Lowest unemployment rate since Sept 2008

If this is true, then it is a good thing because that means more people who want to work have found employment.

But, since this administration lies about so much, the only people who will really know the truth are those Americans who are still looking for a job, but are lost in the shuffling of numbers that are, more times than not, altered to make the Administration appear credible.

In my opinion, these monthly numbers, good or bad, are useless, because people in controle on both sides of the political spectrum can manipulate them them so easily.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
whine, cry, piss and moan.

there is no gravity. The earth sucks.
No news is good news! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Shit Eater, do you think it's a good ideal to turn our US military into a foreign worker jobs program?
RedLeg505's Avatar

Been a while since we heard anything about this. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
And its only taken Obama 5+ years. Let us know when he gets it down to the Bush 4.5% rate and then we can do a Nancy Pelosi and chant.. "Mr. President.. WHERE ARE ALL THE JOBS". Funny how 6.3 sounds so good to you folks and yet Pelosi thought 4.5% was horrible.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Shit Eater, do you think it's a good ideal to turn our US military into a foreign worker jobs program? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What the fuck are you talking about Slobbrin?

You never cease to make nonsense.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-03-2014, 09:31 PM
And its only taken Obama 5+ years. Let us know when he gets it down to the Bush 4.5% rate Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Let's see what condition the house is in when he leaves. And then we'll compare that to the condition the house was in when Bush left it.

I'm guessing you won't wanna do that.
What the fuck are you talking about Slobbrin?

You never cease to make nonsense. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Quit eating them turds and concentrate... Shit Eater

Latest Trick for Illegal Immigrants: Granting Amnesty in Return for Military Service
Amy PayneApril 21, 2014 at 6:30 am(165)

Here’s a disturbing new idea from some members of Congress: Trade instant citizenship to illegal immigrants if they’ll agree to serve in the U.S. military.
Serving in the military is a high calling and a privilege—certainly not something to be treated as a bargaining chip in immigration politics. Yet these congressmen are trying to sneak this provision into the larger National Defense Authorization Act, which lays out the budget for the Department of Defense.

What’s more, the immigrants in question would be those who are brought to the U.S. as children—often called DREAMers (after the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act).

“Allowing unlawful immigrants to join the military in exchange for citizenship is a radical and perverse incentive that would encourage more illegal immigration of children,” write Heritage experts David Inserra and Cully Stimson.
One of the problems with any amnesty-based immigration policy is that it encourages more illegal immigration. Offering a shortcut to citizenship in return for military service is no different.

And not only would this plan worsen immigration problems; it would also create new security concerns. Inserra and Stimson warn:
They would be required to take an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States” even though they are still technically citizens of other countries. And although there have been non-citizens who have served honorably in the U.S. armed forces in the past, the nation is engaged in a unique type of war today against a non-state actor that cannot be easily identified. Additionally, since very little may be known about these individuals, the risk of recruiting dangerous individuals increases. This risk is amplified by the fact that the promise of backdoor instant citizenship may draw individuals who do not actually believe in the mission of the U.S. military.
The Obama administration already has a problem with enforcing existing immigration laws, and the president has promised a “year of action”—executive action, that is, without Congress. Immigration is one area where more “action” is expected.

With more administration “fixes” in the pipeline, Congress shouldn’t be doing damage of its own to America’s immigration policies. It should be focused on reforms Americans agree on—like securing the borders, making the system work better for legal immigrants, and providing effective temporary worker programs.

Most importantly, however, Congress should be using every tool at its disposal to pressure the Obama administration to enforce the law faithfully.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Military service in exchange for amnesty is nothing new. How many people were given the choice between jail and the military during Viet Nam?

In fact, this fucking article isn't even new, Slobbrin.

Dipshit. I not only read English, but understand it.
Military service in exchange for amnesty is nothing new. How many people were given the choice between jail and the military during Viet Nam?

In fact, this fucking article isn't even new, Slobbrin.

