Weight Loss, Dieting Meal Prep

If you go on a ketogenic diet,bacon and other fat is what you eat.you eat a miniscule amount of carbs.your blood sugar goes low and your body is forced to burn fat,because there is no glucose to burn.I'm to lazy to monitor ketones and love carbs to much to try it.but if interested Google ketogenic diet.it suppose to turbo charge your metabolism.
Tex9401's Avatar
Get smaller plates to eat from. Get Food Saver, so you can make smaller portions.
Since, I am stuck in the field working all day; I take nutrition shakes.
Get smaller plates to eat from. Get Food Saver, so you can make smaller portions.
Since, I am stuck in the field working all day; I take nutrition shakes. Originally Posted by Tex9401
I have a food saver, and I get a lot of use out of mine. Love it.

I also eat a lot of instant oatmeal. Healthy, ready in two minutes, and seems to keep me full for a while... 130 calories.
Eating turkey and it makes you sleepy is a myth during the the holidays when people over eat is what makes you sleepy over eating not the turkey.


And fyi turkey bacon is delicious. Originally Posted by nwaarguy
Oh look the room echo showed up....
Oh look the room echo showed up.... Originally Posted by HIMark
I don't what you're problem is nor due i even care.
fourbarrel4u's Avatar
Mmmmm bacon
I don't what you're problem is nor due i even care. Originally Posted by nwaarguy
With those language skills I can understand how you do not get it.. I hear GED classes are starting soon, maybe you should sign up, I am sure Darwin will wait for you.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
With those language skills I can understand how you do not get it.. I hear GED classes are starting soon, maybe you should sign up, I am sure Darwin will wait for you. Originally Posted by HIMark
The class asshole never wins
With those language skills I can understand how you do not get it.. I hear GED classes are starting soon, maybe you should sign up, I am sure Darwin will wait for you. Originally Posted by HIMark
You have 28 post and reviews 0 most are asking for info or just bitching at people HIMark my advice put me on ignore and go have a session with a provider.
With those language skills I can understand how you do not get it.. I hear GED classes are starting soon, maybe you should sign up, I am sure Darwin will wait for you. Originally Posted by HIMark
It's really too bad for you that losing a personality isn't as simple as losing weight...
It's really too bad for you that losing a personality isn't as simple as losing weight... Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
What can I say... when fired upon I return fire. Besides this is not a popularity contest, well not for me, I belong to the "No Fucks Given" club.
You have 28 post and reviews 0 most are asking for info or just bitching at people HIMark my advice put me on ignore and go have a session with a provider. Originally Posted by nwaarguy
Opinions vary, glad you have me on ignore (but I am quite sure you don't).
The class asshole never wins Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
And who are you calling an asshole? Here is some food for thought... "Glass houses".
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Hi Mark, you fired first. I suggest you take a cold shower and rest. Maybe go have a nice date with a lady. Might help release all that pinned up testosterone you got going on
Danielle Reid's Avatar
ANYWAY, back on topic

Take a look at bodybuilding.com
It has a lot of helping information about dieting, weight loss, cutting, bulking, etc. Some of it is bro-science but a lot of it is very helpful