Music in the bedroom

Pistol Man's Avatar

If you survived being a teenager in the seventies, you're not an old fart.

Now, for those of us who survived being a teenager in the fifties ... the appelation might just fit!!

As to music - I do sometimes hum a tune during DATY that seems to be appreciated!


Carmina Burana? Now that is varied and intense. Might just work!!

Pistol Man
How bout you singing Tara? or whisper sweet nothings.

just my .02 Originally Posted by otrdriver
To be quite honest with you, I don't have the best voice for singing.
xperiment's Avatar
To be quite honest with you, I don't have the best voice for singing. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Just sing with your hips and your lips.
otrdriver's Avatar
we could make our own songs as me move together doing the dirty! moving together swaying to the music, gentle touching, rubbing your back, feeling the soft skin under my fingers........... sorry gota take a cold hower be back shortly!
gman44's Avatar
It doesn't really matter to me since I come for the pussy
TexRich's Avatar
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
I like the music to fit the mood. Like Fawn I love jazz...especially if there is a sexxxophone solo. However, if you are a rowdy girl, put some rock on. If you are a club girl or xxx-dancer, put on some hip-hop.

I've only made one mixtape for my personal favorite...and I owe her the second release of that too. Was that a double entendre...hmmm?
smokeater's Avatar
The Blues works for me. Something about old Mississippi Delta Blues and the slow steady rhythym backed up by raspy sultry voice that seems to be a great mood setter.
  • YSD
  • 11-18-2009, 10:02 AM
Have to take an unpopular stand here. I don't like music on when I am with a provider---especially on the first meeting. To me it is distracting to the business at hand especially when the musical tastes of the provider and myself differ. If after I know the partner well and our tastes jive then I love it---and it doesn't matter---rock, metal, jazz, blues---as long as are both in the zone it will work.

But maybe it might just be me 'cause I am so darned ADD it is pathetic. Like to concentrate at the business at hand.
CassidyBlue's Avatar
I always have music playing... I hear it while waiting for my visitor but, I've noticed that it never comes back into "focus" until we're both exhausted. Guess my mind is on other things...
JRush's Avatar
  • JRush
  • 11-18-2009, 08:27 PM
Very interesting question, Tara, because I sometimes face the same problem as a photographer. I always work with background music and it's a relief when I get a request for something I like as well. You might ask your client what he prefers in advance. You might even suggest he bring his own if he likes.

PS. I'll be sure to play country for your next photo session.
Combustion's Avatar
I'm not there for the music, only had one provider put music on for the session I didn't notice the music at all I had other more interesting matters at hand.
Barry thats good stuff
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 11-18-2009, 09:22 PM
Barry thats good stuff Originally Posted by piquant2009
Now that is some good love making music....
I have a lots of oldie but goodies down
loaded on utube....maybe you should
come over and show me your collection.....
Piquant, I'm not knocking your choice, but how does a guy with a Jimmy Page avatar like to hear Barry White music during a session? Or is that Joe Perry?