Been brought to my attention we have a snake on board

This should help the traveling providers feel safe for coming to the area.
diamonddelight's Avatar
I will not indulge in your shenanigans this alert was put up in the north east Texas area to make sure that myself and my other peers are safe. You're not even from here you're visiting, and there's drama coming along with you, and we don't want it over here. The drama that you have between you and another provider has nothing to do with me or the board and I can care less. Trash talking,no ma'am that wasn't done at all, what I did was make an alert where you and everybody else can see it. I'm sorry that it rubs you the wrong way but the information that was given to me by several people was about YOU and was very uncomfortable. So I felt that I needed to share it with my community. No harm no foul,and what's understood don't need to be explained. Have a nice day.
... No harm no foul,... Originally Posted by diamonddelight
Are you sure?
Raccoon's Avatar
I appreciate you for trying to keep us informed DD. Whether the true or not the intent is good, so I commend that.
mrredcat43's Avatar
I appreciate you for trying to keep us informed DD. Whether the true or not the intent is good, so I commend that. Originally Posted by Raccoon
+1. Thank you DD, for looking out for the community
Lets have a community hug
drinkindreamin's Avatar
Well the game is really fucked up right now and has been for sometime! Nobody knows who to trust... and now the shit has bled over into East Texas from Shreveport. Id advise you all to proceed with caution and even those your calling your friend. If you have a regular you better stick with her because aint nobody visiting this sumbitch no time soon. Honestly I don't even wont to hear the to whats truth as everybody tells somebody something ,weather its the goddamn truth or not. For example I tell 4 maybe 5 people something in PM, then I get an email confronting me for saying something that I didn't say. I don't know who it was but I have a good idea where it come from. Then you have providers team up knowing damn good and well yall cant get along with nobody. Then theres a blow up, then your fellow clients are like well WTF!! Who do I trust? Answer to that is NOBODY!! You don't trust a GOD DAMN soul. Then hobbiest are giving advice against another hobbiest. In an effort to gain favor when most likely the provider is talking shit about you as well. My personal favorite is when you have a clients feeding providers info from the Mens Lounge.. the mortal sin! All in the name of pussy, and I doubt they even get a discount. Everybody plays somebody for something being the reason Ive stepped away from the shit. For the sake of clarity I believe this is an argument that goes much deeper than what happened in Jan. I check that arrest report daily. Theirs several of you that are potential threats and probably know more than you should. You factor in the Leo, probation, substance abuse and other stressors of life. It could be anybody at anytime. They say history isn't important. History is the reason things are the way they are today.
Can't be too careful. We've all got a lot to lose. My aunt used to say, "you can live down a lie..." so if you're not a snitch, that shit will come out. It always does. But is rather know about a potential snitch so I can be wary, as opposed to not knowing and get my dick in a sling.
str8....Your aunt sounds hot
str8....Your aunt sounds hot Originally Posted by Souper
She probably is IF you like 70-something BBWs 😂😂😂
I believe Diamond Delight was given some information from other providers she believes to be true. I believe she acted based on that without malice intention. She simply wanted to try and protect our community. However, I do feel more care should have been taken in how she handled this information. But it was her choice and I'm not going to bash her for it. She has been in our Tyler Area for a good while now. I know she has a good following and avoids drama as much as she can. I commend her for that.

I know Eccie does not have any people who can give us solid answers. We cannot rely on them to BAN all people who are unsafe. They cannot guarantee us complete safety. They simply act on information they can verify. There was a sting recently in SBC. MuffinMan stated somewhere that the ladies who were proven to have been involved have been BANNED. That doesn't mean we are any more safe. We each still take the chance every time we walk into that INCALL or OUTCALL.

We each must take our own steps to screen both Hobbiest and Providers. We each must have our own procedure that we feel works best for us individually. Some providers say they screen when in fact they do not. Some providers actually call or message references. Some providers check past references looking at posting/review history and match cell numbers with what other provislders have. I am sure there are other ways as well. Some of us Hobbiest screen providers based on photos alone. Some based on photos and reviews. Some based on activities and pricing. Some just because we are horny and she is available. And some check her FB, her Twitter, her Instagram, and anything they can find on the internet. The point is that you have to do what works for you.

All my research tells me that the provider in question is a legit provider. I have personally seen her in person 3 times ... once in December 2018 and twice in January 2019. I will continue to see her again in the future. That doesn't mean I always show up without my guard up. I keep my guard up with EVERY SINGLE ENCOUNTER POTENTIAL no matter who she is.

