One of my favorite Bruce Lee scenes just got better...

So you think Barr is lying? That Trump had late night secret meetings with the Russians and gave them lots of money so he would win the election??? That he needed the Russians support so bad that he would take that risk to win?

In that case...I've got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell ya.

During William Barr's press conference this morning he used the word collusion 5 or 6 times rather than conspiracy which is what the report focused on. Sounds like a mouthpiece for the president rather than a non-partisan and unbiased Attorney General. But that doesn't really matter to most republicans does it? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I B Hankering's Avatar
During William Barr's press conference this morning he used the word collusion 5 or 6 times rather than conspiracy which is what the report focused on. Sounds like a mouthpiece for the president rather than a non-partisan and unbiased Attorney General. But that doesn't really matter to most republicans does it? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
What say you get back with us when you discover that Trump's AG is running guns to Mexican cartels in violation of federal and International Law ... or when he is having clandestine conversations in a plane on a runway apron with the husband of a woman under criminal investigation by his office. Until that time you have such evidence, you can hold your BS opinion as to what is or isn't "partisan".
themystic's Avatar
So you think Barr is lying? That Trump had late night secret meetings with the Russians and gave them lots of money so he would win the election??? That he needed the Russians support so bad that he would take that risk to win?

In that case...I've got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell ya. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yes Ill take some of that ocean front property Moscow Ellen. Your real estate skills and prowess are legendary. You went from 8 years of broke to an overnight financial bonanza. Yes Barr is a liar. Trump supporters dont care about truth. They are just as big a liars as Trump and Barr
gfejunkie's Avatar
They are just as big a liars as Trump and Barr Originally Posted by themystic
So, you're saying Mueller is a liar too. They haven't said anything Mueller hasn't said. Mueller himself would have corrected them if they had.
Don't make me come in here and have to grab you by your pussy. Stop melting like a snowflake and stop talking nonsense. In other words - grow the fuck up.

Yes Ill take some of that ocean front property Moscow Ellen. Your real estate skills and prowess are legendary. You went from 8 years of broke to an overnight financial bonanza. Yes Barr is a liar. Trump supporters dont care about truth. They are just as big a liars as Trump and Barr Originally Posted by themystic
themystic's Avatar
Don't make me come in here and have to grab you by your pussy. Stop melting like a snowflake and stop talking nonsense. In other words - grow the fuck up. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Such harsh words. Bless your Heart Moscow Ellen
txdot-guy's Avatar
I think there is plenty of wrongdoing on the part of the Trump Campaign. Not necessarily of Trump himself. I think that Mueller held off on recommending charges against Trump because he didn't think it was the purview of the Justice Department to prosecute a sitting President. Not that Trump is not guilty. I think Mueller did his job, investigated and gathered the evidence. I also think William Barr is doing his job. He's made public what he can and is now giving a full unredacted report to some congressional members so that they can do their job and decide whether to impeach Trump or not.

That being said I also think the president interfered in the investigation by appointing an Attorney General who's already biased against the position of the executive branch prosecuting the president.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think there is plenty of wrongdoing on the part of the Trump Campaign. Not necessarily of Trump himself. I think that Mueller held off on recommending charges against Trump because he didn't think it was the purview of the Justice Department to prosecute a sitting President. Not that Trump is not guilty. I think Mueller did his job, investigated and gathered the evidence. I also think William Barr is doing his job. He's made public what he can and is now giving a full unredacted report to some congressional members so that they can do their job and decide whether to impeach Trump or not.

That being said I also think the president interfered in the investigation by appointing an Attorney General who's already biased against the position of the executive branch prosecuting the president. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
do you think there was wrongdoing by Clinton's campaign?

also your claim is wrong. Not one member of Congress will see a fully unredacted version. stop lying and deceiving yourself.

TDS is a sad way to live, son.

What Barr Told Congress About the Mueller Report

"Lawmakers might end up seeing more of the special counsel’s report than the public, but they won’t get the whole thing."
adav8s28's Avatar
What say you get back with us when you discover that Trump's AG is running guns to Mexican cartels in violation of federal and International Law ... Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The concept of a "gun walking program" to catch the Mexican drug cartel started with your hero Bush43. It was called operation "Wide Receiver". You are okay with a Republican president having a gun walking program. You go nuts when a democratic president has one.

