
acts unethically and then lies about it. I'd say he looks suspicious.
Plus he plays loose and fast with the facts all the time, even as President.
Manafort has a deep relationship with the immoral pirates in Russia.
He helped run Trump's campaign.
Isn't it clear, even to dumbos, that there is ample reason to suspect unsavory and dangerous criminality is very possible with this bunch of unethical elitists who live in gold-plated opulence.
We'll soon learn more, as it seems that Mueller has Trump's tax returns, and is looking into Trump's financial activities.