Dipshit. I not only read English, but understand it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I'm sure you were allowed to serve our military for amnesty. If you went to prison you would be allowed to suck dick for amnesty too... Penis Rider
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Let's see. Unemployment going down. That means more jobs were created, right? Then how can the UE rate go down when the economy lost over 800,000 jobs? How do you explain lowest labor participation rate in years? This is from the Telegrap but has also been reported on CBS:

The US economy has delivered two minor shocks in a week, prompting concerns that bond tapering by the Federal Reserve may be doing more damage than expected.
Non-Farm Payrolls data released on Friday shows that the workforce shed 806,000 jobs in April, a stunning drop that cannot plausibly be blamed on the weather. Wage growth and hours worked were both flat and the manufacturing hours per week fell.
This follows news earlier in the week that the economy to a halt in the first quarter. Growth plummeted to 0.1pc and is now well below the Fed’s “stall speed” indicator. Analysts blamed this on the freezing polar vortex over the winter.
Yet the jobs data confirm a disturbingly weak picture. The headline unemployment rate fell to 6.3pc but that was only because the labour “participation rate” plummeted back to a modern-era low of 62.8%, last seen in 1978 when there were far fewer women in the workforce. The rate for males is the lowest ever recorded at 69.1%.
The jobs market is highly volatile – and is often revised later – but the data are a warning that the US recovery may be losing momentum. Lakshman Achuthan, from the Economic Cycle Research Institute, said the trend was already weakening long before the cold weather. “We see a failure to launch. We’re decelerating, not accelerating, and that is a big concern,” he said.


But who cares? Obama is in charge, so all is right and rosy with the world. At least until you dig deeper into the numbers.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm sure you were allowed to serve our military for amnesty. If you went to prison you would be allowed to suck dick for amnesty too... Penis Rider Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Duh huh! Duh huh! Duh huh!

In spite of your "ignorantly stupid and erroneous statement." LMAO, Slobbrin! You are really an inspiration to us all.

Not me, but I met lots who opted for Nam rather than jail. I'm sure other of my riggers in arms did too. Of course, you probably were busy (forbidden topic) back then, or you hadn't been allowed out of your mother's closet yet and given a chance to run away.

When and where did you serve, Dad of the Year?

Who/what the hell is Shadowstats?

And for the record, Stats-O-Matic has the UE rate at 2.3 and 1.9 percent that last two months. For what it's worth. Originally Posted by Doove
The decimals are in the wrong place move them to the right, just saying.

Let's see what condition the house is in when he leaves. And then we'll compare that to the condition the house was in when Bush left it. Originally Posted by Doove
What difference, at that point, will it make? Obama promised the UE wouldn't go above 8%. Some say there is a record number of people of working age without a job.

You would like Texans Kareem Jackson despite being a first round draft pick, and after 4 years of being burned, he's turning into a fine subpar cornerback! Maybe even mediocre.
LexusLover's Avatar
Let's see.

But who cares? Obama is in charge, so all is right and rosy with the world. At least until you dig deeper into the numbers. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
From the "powers in charge" ...

1. lower employment is good for family life with more people at home.
2. the ACA will increase job growth and improve the economy
3. under the ACA you will keep your doctor if you want your doctor
4. under the ACA you can keep your current insurance coverage if you like it
5. the attack that killed my good friend and Ambassador was due to a video
6. the world respects the United States much better now than ever
7. the economy is booming
8. all the bad stuff happening is because of Bush
9. all the other bad stuff happening is because of the Republicans
10. I killed Bin Laden .. .me ... all alone .. with no help from anyone.
all the bad stuff happening is because of Bush Originally Posted by LexusLover
It could be because 8 years ago you were regularly making a similar claim that "all the bad stuff happening is because of" Clinton?

Sounds to me like it might be an open and shut case of OPEN MOUTH, INSERT FOOT!

BTW, how do your very own words and/or thoughts taste, 8 years later?

I killed Bin Laden Originally Posted by LexusLover
While on the subject of OBL, who was it who said "Bin Laden" was "Wanted, Dead or Alive?"

Did the POTUS who made that bold proclamation ever ACCOMPLISH the MISSION?

Or was it yet another in a long line of Shrubya's failed foreign policy initiatives?

And you have the nerve to call yourself a Democrat!