The ATF agents from the Arizona field office ran the second gun walking program (Fast and Furious) without telling Holder. Fact Jack. It was also their decision to not put tracking devices on the guns. The Arizona field agents came up with the name Fast and Furious from the Vin Diesel movie after they observed the gun buyers racing cars in their spare time.

More deception and lies by IBH.
adav8s28's Avatar
Yes Ill take some of that ocean front property Moscow Ellen. Your real estate skills and prowess are legendary. You went from 8 years of broke to an overnight financial bonanza. Originally Posted by themystic
The DJIA went from 7,000 points to 19,000 points under Obama. The unemployment rate went from 10% to 5% under Obama. Ellen did post that she lost her property management job after the Wall Steet meltdown in 2008 and was flat broke during the Obama years.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The concept of a "gun walking program" to catch the Mexican drug cartel started with your hero Bush43. It was called operation "Wide Receiver". You are okay with a Republican president having a gun walking program. You go nuts when a democratic president has one.

The ATF agents from the Arizona field office ran the second gun walking program (Fast and Furious) without telling Holder. Fact Jack. It was also their decision to not put tracking devices on the guns. The Arizona field agents came up with the name Fast and Furious from the Vin Diesel movie after they observed the gun buyers racing cars in their spare time.

More deception and lies by IBH.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
In this instance, you'd be the one advancing more lies and deceptions.

Operation "Wide Receiver" started and ENDED under Bush43, because it failed to accomplish its goals. Furthermore, Operation Wide Receiver was conducted in cooperation with the government of Mexico.

Hence, "Fast and Furious" was lock, stock and barrel the product of the Odumbo administration -- not Bush43, as you so lyingly claim. Holder's office was in direct contact with the filed agents throughout the entire operation. You lie when you say Holder didn't know.

Furthermore, Odumbo's program was conducted without the knowledge of the government of Mexico -- in violation of international law.
Hotrod511's Avatar
The DJIA went from 7,000 points to 19,000 points under Obama. The unemployment rate went from 10% to 5% under Obama. Ellen did post that she lost her property management job after the Wall Steet meltdown in 2008 and was flat broke during the Obama years. Originally Posted by adav8s28
More BS numbers the only reason the unemployment went from 10% to 5% was the 4% you say Odumbo gained were the ones that drop out of work force
txdot-guy's Avatar
do you think there was wrongdoing by Clinton's campaign?

also your claim is wrong. Not one member of Congress will see a fully unredacted version. stop lying and deceiving yourself.

TDS is a sad way to live, son.

What Barr Told Congress About the Mueller Report
"Lawmakers might end up seeing more of the special counsel’s report than the public, but they won’t get the whole thing." Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

You are correct. That is my mistake. I heard that Barr was releasing the report to certain members of congress but not to the public. I assumed it was an unredacted report not a less redacted report.

However I disagree with the claim that I was lying. The difference is that I am willing to admit when I was wrong. Mea Culpa.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Talk about mental illness, NO Means NO , No collusion , No Russians, No little green men and NO Billary didn't win. The dim wits need to move on
adav8s28's Avatar

Hence, "Fast and Furious" was lock, stock and barrel the product of the Odumbo administration -- not Bush43, as you so lyingly claim. Holder's office was in direct contact with the filed agents throughout the entire operation. You lie when you say Holder didn't know.

Furthermore, Odumbo's program was conducted without the knowledge of the government of Mexico -- in violation of international law.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I wrote that the concept of a gun walking program to catch the mexican drug cartel started with Bush43. I did not say or imply that Operation Fast and Furious occurred while Bush43 was in office. Is English a second language for you?

The ATF agents in the Arizona field office started "Fast and Furious" in Oct 2009 and did not communicate with Holder when the guns started to walk. They the did not communicate the bad tactics that they were using either.

The IG of the Department of Justice put out a report that found Holder did not know about "Fast and Furious until 2011.

On September 19, 2012,[118] the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz publicly released a 471-page report[1] detailing the results of the Justice Department's own internal investigations. The Inspector General's report, which had access to evidence and interviews with witnesses not permitted in previous Congressional reports, recommended 14 federal officials for disciplinary action, ranging from ATF agents to federal prosecutors involved in the Fast and Furious operation.[118] It found "no evidence" that Attorney General Holder knew about Fast and Furious before early 2011.[119]

You lie IBH. Liar,liar pants on fire.