Posting this might possibly put me on some DO NOT SEE LIST of a few providers. I can respect that. I do not hold it against them. They must do what they feel is in their best interest. I would encourage them to take whatever steps they deem necessary for their safety. That might mean not seeing me period. That might mean making me jump through some extra hoops if I want to see them bad enough. It is their call and I encourage them to follow their thoughts about me as a hobbiest.

I will also add that (although DD was only wanting to protect our community) this thread should not have been started. If there is proof, then take it to a MOD and let them do what they need to do with the information. A thread such as this is no different than one being started saying "I know a provider with an STD. PM me for details." Or one saying "I know a Hobbiest who is a child molester. PM me for details." Or one saying "I know a provider who could potentially accuse you of rape if you see her. PM me for details." All of those could be true but could also ruin a person's life in the RW or Hobby World. Any of these could easily be started on anyone of us using FEAR as a basis for it to take hold. But I still do not discount their possibility. Thus the reason for SOLID reference checking and condoms. And even that will not guarantee you safety. After all, this is an illegal activity.

I don't have an issue with threads about NCNS or guys that financially stiff the ladies or ladies who take the $ and run prior to fulfilling obligations. Those are within the normal scope of business activity. But allocations serious enough to ruin someone livelihood should have enough foundation to get her BANNED if they are true.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
I have stayed quiet on all of this...mostly because I'm much more low profile these days and spend much less time here than I did in the past, and I like popcorn

I'm just going to say that while I agree with most of what you say, ETG, I disagree about DiamondD posting about it. Y'all post lots of things about ladies with questionable behavior, publically and privately...and much of that is rumor or heresay as well. You're correct about each of us doing our own research however this board is meant for sharing information, not just to provide titillating entertainment. It is also one way we use to try to stay safer. And while it is predominantly a male run site, it's still not right trying shut down someone who is legitimately trying to keep others safe. This is unarguably a dangerous hobby, for both sides, so when there is a perceived risk/threat, why not do your research and share it?

Don't forget also, that while you and any other person you spend time with may indeed have a relationship in which you feel comfortable....that may not always be the case when that person interacts with others. Just a thought as we all have our own personalities and triggers.

All that being said, I hope everyone has a wonderful week and can find some time to indulge in our favorite hobby safely

Peace and Karma
MajicPlayground's Avatar
I have stayed quiet on all of this...mostly because I'm much more low profile these days and spend much less time here than I did in the past, and I like popcorn

I'm just going to say that while I agree with most of what you say, ETG, I disagree about DiamondD posting about it. Y'all post lots of things about ladies with questionable behavior, publically and privately...and much of that is rumor or heresay as well. You're correct about each of us doing our own research however this board is meant for sharing information, not just to provide titillating entertainment. It is also one way we use to try to stay safer. And while it is predominantly a male run site, it's still not right trying shut down someone who is legitimately trying to keep others safe. This is unarguably a dangerous hobby, for both sides, so when there is a perceived risk/threat, why not do your research and share it?

Don't forget also, that while you and any other person you spend time with may indeed have a relationship in which you feel comfortable....that may not always be the case when that person interacts with others. Just a thought as we all have our own personalities and triggers.

All that being said, I hope everyone has a wonderful week and can find some time to indulge in our favorite hobby safely

Peace and Karma
Majic ... I get it and hear what you are saying. I also don't want my comment to feel like an attack on Diamond Delight. She was doing what she felt best. I have respect for the both of you!!

I know this site caters to us men. But any provider who has spent anytime with me should hopefully feel (and realize about me) that I wish it were more 50/50. I have always thought of this as a partnership. So Diamond Delight, if the comments in my post offended you in any way, I do apologize. You are more than welcome to your opinion and to express them as you see fit. I encourage you to keep doing so.

It puts many of us Hobbiest in a tough spot ... caught in between a provider whom we have seen numerous times in a short period (and reviewed) and providers whom we also enjoy but who will not see us going forward if we continue to see her. Put the shoe on the other foot. You have spent some time (numerous times) with a Hobbiest you enjoy spending time with. You hear some negative things about him. You try and try but cannot find solid proof on what you are being told. Sure, he has a past that you kinda know about. But that past has never jumped up in front of you. So unless you have solid proof, you are going to keep seeing him. As far as you know, it is rumors started by other providers to get you out of the picture so you will see them more. And probalby both aspects have some validity. It is a tough spot to be in.

But I get it Majic and I appreciate your constructive feedback.
MsMajicMouth sic em…….Go to your corner ET
Too much over analyzing on here